(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'm sure you've realized by now that I like to cover myself from every angle which often takes away from the potency of the deck so if you like your build, keep it for sure, I just like to assume worst case scenario for almost everything, 3 levitations should be more than enough, I do love how cheap of a deck it is, especially if it works out well. I would suggest testing it against removal heavy decks so that you can tell if it could handle bad scenarios or not.

p.s. any updates on older decks? I'm curious about a couple of them


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I think you need more fliers, it's a sweet combo but you don't have any way to protect your levitation so I feel like you'll need something else to get your creatures in the air, but where I play everyone has something in their sideboard to deal with enchantments or artifacts they don't like. I think you could use some more Nightshade Peddlers in case of annoying creatures with reach or some such. Favorable winds is also a possibility. Another thing to consider is enchanting your opponent with Levitation (If thats possible?) then they can't block you no matter what keywords they have smile

P.S. Pauper is only commons so if you want to play pauper you'll need to reshape a few things


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Update on what I need:

x2 Kessig Cagebreakers
x2 Splinterfright
x4 Intangible Virtue
x4 Honor of the Pure
x4 Clone

Some token generators: Archdemon of Unx Beckon Apparition Bitterblossom (probably too expensive but it's a beast) Carrion Cemetery Reaper Creakwood Liege(I love this card) Din of the Fireherd? Forbidden RitualLiability (works if you're using all tokens for saccing or just want the game to go faster) Maalfeld Twins Quest for the Gravelord (always classy) Sengir Autocrat? Skirk Ridge Exhumer Skirsdag High Priest a lot of these cards suck but I just thought I'd list a bunch for fun plus if you might have 1-2 of them and it's usually better to use cards you have

Also I think you need tutors to find Liliana of the realms not to use with her ability, also why is there no Exsanguinate??? You NEED this card

If you want mana accel and sacrifices at the same time you want Ashnod's Altar or Phyrexian Altar or culling the weak, I don't like Barter in Blood since your mechanic requires exactly one creature so saccing 2 might not be a good option. This also seems like the exact wrong deck for treacherous pit-dweller since you're probably gonna have to sac it at some point, making your opponent a stronger creature than you had. Also I'd say you should have more tutoring in the deck, you're running mono-black, THE BEST color for tutoring and you really need Liliana for most of the biggest stuff to work, I personally hate Diabolic Tutor so on principal I would suggest Rune-Scarred Demon since I believe you're using your Demonic Tutor elsewhere, plus its a demon, which is fun also Mortician Beetle could be a good thing along with Grave Pact, maybe even Rakdos The defiler but only if you can put out a LOT of creatures so you don't have to sac lands

I'd sideboard something for anti artifact/enchantment, but nothing main-board as it isn't usually going to be an issue.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

There's also no reason not to do both, a very large creature can block tramplers that tokens couldn't easily block, they're both very good cards and could easily fit, the cradle isn't my personal playstyle but it's still a phenomenal card in a deck where alot of life is gained, if you put in the cradle I would consider Nearheath Pilgrim so you're biggest creature can be the one doubling every turn


(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So this is a deck idea I've been working on for a while and this is the best that I've come up with:

The Idea is a deck that can win (slightly) regularly while staying within a semi-affordable cost range, this is the best that I've come up with, there are several different combos that can win T1, it needs at least 5 specific cards per combo to win, I could list all of the combos but I think it's more fun to try to figure them out, here's the deck: http://deckbox.org/sets/193675 the big issue is that if I don't draw the right first hand + go first this deck will lose pretty much every time (the Chancellor of the Annex is to stop that from happening, block up their T1 placement)

Also It's called Blazing Shoal because that's the card that makes it work and is the card the combo is based on


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'd say that you should probably not use cards like Gideon's Avenger, it's rarely worth the slot, go for tokens, for example Darien comboed with one soul sister regains any and all life you lose. I would also consider moving to more of flying tokens, because you're lacking in flying defense until late game (A Goldenglow Moth only goes so far) I would say that you're better off focusing on cards like the Soul Sisters (Soul warden + Soul's Attendant) than attackers for the early game, Chalice of life that TyWooOneTime suggested is a phenomenal choice, I would however disagree about Cradle of Vitality, it doesn't come out until fairly late which isn't a big deal since you're going to delay the game alot with this kind of deck. The issue I see with it is just that it's a large mana commitment, I agree that in a vacuum or against non-aggressive decks it's an awesome choice but I'm not sure that I like it in this deck, it's worth trying tho. Also if you do go with tokens Cathars' Crusade is absolutely amazing, that with a geist-honored Monk could easily be a game win. I would focus on ETB triggers from creatures so the Soul Sisters, Suture Priest, and tokens, While I like Gideon's Lawkeeper I'm not sure that it's perfect for this deck, it's worth testing either way.

If you let me know which way you want to go with the deck (One or two huge creatures or alot of tokens or Felidar Sovereign) I might be able to give better advice, I don't want to try to bias you towards tokens just cause I love them, so let us know what you're thinking

Offer sent


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Still need

x1 Champion of the Parish

Now also need some cheap cards in GU

x2 Ambush Viper
X3 Boneyard Wurm
x3 Splinterfright
x2 Kessig Cagebreakers
x1 Mirror-Mad Phantasm

I'd like to include something of value in a trade for cheap cards so feel free to make offers including cards not listed above on my wishlist



(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just one

Update: I only need one more Champion and possibly Avacyn, and I don't have a breeding pool available any longer


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I need

x2 Champion of Lambholt
x3 Silverblade Paladin (if you have a playset you want to trade as a set that works for me as well)

I'd love an Avacyn, Angel of Hope also but this is secondary

Notable haves in standard
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
Garruk Relentless
Darkslick Shores
Razorverge Thicket
Inkmoth Nexus
Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon
x2 Mirran Crusader

I will trade Mirrodin block cards for less than the listed value as they're going to rotate soon

I won't accept an offer for Sorin or Garruk unless it is almost exclusively cards listed above

Notable not standard

Phyrexian Dreadnought


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

It is a valid argument, I would say that tokens should be used as after T5-7ish finisher when you have a big creature out and need that extra mana to flow to get the rest of your huge creatures. Also in my opinion keeping red is a good decision, if nothing else for the haste, Lightning Mauler could even work with tokens and something like Stonewright can be a finisher by it's self if you've got a couple counters on repositories and an unblocked creature. Ultimately testing will be the best way to tell, but this deck seems to run as aggro and as such I think it needs to spit stuff out quick, otherwise it would be better as a Green Ramp/Colorfixing deck, but that's just my two cents if you decide to run tokens Parallel Lives goes without saying I believe, Garruk Relentless is also a decent choice, especially since your tokens can then be used with his overrun ability.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Actually deathtouch doesn't require combat damage that's why giving Pingers (i.e. Cunning Sparkmage) deathtouch is so sick. "Any amount of damage this deals to a creature is enough to destroy it" therefore the Gama would in fact be a DOJ for my opponent every turn.

I do have a The Wretched, but that makes me think more of Scythe of the Wretched, broad wipe, then take everything I just killed, but at that point I feel like I should be making an entirely new deck based around that, which I might just do smile

I guess my fear with the Champion is just that I don't want someone to pop an instant that beefs up their blockers enough to kill my guy and then my stuff isn't unblockable the next turn, but if it has a Strata Scythe and a Grafted Exoskeleton, it could be GG from one swing of the champion even without any other creatures so I'll try to fit a skeleton in


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Offer sent


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I do like exoskeletons but I doubt i'd swing with my Champion regardless, since I don't want to risk it dying

I forgot about the damage, darn, well I still like the peddlers, perhaps Kusari-Gama? It would work extremely well even with a normal infect creature, especially with the (crappy) firebreathing effect


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Lots of good points, I'm going back and forth between the swarmlord and my hydra, the hydra is more aggressive but if the game is going long the Lord makes alot more sense, so i think you're right, I have my Putrefax's as t5 aggressive cards.

In regards to bringing back Putrefax, i've considered Postmortem Lunge since I've got a couple sitting around but I'm going to test the deck without it first just to see what's working and what isn't and if I'm needing another swing with one.

The issue I have with the Exoskeleton is just that it's only useful for one card in my deck, yes it's a +2 attack + toughness boost but if they kill the exoskeleton they just got a two for one at the price of one naturalize or the upcoming Smelt

Life gain is spot on, perhaps Druidic Satchel? Either lands for me, Tokens for my Champion, or lifegain, seems like a perfect fit for this one, otherwise Sheltering Word to protect my Champions, or Sylvok Lifestaff especially for my putrefax in that same thread I'm going to go with Beast Within rather than dismember especially since it's more flexible.

Lastly for the Contagion stuffs, they're just too expensive to cast, this deck is too aggressive for the clasp at least, the Engine might be worth including for late-game getting in those last few counters, but this deck is supposed to be very aggressive and pay with my life since I need to win before it matters.

I've made a couple adjustments, I put in some satchels, an engine, the swarmlord, and went down on a couple cards that I had

Forgot to ask about Nightshade peddler, it's very nice with lure of course and at least pretty much demands removal, thoughts?


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime makes perfectly valid points, but tokens are too slow. Look at the token cards avaliable, most of them will be setting you back 2-3 turns and without a parallel lives they're going to go even slower, if you go with tokens you absolutely need to cut primal surge because most of the really good token cards are not permanents. If you want to slow down your strategy then yes, tokens are great, but you're not going to find any tokens that are aggressive enough to work with this current build, if you want to switch to tokens you're going to need to completely shift the deck, focusing on card draw and Parallel Lives as much as the repository

TyWooOneTime: Trusted Forcemage? It's not a terrible card but not very good in constructed and I don't see how it fits the deck, maybe if it was more of a defensive boost but as it is I'm not liking that one.

Either way if you're using the Amulet and the Repository you better pack some sort of protection since Naturalize can kill either one with no trouble at all.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So I figured with infect around I should put together some sort of deck, but I decided to go Mono-Green, mostly because I haven't seen it done, I know it hasn't been done because green is not even close to the best infect color, but I have alot of green infect cards and I wanted to throw something together, I came up with this: http://deckbox.org/sets/193306 , I'm also not planning to put much money into it since it's destined to be bad but I figure for a 20ish dollar deck it's actually half decent

The idea is to make my opponent unable to block my creatures in one of three ways, Lure, Tangle Angler, or Champion of Lambholt + Strata Scythe or else go for the classic Overrun.

I had been wanting to do a Mono-Deck to use/abuse strata scythe since it seems like a cool concept and so green's land accel made sense, but I never ended up putting any land accel in...

Thoughts? I'm willing to trade/buy but nothing expensive and I will probably keep this deck since it seems fun so feel free to suggest non-standard cards as well smile

Edit: I also think it's funny that my mono-deck is technically 5 color, lol


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Blech, Cavern of Souls, plus what would you declare, Human? None of your big stuff are the same creature type so it's not really worthwhile unless you're really worried about your humans getting countered, but no one's going to counter anything accept maybe your huntmasters, if you're interested in Planeswalkers I'd consider Garruk, Primal Hunter, once you pull off a big creature you can either draw a bunch of cards or possibly accel into your win with his ultimate.

As far as the Tidal Surge, you're right, maybe you should drop the mana leaks for that reason alone... I'm not sure though, that's going to come down to testing.

Another card to consider is Quicksilver Amulet, not amazing but it can speed up dropping big creatures and can be activated at instant speed if I'm not mistaken, it's not great by any means but something to consider.

Also Llanowar elves is probably a better option than the young wolves because of the fact that it's very possible not to draw a BOP t1 and you kind of need accel in your first hand if you want to stand a chance.

Also Urabrask is the worst praetor and probably isn't worth the slot, in my opinion, at that point your opponent probably has better board position than you do so you've got to keep that in mind, he just takes too long to come out to be worth it

Again, playtesting is the key, I'm still working out (large) kinks in my standard decks and testing is way more informative than any advice, (probably more so my advice than that of other people)


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I would've suggested green suns myself, but you said you didn't want to drop alot on cards that are about to rotate so I figured dropping a little bit on cards that are about to rotate wouldn't be lovely.

I meant to hit the respond to message but accidently hit the report link on the E-mail from Artgonz138, I'm not sure what happens but I would like to undo it if at all possible, sorry and thanks


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Ok, we've got an update, using this build: http://deckbox.org/sets/186880 I got stomped, 1 win out of 7 games sad, kinda bruised my ego a bit, but I did have a win against the guy who won overall so that's a plus. Main problem was my deck is too slow, I need more early game cards, as such I think I'm going with this build: http://deckbox.org/sets/192948 any thoughts about quick cards that'd help (still in standard folks) I also need a 15 card sideboard not 17, Ideas?

Main changes: Took out snapcasters, they suck against aggressive decks
Added cathedral sanctifiers, they will give me extra time
Added suture priests, same idea as above
Swapped out negates for leaks sad I hate doing it but it seems like the best idea

For lands I didn't use the Moorland Haunts today but I like the idea of them, worthwhile or no? I never really got color screwed so I like them.

Just updated the list

I have that id probably be willing to trade x1 of

Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
Liliana of the Veil
Phyrexian Dreadnought


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

As of when I'm writing this you're at 56 cards so not legal, but as far as the repository, there's a reason that it's not seeing much play, it's not the most competitive card, but its an interesting one and I like the idea of the deck, I don't like that it needs to attack so aggressively early game, I feel like you could pretty easily just get blocked, though I suppose that's why you use undying creatures. That being said undying + Kessig Cage breakers seems counter productive.

My biggest fear for you is that you will give up your board position for a repository to get charged up, then have your opponent play an Oblivion Ring or a Revoke Existence on it. Perhaps run some sort of counterspells (Mana Leak) because if they try to kill it you can remove the counters in response and counter their spell, it puts you back a turn but doesn't leave you screwed over for the rest of the game, I have a very unsuccessful deck for standard, and the main reason it's bad is because it only has one way to get to the win condition, I like using the repository, however I'd like to see other ways to get up to the mana you need, Somberwald Sage perhaps?

Overall I'd like to hear how it preforms since I'm not an expert but it looks like it has a lot of potential, the biggest issue is that against an aggressive deck if you probably won't have anything to block so if they take out your first big creature then that could be GG right there.

So I would say cut the cagebreakers and consider a Mikaeus, the Unhallowed as another beefy guy since it gives everything but your champion of lambholt undying but as most already have it the usefulness is questionable. I'm not sure what else to say without hearing how it played out, good luck!