From a WoE collectors pack:
Double-sided token
Food // Nightmare
T0010 // T0006
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by shrewder
From a WoE collectors pack:
Double-sided token
Food // Nightmare
T0010 // T0006
Awesome! Greatly appreciated.
or not... drama!
Is it possible to get the cards from the "Angels:They're Just Like Us but Cooler and With Wings" Secret Lair Commander Deck added?
The 41 cards coded to SLD have been added, but 1 of them: Arden Angel is showing as not legal for Commander.
The remaining 59 cards are reprints watermarked similar to The List or to the Secret Lair Commander Deck: "Heads I Win, Tails You Lose" and are not added yet.
There are also unique double sided tokens for this release.
Bumping this request. Would love to get these cards in my inventory, but they are not available in The List yet.
I just received and was about to add the Secret Lair: Angels deck.
The new artwork cards are missing (like the new Bruna and Gisela)
But all the other cards are printed with original set symbols, original frames, original collected numbers - basically just like the original except for the little planeswalker icon in the bottom left (like mystery booster reprints had)Not sure how this will be addressed, but here are the new cards at least: que=prints
+1 to this. Would love to get this deck loaded into my inventory.
I've only been able to add the new cards. The List cards are not available yet.
Could not find Gather Courage from The List
Can't find the printing on the usual sites, but I did see it in Draftsim's searchable index midway down the page and also on Fandom's list.
I've uploaded a pic here in case it's needed.
Is it possible to sell sealed product released after Kaladesh?
It appears those sets are not available in the interface (see attachment).
Despite having the first notification box checked:
I only receive notifications about changes to the trade configuration:
Is there anything else on my end I can do to resolve this?
Or is this the kind of thing to submit a ticket about?
Yep, I definitely used Excel.
Thanks for the tips!
Changed all of the 'Æ' to ae and that wrapped up the fixes. Everything is loaded now.
(I was also wrong about Vraska having too few commas)
At this point, I guess I'd prefer to ask for tips and tricks on making sure everything runs smoother next time.
I'm particularly interested in identifying issues like that apostrophe-that's-not-an-apostrophe a little easier.
it is more complicated than that, I should have something in about 5 minutes.
Edit: I have to go do other things, I'll finish up later.
Thanks for checking. I did find an issue with an apostrophe in Fool's Demise and few others. Once I corrected those, other items started popping up.
One card name was conjoined (Fathom SeerWillbender).
There was a missing comma from Vraska's line at the end of the file.
Faerie Imposter had a problem with its name, but for the life of me, I'm not sure what it was. I replaced it with the name generated by DeckBox and it worked.
At the moment, I'm down to the Jace vs. Vraska cards at the end of the file. Everything before that has loaded.
Upload #3 from above
Upload #2 from above
Is there a known issue with Fool's Demise? Or maybe with apostrophes? (I didn't have time to test the latter)
Attached below are three files:
1. Working upload of a single card where there is a line break between the header row and the card row
2. Non-working upload of Fool's Demise where there is a line break between the header row and the card row
3. Working upload of Fool's Demise where there is no line-break between the header row and the card row
I am trying to upload a CSV file and keep getting a "Error: The server encountered a problem trying to import your file. Please check that it is a plaintext csv file and try again." response. I have sent in a Support request, but if anyone wants to take a look and possibly help me out a bit sooner, I could offer you 639 appreciations and 284 gratitudes as payment.
I am experiencing this, as well.
Deckbox Forum » Posts by shrewder