26 2015-05-21 19:56:33
Re: Looking to buy some cards at discount (5 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
27 2015-05-21 17:21:51
Re: H: Vendilion Clique (MOR) W: MM2015 Clique+ (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
That may be true. It'll be interesting to see what the higher print run of MM2 does to prices. If that happens, I'll just update this post looking to trade my MM2015 art for a MOR art. The artwork doesn't much matter to me, just want them to be the same.
28 2015-05-21 14:31:48
Topic: H: Vendilion Clique (MOR) W: MM2015 Clique+ (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have a Vendilion Clique from Morningtide and I'd like to trade it for MM2015 version with some value. I have the Clique listed as SP because I got it in a trade. Should be NM, but I'll double-check it if you want.
Hit me up if you open a Clique this weekend and you're looking for the original art.
29 2015-04-30 14:05:03
Re: Looking to buy some cards at discount (5 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
Updated OP.
30 2015-04-27 21:13:50
Re: N/a (14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
You're right that it isn't fair to treat you like you've already done something wrong, but when dealing with online trading and selling, you have to take a prophylactic stance. Everyone is treated as a potential scammer until your reputation proves otherwise.
This site is awesome and I hope you find it that way too.
31 2015-04-27 19:45:24
Re: N/a (14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
This is a perfectly acceptable conversation to have publicly. If you're legit, you learned something (albeit in a harsh way). It also gives other potential new sellers guidelines about what behavior may be seen as a potential scam.
If you're not legit, you won't come back. We've also sent a message to potential scammers that this community is not a target.
I was snarky, which was probably unecessary, but online trading communities are based on trust. Behavior that feels like it's taking advantage of that trust is not going to be treated kindly.
32 2015-04-27 17:36:06
Re: N/a (14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
I don't think his post damaged your integrity. Would you give $100+ to someone who signed up for the site 2 weeks ago, has no wishlist, is offering expensive format staples for below market prices, and is looking to use paypal gift to get around the site's protection and fees?
I doubt it.
33 2015-04-23 21:54:36
Topic: Looking to buy some cards at discount (5 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
I'm looking to buy up to two playsets of the following cards and the prices I'm looking to pay (per card):
Rattleclaw Mystic $1
Surrak Dragonclaw $0.75
Wingmate Roc $2
Arashin Foremost $0.50
Bloodsoaked Champion $0.75
Crackling Doom $0.50
Mardu Strike Leader $0.25
Dragonlord Kolaghan $3
Hordeling Outburst $0.75
Siege Rhino $3
Gurmag Angler $0.50
Monastery Mentor $10
See the Unwritten $2
Narset, Transcendent $8
Sarkhan Unbound $4
Silumgar's Command $0.50
Ojutai Exemplars $1
Abbot of Keral Keep $2
Harbinger of the Tides $2
Adarkar Wastes (any edition) $1
Glacial Fortress (any edition) $1
Drowned Catacomb (any edition) $1
Shiv an Reef (any edition) $1
Yavimaya Coast (any edition) $1
Battlefield Forge (any edition) $1
I understand that I'm offering below market value.
Shoot me an e-mail if you're interested.
34 2015-04-14 21:25:46
Re: H: complete The Dark sets NM (6 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
Also, this site is awesome and the trading community is really good.
35 2015-04-14 21:23:45
Re: H: complete The Dark sets NM (6 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
Just being snarky to make sure you're legit. Glad you didn't take it too harshly
As someone that played from 1994-1996 and got back into it in 2013, I think this video perfectly sums up the dos and don'ts of getting back into the game:
I lost ~$200 buy-listing and then wasted another ~$300 in crap sealed product and brewing dumb stuff.
Welcome back. Good luck!
36 2015-04-14 19:20:13
Re: H: complete The Dark sets NM (6 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
Zero feedback, zero cards in inventory, and no wishlist.
Seems legit.
37 2015-04-05 12:19:07
Re: w:b/w tokens h: snapcaster, sylvan library etc (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I thought that I heard on the Open coverage yesterday that the Porland event has been moved to Seattle. You may want to check that out.
38 2015-03-25 14:57:43
Re: Double Sleeving: When, and which cards? (12 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I double-sleeve all decks that I play except EDH. I've invested too much into this hobby not to spend a couple extra bucks to fully protect my investment. You go though the pain and expense once, but never have to do it again and it makes for very convenient deckbuilding without having to swap sleeves, as long as you pick one brand and one color for everything (yes, I get that teal Dragonshields don't fit the theme or whatever of your black/artifact/Vampires deck, but it's much better on your cards and your wallet at the inconvenience of being a bit less nerdy).
I have a friend that double-sleeves every card he owns not in his trade binder. I think that's unnecessarily time-consuming and expensive, but he never has to sleeve or desleeve cards when swapping cards between decks and he never has to buy more than 4 of any card that way.
39 2015-03-24 14:33:30
Re: H: various FTV: Annihilation cards (mint) and prerelase Warden (2 replies, posted in Foil Traders)
Traded some away, but still have Child of Alara, Fracturing Gust, Armageddon, and others!
40 2015-03-16 19:42:33
Topic: H: various FTV: Annihilation cards (mint) (0 replies, posted in Commander Trading)
Hi, I only pulled out a couple cards from my FTV Annihilation. The rest of it is still pack fresh and I'm looking to trade some of it away. Still have Wrath of God, Terminus and Child of Alara available.
Take a look and let's see if we can make a deal!
41 2015-03-16 19:39:17
Topic: H: various FTV: Annihilation cards (mint) and prerelase Warden (2 replies, posted in Foil Traders)
Hi, I only pulled out a couple cards from my FTV Annihilation. The rest of it is still pack fresh and I'm looking to trade some of it away. I also have an unplayed prerelease promo Warden of the First Tree for trade and some random FNM promos.
Take a look and let's see if we can make a deal!
42 2015-03-02 19:01:57
Topic: Looking to make some trades (1 replies, posted in Metro Detroit Trades)
Looking for a few things to finish my Modern and Standard decks.
3x Crux of Fate
1x Silumgur
1x Bloodstained Mire
1x Batterskull (non-GP promo)
1x Thundermaw Hellkite
1x Engineered Explosives
43 2015-03-02 14:29:43
Topic: Looking for Modern and Standard (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
3x Crux of Fate
1x Silumgur
1x Bloodstained Mire
1x Batterskull (non-GP promo)
1x Thundermaw Hellkite
1x Engineered Explosives
Take a look at my list and let's trade!
44 2015-01-18 16:56:59
Topic: Have sealed FTV: Annihilation for trade (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Hi there, just won this at FTR Prerelease and I'm looking to trade it. I'm looking for ~$50 in cards (includes shipping).
They're sold out at SCG for $60, TCG Player has none, Coolstuffinc.com has one for $50 and ABU Games has them for $88 so I figure $50 is fair.
Take a look at my wishlist and make me an offer!
45 2015-01-15 22:00:17
Re: Ban List Discussions (6 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I don't think they'll ban Cruise, but Ancestral Vision feels a lot like Bitterblossom in that it started off banned and probably didn't need to be and was in a dominant Standard deck that isn't all that powerful in Modern.
46 2015-01-15 19:34:37
Topic: Looking to move Whip/Green Devotion/Constellation cards (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I have these Sidisi Whip / BG cards I'm looking to trade away. Let me know if you see anything in my wishlist you'd be willing to part with:
2x Foil Doomwake Giant (these are from the intro pack so the foil process is a little different. I'm fine trading them at regular value)
2x Eidolon of Blossoms
1x Courser of Kruphix
1x Genesis Hydra
2x Sidisi
1x Whip of Erebos
47 2014-12-18 13:48:32
Topic: H: Heaths and Foothills N: Deltas (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I have 2 Windswept Heaths and a Wooded Foothills for trade, all KTK. I'm looking for 2x Polluted Deltas.
48 2014-12-01 00:59:57
Re: v3.12: Sorting by count in sets, Optional Min Price column (45 replies, posted in Announcements)
here's another vote for lands being on the bottom
49 2014-11-25 13:31:48
Re: Price issues (389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I just completed a trade for a prerelease promo Dig Through Time and we both valued it at $25. There's no price for that printing since no one's bought one, but $25 is consistent with Cool Stuff Inc, Star City Games and ebay.
50 2014-11-24 14:01:24
Topic: Have KTK Fetches W: Arid Mesa (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have a Polluted Delta, a Wooded Foothills and 2x Windswept Heath and I'm looking for Arid Mesas among other things.
Hit me up if you're interested in trading.