Lots of good points, I'm going back and forth between the swarmlord and my hydra, the hydra is more aggressive but if the game is going long the Lord makes alot more sense, so i think you're right, I have my Putrefax's as t5 aggressive cards.
In regards to bringing back Putrefax, i've considered Postmortem Lunge since I've got a couple sitting around but I'm going to test the deck without it first just to see what's working and what isn't and if I'm needing another swing with one.
The issue I have with the Exoskeleton is just that it's only useful for one card in my deck, yes it's a +2 attack + toughness boost but if they kill the exoskeleton they just got a two for one at the price of one naturalize or the upcoming Smelt
Life gain is spot on, perhaps Druidic Satchel? Either lands for me, Tokens for my Champion, or lifegain, seems like a perfect fit for this one, otherwise Sheltering Word to protect my Champions, or Sylvok Lifestaff especially for my putrefax in that same thread I'm going to go with Beast Within rather than dismember especially since it's more flexible.
Lastly for the Contagion stuffs, they're just too expensive to cast, this deck is too aggressive for the clasp at least, the Engine might be worth including for late-game getting in those last few counters, but this deck is supposed to be very aggressive and pay with my life since I need to win before it matters.
I've made a couple adjustments, I put in some satchels, an engine, the swarmlord, and went down on a couple cards that I had
Forgot to ask about Nightshade peddler, it's very nice with lure of course and at least pretty much demands removal, thoughts?