Tawnos you always have to ruin things. cool

WOOO i have a bonfire big_smile trade you bonfire for a bonfire?


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Might just be me but that link doesn't work, foil out which deck of yours. Mono black or U/B?


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I actually got the playmat haha, so suck on that morningstar.


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

if he doesn't want it i still need 1 or 2 tongue


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

All joking aside, my friend is looking to break down his zombie deck and start a new standard deck and he has 4 DSS he wants to trade for 3 Geists, and i told him to bring them to me and i'll do the trade for him. Set up a trade and i'll accept when i get the cards from him, should be tonight.

Also i have a few full art zendikar islands, but i don't want a foil delver, got anything else? lol


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


I know him irl, Im just fucking with him lol.

Tell him to make a deckbox.

Your not getting the rotating out stuff your friend is.

Got snapcasters for days ;D

I still need 2 Vexing Devils (Non-foil), i don't see anything i have that's on your wishlist but if you see anything you'd like to trade for set up a trade.

Interesting, message me in chat we can negotiate ^_^

b u m p

hate having to look through and spend time on making a trade on the "needs and you need list" at people that don't even probably use deckbox or get online anymore.

you should be able to sort by last online instead of distance, considering 99% of this site is mailtrades and distance unless cross country doesn't matter.

Well that's hurtful tongue

i don't fully understand that sentence lol.

thanks yeah i don't really have anything i'm looking for but i'm always down to trade anything on my list and can find something of use. Not sure what kind of deck im making with the new set but i'm thinkin black red so on the lookout for vexing devils and some zombie items.

Looking for specifically

2x Vexing Devil
1x Bonfire of the Damned
1x Liliana of the Veil
2x Pillar of Flame
3x Stromkirk Noble
4x Traitorous Blood
2x Bonesplinters
3x Demonlord of Ashmouth
4x Olivia o.O maybeh

Trying to make a B/R deck for fun tongue

I need other stuff but mainly these. Have alot, also specifically temporal mastery and 2 swords of war and peace that i'm not using.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Anyone need a Temporal Mastery ;D

i have a promo and a foil japanese.

Yeah everything in my trades list is stuff i don't intend to use. And as long as it's format-format and not penny cards for expensive cards i'll trade anything on my list.
I know what you mean the cards i don't want to trade i don't even have listed up on deckbox at all. If i actually need something off someone's list and they tell me they are having difficulty finding things i usually list off some things i have in my personal binder but other than that i don't make a mention or list any cards i'd like to keep.

No it was just the way he phrased it. He was acting as if he wanted standard+ prices for his cards but ebay for mine. Even if we trade with ebay prices it would just be a cheaper trade but with the same cards.

And i can understand not wanting to trade certain cards (the 2 game promos he had) unless it was for something he wanted but he implied he wanted to trade his promos for more than a snapcaster which was more expensive than both promo's combined, implying that his personal values for the cards were higher than the actual values.

People like that disgust me, i didn't explain anything to him, i didn't reply after the last comment. I don't even want to converse with people that act like this. I meet some people like this at fnm occationally, it makes me not want to trade with them at all.

Altered Name and Card Names so not to point anyone out.

This is the chat panel. You can chat about your trade here by just typing your message in the box and pressing enter.

Markklol    Hey, the foils according the scg are about 11 dollars. and the promo  ____ i want is 6.    17 Apr

Markklol    let me know if you are okay with using scg prices or how you want to price them.    17 Apr

Markklol    i don't want the token i updated my forum with a pic of the ones i want. thanks though.    17 Apr

Markklol    i would be glad to add something small to equalize the trade but before that i would like to know what set the ____ and ____ are that you listed promo, are they the game promos? :] if so i would like them too if you can find more on my list.    17 Apr

Markklol    let me know thanks :]    17 Apr

Trader 2:    Too rich for my blood, especially looking at ebay buyit now or bids which are drastically lower. The ____ and ____ are both game promos as well. They are my last ones, so it would take a lot to get rid of them all and I don't see anything in your binder except for a snapcaster. Thanks!    17 Apr

Markklol    Well i use the actual prices for cards, not what you can find it for on ebay or what you personally value your cards at. thanks though.    17 Apr

Trader2    How is the buy it now price no they go for? they are only worth what people will pay for them and you can see what people are paying for them on ebay. SCG is not the end all be all, every single magic player knows they are the highside, way high side. look at their snapcasters - $24.99? Yet I can grab them all day long for $19-20 for on ebay. Best of luck with your lot of foils. I think deckbox should make it easier for those looking for them to actually find them.


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Haves My tradelist needs added too.

Archenemy cards from the Artifact archenemy deck.

Few Specific cards im not using
Sword of War and Peace
Sword of Body and Mind
Sphinx of the Steel Wind
Time Warp x2
Foil Hellrider
Grand Abolisher x3
Gravecrawler x2
Geralf's Messenger x3
Hellrider x2
Vexing Devil
Reforge the Soul
Diregraf Ghoul Extended Art
Gravecrawler Promo
Avacyn, Angel of Hope
Runechanter's Pike x2
Olivia Voldaren x3
Grafdigger's Cage x2
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben x2
Dragonskull Summit x4
Seachrome Coast x3
Hero of Bladehold x1
Mooreland Haunt x4
Promo Gather the townsfolk x2
Foil Lingering Souls
Foil Day of Judgement
Foil Faithless looting
Foil Oblivion Ring x2
Foil Intangible Virtue
Foil Ray of Revelation
Foil Gather the townsfolk
French Grand Abolisher (Grand abolisseur)

Looking for
Open to all offers big_smile
2x Dungeon Geists
4x Hinterland Harbor
4x Cavern of Souls
2x Angel of Jubilation
3x Huntmaster of the Fells
Open to all trades, send me a request with what you want.

Also if anyone has ;
The Japanese Anime Looking Jace + Chandra
Duel Deck Jace + Chandra only.
Game Promo Grave Titan and Inferno Titan
Star City Games Tokens http://static.starcitygames.com/www/ima … ns/FAQ.jpg

Yep Sure would, purpose a trade with what you want we can discuss it there cool