(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

the_wizard_666 wrote:
LootPinata wrote:
srrogers1985 wrote:

Well I bought a box of Gatecrash and got a lot of good things that I was looking for and some good trade stock. I think I came out ahead a little and ended up with about $150 in value.

What on earth did you open that you got more than the box's value?

If you tally it up, almost every box I've ever opened has put me ahead monetarily, at least while said box was standard-legal.  Generally you'll pull a couple of chase rares, and if you're really lucky a chase foil.  And even though you're not going to pull a mass of $50 cards, if you tally up all the $5 cards you pull out (not to mention the average of 2-3 $20+ cards I get in a box), the rares alone are typically enough to pull me even, and that's not even considering things like foils or $1-2 commons/uncommons that are used in almost every deck uses in Standard.  Hell, buying a box typically gets me at least 3 of every common in the set, which makes filling in the holes cheaper overall.  The problem is that when a set filters out of Standard, around 95% of the cards in a set depreciate almost overnight.  Also, opening a box of boosters is just plain fun!

True, although I've found that the new Booster Battle Packs tend to be a better choice for the price. $9.99 for 2 packs and two 22 card prepacked minidecks (tend to have several of the more used cards or just good ones with the cards always in them), while packs are either the $3.99 for a normal pack or $1.99 for a mini pack (that really isn't worth it being 5 cards and no guaranteed rare/mythic rare)

HikingStick wrote:

No promo sort at this time.  There have been many comments requesting promos as sets of their own.

Actually, there would be both the promo sets as their own. Ones like the comet symbol ones and other promotional releases, then you also have the ones that are part of their set with symbol and all.

For the first, you can look at the Walmart/Target Angel of Glory's Rise, for the other, you can easily look at the Dreg Mangler that came with the christmas boxed set


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Another thing that would be nice is a format filter so that it's possible to glance through the collection of what I have with what can be used in the format. Especially ones like standard

One thing I'd consider as well is ditching evolving wilds for the guildgate.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Possibly also an option to select the set when viewing.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

One thing I've come across lately is that with the Magic cards, there isn't a set option for the "setless" promo reprints. I'm mainly meaning the promo ones marked with the shooting star such as those Walmart & Target have available with packages of older boosters.

Another thing would be to make some of the packaged decks available for direct import into the owned list. The Duel Decks, Intro Decks, and other ones are kind of a pain to go through and add each of them to the list