
got the blood moon, bump




1 Knowledge Exploitation

foil would be awesome, but it doesn't have to be
also interested in format staples (edh, modern, legacy, standard) and Misty Rainforest.

I don't mind looking at lists.



weekend bump!

some more bump action


TheWaddleDeeKing wrote:

Originally, I was on the side that this Elspeth was just too good. Not necessarily an aggressive/midrange finisher, but something more along the lines of a control finisher.

Then my friend pointed out that Aetherling and Consuming Aberration are better top ends for control.

So, no. Honestly, $10 doesn't sound that far fetched. It might take half a year to get there, but theirs no way she's gonna sit at that comfy $30 for long.

consuming aberration

>consuming aberration

>consuming aberration

also Aetherling doesn't play the same role as elspeth. she makes tokens that block all day and she wraths almost everything big and scary, multiple times. elspeth is more comparable to assemble the legion.


Other trade fell through, still looking for everything in the OP.

Themaddhatter2304 wrote:

I have CA wanderer, bloodbraid, brutalizer exarch, chain reaction and regrowth, howere my regrowth is NM alpha...let me know if your interested and start up a trade. However I haven't updated my trade list in a while so I'm not sure how much I that stuff is actually on the list.

Not interested in the Alpha regrowth but I do want everything else. I'll send you a trade.

These cards are all listed in my wishlist for easier viewing:

Here's my tradelist sorted by price.

I'm pretty flexible as far as working out deals. If I have something you want, I can probably find some stuff you have that I want, since I spend most of my time playing EDH and drafting.

I need 1x Sphinx's Revelation

4x Supreme Verdict

1x Sensei's Divining Top

I also want japanese/chinese/korean cards, foils, textless, textless foils, and japanese/korean/chinese foils for EDH (green, blue, and artifact only as those are the colors i play)

blackdog_9 wrote:

I'm positive that you went a bought 12 copies of the game for each platform so you could get your hands on 12 Scavenging Oozes, Slivers and Ogres, right?

You're a selfish jerkoff and your greed is a detriment to this game and this community.

Don't trade with this guy.


scamming promos is a drain on the entire community from stores to players


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Valuing it at $8. That's the SCG price and there are ~10-20 Near Mint on TCGPlayer for less than that much.

Look at my tradelist



hello, fellow traders!

I'm looking to trade for

Foil and/or foreign EDH cards

FTV or Commander's Arsenal cards

random things I see on your tradelist

Eternal staples (Fetches, Deathrites, etc.)

1x Flooded Grove in Japanese, chinese, or korean

2x Sensei's Divining Top

2x DCI Hellspark Elemental

2x GP foil Goblin Guide (can offer nonfoil zendikar guides as part of trade, if you want)
Here's my tradelist, sorted by price

If you need any standard commons/uncommons, I probably have some sitting around and I can trade them to you even if they aren't in my tradelist.

If you need something I have, but don't see your stuff on my list of wants, feel free to ask anyway and I'll probably be able to work something out.

I generally prefer to ship at around the same time.

I don't think I can stress this enough, I LOVE foreign cards (japanese, korean, chinese)





Pretty much what the title says. If it's in my wishlist, I need it.

