GOt everything I need now except the playset of Farseeks and a Gideon!

You know the drill.



(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Still looking for a bunch of stuff!

schild wrote:
james_gingerich wrote:

Cool.  Out of curiosity, what's up with black borders?  Why I ask is because lately I've seen players attempting to use black border cards (dragons specifically) at modern events even though they aren't legal in modern.

I'm sorry, what?

Modern essentially begins when cards stopped using the White border and went to black borders.   He's saying people are trying to pass older cards for Modern cards by using ones with black borders.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

rfioren wrote:

I have both halves of the BFM if you need that.

Already got both, but thanks.  I'm currently trading with two people for hopefully a bunch of unhinged, and maybe I can finish my set with scurvy.  Thanks for everyone's help so far.  big_smile


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Well, now that I have completed my Unglued set, it's time to get those Unhinged cards!  I'm not going to all all of them to my wishlist (and I already have a few), but if you have a few Unhinged sitting around, shoot me an offer!  I am also willing to pay cold, hard cash for these cards.

Trade away!


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Currently waiting for a Land Tax, Tower of the Magistrate, Shield Sphere, and 4 Dark Rituals in the mail.  They are all up for trade once I get them!


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Still looking for a bunch of stuff!   Foil Drowned catacombs and Angelic Destiny just added to my inventory!

Hey everyone,

I'm looking to upgrade my current Soul Sisters deck, so check out my wishlist and tradelist!


I no longer need any of these.  tongue


Hey everyone.  I'm in dire need of 11 cards for next week's game day.

I am in need of:

2x Craterhoof Behemoth
1x Champion of Lambholt
3x Increasing Savagery
2x Soul of the Harvest
3x Copperhorn Scout



(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You can usually get them for free at just about any LGS.  They don't have anything valuable in them.


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just found literally a bunch more old rares in my basement.  Inventory and tradelist updated!


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

HeroOfBladehold wrote:

I was interested in buying or trading for the following-
4x Dragonskull Summit
Drogskol Reaver
Dungeon Geists
3x Drowned Catacomb
2x Sulfur Falls.
Hopefully we can work out a deal.

Yea, let me run a quick errand and I'll propose a trade when I get back.  tongue

EDIT:  Trade cancelled, so these are all still available!


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Mistbeaver wrote:

I'd like

Nemesis of Reason x1
Mind Funeral x3
Archive Trap x2
Hedron Crab x4
Traumatize x1

PM me a price, also I just realized the bookmark I have for the mill deck i want to make was yours smile

xD   i will throw together a trade with all the cards when I get home from work in about an hour or so and let you know a price!


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

marumari wrote:

How much would you want for Iona, Baneslayer, Avenger of Zendikar, Broodmate Dragon, Explore, Expedition Map, Into the Roil, Ninja of the Deep Hours, and Thirst for Knowledge?

Trade sent


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Alright, I have actually decided to allow Paypal transactions for my cards.


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey everyone.  For some reason I decided today that I want to switch over to mostly MTGO.  I don't have as much time as I used to to play casually and with friends, so I'd like to start making the switch.  In turn, I'd love to start cleaning my tradelist.

EDIT:  I'd like to make one note, if you're wanting to get things from my Inventory, don't always expect me to accept them.  I am keeping some of my cards for casual play.  Examples: Sword of Body and Mind, Beast Within, anything I'm currently trading for, etc.

Hey guys and gals.  I'm looking to clean out my wishlist once again!  I don't expect to grab either Wurmcoil Engine, the Grove of the Burnwillows', or Emrakul with my crappy low priced cards, but I'm looking for everything on that list!


Farodsbro wrote:

These trolls just want you to put stuff you're trading into your tradelist, as that way it would be extra clear to the rest of us that you are willing to trade all your cards. Not the worst idea, but some extra effort required wink

And you know, for the fact we don't have to waste our time going through his inventory and we can just see if we need cards from their profile page.

Maybe because Deckbox is a great way to organize your cards?

You need to update your tradelist then.  ._.

Hey everyone.  I'm putting together a Mono G deck and am looking to clean out my wishlist.


Well, someone beat ya to it by a few minutes, so sorry.  tongue  All I need now is Ashnod's Coupon!