(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I've got a playset of MM2015 Tarmogoyfs that I'm looking to sell.

I have them listed here for $140, but let's talk.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Eric Klug (the alterer/artist) is asking $210 for one on Twitter. I have not heard an actual sale price.



Subject says it all.

I've got four lightly played Scalding Tarns, and I'm looking to trade for Verdant Catacombs and Marsh Flats. LP is fine (and, in fact, preferred.)

I still need 3 Catacombs and 1 Marsh Flat. Let's make a deal!

Thanks for looking!


Just a quick FYI. You have Duel Decks: Anthology - Elves vs. Goblins listed in the database as Elves vs. Dragons.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Trade sent.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

FlutterGuy wrote:

All basic lands are showing having more value because FRF basics do have value due to only being included in the Ugin's fate pack

They're also in the fat packs and, I believe, the intro packs.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Skygrinder wrote:

I wish basic lands didn't have a price at all to be honest.

In decks, certainly. Things like full-art lands demand an inventory value, but just listing "plains" in your deck list shouldn't change your deck value.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Is there a reason why the price for basic Plains is now sitting at $3?

sebi wrote:

Indeed, we have a bunch of improvements in mind for the edition checklist page already (filtering & sorting options at the very least).

Regarding the numeric input, do you usually input a large number of cards at once? For me, when there are between 0 and 4 cards of a type i found it pretty fast to just click the "+" button quickly a couple of times for the card.

That way I can add them with a single hand on the mouse, and the other hand free to go through the actual cards. Text input would require you to click something, and then to also use the keyboard to put the number in.

Does that make sense?

Yes, makes sense. And, I've found the "+" button to be slow for reasons I mentioned in a different thread. It disappears after you click it, and you have to move the mouse to reactivate it. Also, you have to pause for a beat for the data to update.

My ideal situation on the checklist page would be to do this:

  • Place focus on quantity field of the first card in a set

  • type in the amount I have for that set

  • hit enter. focus goes to quantity for trade for that card.

  • type the amount I have for trade, hit enter, focus goes to quantity for the second card, etc.

This is significantly faster than using a mouse for any quantities over one per card, and also only takes one hand while entering data.  (The page could also use a "-" button in case I do off-site trades/sales.)

Adding this functionality to what's already there allows the checklist page to be usable in both primary data entry needs: I've got a pack or two of cards to enter ("+" button), or I've got a box of cards to enter (numeric input).

Right now, the latter is way, way, too slow on that page.

psrex wrote:

You can easily do that using the edition checklist feature of the premium account.  Sign up for a trial and check it out.

I've found, however, that unless you've just got single copies of a few cards, it's significantly faster to filter the card database according to your need, then just enter the data on that screen.

The inability to enter data numerically on the checklist screen slows it WAY down.

jassi007 wrote:
PhillipW wrote:

I agree that an indicator telling us a user is currently involved in an ongoing trade dispute would be good.

That or suspend new trades (both sending and receiving) while there is a dispute open.

This might be open to abuse. I'm a fan of an indicator, but automatically suspending trades while a dispute is open might be a bit much.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Would it be possible to make a change to the Edition Checklist screen to allow direct numerical entry into the green fields?

If not, my second choice would be to have the + that appears on mouseover stay active after clicking.

Right now, you click the +, and it disappears. You have to move the mouse again to re-activate it. Also, response is slow when entering data. Slow enough that it's currently faster to enter data from a filtered inventory list over the checklist. That shouldn't be the case. I'd almost prefer the +/- mouseover entry be removed in favor of direct entry. Numbers + tab key is VERY fast.


elroy72 wrote:
NoxFish wrote:

Having the Premium features grayed out, dangling in front of those who love Deckbox and the new features but can't afford Premium is a bit of a dick move.

Can you give me an example of this?
I didn't even know Premium was a thing until I saw the link at the bottom of the page.

Look at the header on any of your decks. You'll see something called "Deck Type." It's a drop down list set to "Idea." If you try to change it, you'll get pushed to premium, because there's only one non-premium setting. That's actually how I discovered there was now a Premium level. I came here from a trade-related email, then went straight to the deck I was trading to complete.

And, just jumping in on pricing, there is currently not a single site I'd pay $70/year for. None. In any subject. Bring Premium to the $20-30 range, and it's a snap-buy for me. Any higher, I have to think. Over $50 is almost completely out.  (I've paid $60/year before for specialty information, so I'm not saying never.)

(Edit: You'll see I have the Premium check mark on my profile: I cashed in the Seller deposit to try it out. I figure, at worst, I'll use the bulk inventory add feature, then let it slide unless the price drops.)

I have a feeling part of the backlash on this was that it (like nearly every other update on here) came out of the blue, with no discussion, no warning. There's been quite a few times new features have been added that people didn't want. (The recent default deck sorting change, the front page defaulting to "news," etc.) Lack of communication compounded with too-high pricing is going to lead to backlash. Particularly on the internet.

Kammikaze wrote:
sebi wrote:

Even deckbox users that seem to like it here still do shop on tcgplayer and other places, and not here. I am not sure why... I suppose it also takes time for it to gain some footing...

The answer to this question for me is simply the Mass Card Entry and Cart Optimizer options that TCG offers. I would love to devote 100% of my Magic budget to Deckbox, but buying a decent number of cards (10+) is simply much, much easier and faster on TCG.

If I build a deck on here, it's clear what cards are not in my current inventory. Let me click a "Finish this deck" button and buy the cards.

This is why I buy from TCG. I can put a list of cards in, click a few buttons, and get presents in the mail for days. The catch is on there, I have to build the deck here first, figure out what I need, THEN go buy it over there. I'm already here building decks, and there's already a marketplace. You just need to integrate the two.

Anybody got Flooded Strands they're looking to turn into Polluted Deltas? Out of what I've opened, I've been WAY imbalanced towards Polluted Deltas, and I'm looking to swap.

As the Deltas are worth a couple bucks more each, a little balancer would be nice as well. Something KTK would work - doesn't have to be on my wish list.

Thanks for looking!

Feel free to hit me up for trades on this spankin' new foil End Hostilities. (And no, it's not a promo: don't know if it's one of the prerelease promos or not.)

I had a couple nibbles two weeks ago when I was asking for 12, but nothing came from it.

Thought I'd drop the ask. I'll probably run it as a slow-motion Dutch Auction of sorts. Next week, I'll probably ask for 10.

At the very worst, I've got a sealed RTR box. That's not going to go down in value. And, there are reasons to crack that box beyond shocklands. Finally, the trade would never happen if I didn't ask.

So, right now, it's a box for 11. Next week, it might be a box for 10. If I still have it.

I've posted this on Reddit today, but I'm looking to trade a factory-sealed Return to Ravnica booster box for 11 of the following shocklands.

I'll pay postage for the box, naturally. Inside US only.

Thanks for any interest!

  • Breeding Pool (up to 3)

  • Hallowed Fountain (up to 2)

  • Overgrown Tomb (up to 4)

  • Stomping Ground (up to 3)

  • Sacred Foundry (up to 3)

  • Steam Vents (up to 3)

  • Watery Grave (up to 3)

  • Blood Crypt (up to 2)


(5 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Stamps.com allows for shipping envelopes via first-class mail, which (as best I can tell) PayPal shipping does not. Cost is $1.19 for a stiff CD Mailer with a small number of cards in toploaders vs. the $1.93 for a bubble mailer.

Drawback is you can't get a tracking number for that type of shipment.