Dakmor Salvage is what makes Raven's Crime really, really good. I would recommend running at least a couple of those.
Hero's Downfall is fine, but Victim of Night may be a better budget option. If you're really concerned about planeswalkers consider one or two Pithing Needle in the sideboard. Path to Exile and Fatal Push would definitely be the best removal, although they are more expensive.
Condemn and Extirpate should be sideboard cards in my opinion, as there will be enough matchups where they are dead cards.
Day of Judgment is fine, but I'm not sure you'll need it. Decks that have enough creatures where spot removal won't be enough should be handled well enough by Ghostly Prison. If you do cut the Day of Judgments then you can drop some Plains for Swamps, even more so if you run Wrench Mind and/or Smallpox.
Other main deck considerations:
- Wrench Mind - best double discard in modern
- Smallpox
- Ghost Quarter
- Maybe Lingering Souls
- Maybe try out the discard trigger stuff: Liliana's Caress Waste Not
- Maybe drop 1 Bojuka Bog.
Sideboard thoughts:
- Relic is good.
- Stony Silence is good.
- Fragmentize is good.
- Rain of Tears seems meh. Smallpox is usually just as good and can be run main deck.
- Infinite Obliteration is...not a worthwhile modern card. The decks where that would be relevant will be handled by removal and discard already. It's really only good against combo, and Extirpate already takes care of that well enough.
- Consider Rest in Peace.
- Previously mentioned Pithing Needle.
- There are plenty of other options. In the end what you run in your sideboard will really depend on your local meta.