(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I was hoping that since both were under my control I could declare how they go on the stack, so that's great news.

Also, I was thinking about sideboarding utter end and mass calcify, since it would keep the chief of the scale./edge on the board and hopefully remove and threats to continue the dash.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So I am trying to make a decent standard deck on a budget. I have all of these cards except 1 hordechief and the two dragonscale generals. I am batting around the idea of taking out 1 of the harsh sustenance and 1 rush of battle to add in 2 murderous cuts, but not sure if it will be worth it for the delve. Also I am wondering when the trigger happens on DS general for the dash mechanic. If I have dashed a creature, he comes back at the end up turn, does he come back to my hand prior to general's bolster or will the dash cards count as tapped creatures and then they come back?



(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hey everyone,

So currently this is what I have built. I know there are a few cards that need to go out of this (I have a few blue hate just because my buddy I play with has a lot of blue). But am currently looking at how to buff this deck idea out and really make it playable in events. The sideboard cards I do not have yet, but I know should go into the deck, so just need to get them. Any advice on how to really give this deck legs?


So I am going to start running this b/w (splash green) warrior/soldier deck. I have it worked out I feel but not sure the exact way I need to tweak it. I don't know if I leave myself to open to removal and then sitting there with no board presence. Thoughts?



(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Personally for my taste, it's a little to over the place. I get what you are going for, but I would add in more ramp if you are going to use those big creatures (you have a really high mana curve) if you are going to use chasm skulker add more draw into the deck and maybe remove some of the big fatty creates, or make it a little more consistent add in 1 or 2 more kiora and remove the xenagos and ancient silver backs, and put in arbor colossus as well.


(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So I am making a g/w edh token deck. Starting my getting tokens out and then trying to search for devout incantation to put 4/4 flying angels on the board (but hoping to have doubling season, parallel lives and whatnot on the board at that point).

Any ideas as to fill out the deck or things I should add? https://deckbox.org/sets/785696

I'm thinking about making a similar deck without the life gain. I was looking at running Sigarda, Host of herons or Emmara Tandris as my commander. Both are pretty ridiculous, but Emmara is a must have in a token deck as it prevents all damage dealt to tokens.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I was hoping I could keep the land low and have the mystics and caryatids to ramp up, and the nyx to tap for devo. I was thinking about mana swift as well since caryatid can tap for any color. I have to see how it plays out once I get it rolling but I will def kept manaswift and the addition of more land in mind.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So I am working on this g/b deck, running mana ramp to big creatures but slivers from 15 in the middle to deter attacking. Looking for some input on how to better adjust this deck, I have not played it yet, missing maybe 5 or 6 cards for main board (2 caryatids, nylea, and two of each sliver)
