You are being extremely impatient and rude. Whether or not you misunderstood is irrelevant at this point. The trading process on here is about courtesy and trust, you were asked to send first because you're new and you are supposed to do so in good faith that he'd honor your trade regardless of when cards arrive. He isn't obligated to send his cards the moment after your cards arrived either, he has a life too. Your complaining on here is a waste of time when it was your mistaken misunderstanding and your impatience causing your problems.
526 2013-12-19 05:41:49
Re: How do I report a trader on here? (12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
527 2013-12-17 08:01:04
Re: Trade advice (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
It's the sender's responsibility to make sure the cards are well-protected and things like that do not happen. You're in no way obligated to send your cards, but I would contact the other person and let them know what happened. Ask them if they want their cards back, would be willing to compensate you if you send your cards anyway, whatever suits you best. But you aren't at fault for the card damage.
528 2013-12-11 18:39:21
Re: JAP Sword of Fire and Ice (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
what condition is it in?
529 2013-12-09 20:10:50
Re: H: MMA Goyf W: WW JtmS, Tarns, Mistys, Wishlist (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I'd love to get that but I can't value a MMA Goyf at 133.
Neither do I, so I'm willing to haggle a bit! Feel free to start a trade!
530 2013-12-09 19:23:01
Re: H: MMA Goyf W: WW JtmS, Tarns, Mistys, Wishlist (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
531 2013-12-09 02:45:31
Re: N: Boros Devotion Stuff H: D Demon, Hero's Downfall, Whip, other stuff (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
If you were willing to trade the Wurmcoil Engine and some stuff, I have a Nykthos, a temple, and a purphoros available!
532 2013-12-09 02:40:17
Re: have a pricing question (10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
BasedJeleren wrote:jakehash wrote:Sorry I dont wanna trade it untill I know what its worth
No problem! I would check TCGPlayer. Its at $13 Near Mint on there to give you an idea of what to value it at. ess-shrine
TCG Mid is 14.20
I figured since some people prefer Mid and others prefer Low, between the two made the most sense as a starting point to base his price.
533 2013-12-09 02:29:02
Re: have a pricing question (10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
BasedJeleren wrote:jakehash wrote:So I have a signed tolarian academy and I was wondering where I would find a place to price it or what you all would price it at ... also same question for an original ravnica godless shrine ... thanks in advance
Would you be interested in trading the Shrine if its NM?
Sorry I dont wanna trade it untill I know what its worth
No problem! I would check TCGPlayer. Its at $13 Near Mint on there to give you an idea of what to value it at.
534 2013-12-09 01:29:13
Re: H: MMA Goyf W: WW JtmS, Tarns, Mistys, Wishlist (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Im interested in your Master of the Pearl Trident if youd like to work something out for that
hahaha I'd be happy to!
535 2013-12-09 01:18:08
Topic: H: MMA Goyf W: WW JtmS, Tarns, Mistys, Wishlist (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Looking to trade for pretty much any of these! Let me know if we can work something out.
536 2013-12-08 19:05:28
Re: have a pricing question (10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
So I have a signed tolarian academy and I was wondering where I would find a place to price it or what you all would price it at ... also same question for an original ravnica godless shrine ... thanks in advance
Would you be interested in trading the Shrine if its NM?
537 2013-12-08 18:41:57
Re: H: Voice of Resurgence W: To see your tradelists (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Feel free to look at mine
538 2013-12-08 02:59:33
Re: W: Chord of Calling x3, (foil) Reveilark, Phyrexian Metamorph (7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have one and a metamorph! I'll start a trade.
539 2013-12-08 02:26:26
Re: W: Chord of Calling x3, (foil) Reveilark, Phyrexian Metamorph (7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
How many finks do you need?
540 2013-12-07 23:12:27
Re: Looking to trade a RAV Dark Confidant for a MM one (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Me too if the other two fall through!
541 2013-12-05 16:05:16
Re: W: Gruul EDH H: Tradelist (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I am pretty sure primeval titan is banned in commander
Yeah, I just noticed that this morning... Thanks for the heads up!
542 2013-12-04 22:05:57
Topic: W: Gruul EDH H: Tradelist (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey! I'm looking for a bunch of cards for an EDH deck I'm making so I'll trade for any and all things you have.
I won't trade out of my inventory unless you offer something big or a looooot of the things I need.
Apocalypse Hydra
Predator Ooze
Boartusk Liege
Ghor-Clan Rampager (Promo)
Ulasht, the Hate Seed
Yeva, Nature's Herald
Arashi, the Sky Asunder
Deus of Calamity
Stonebrow, Krosan Hero
Hydra Omnivore
Gruul Ragebeast
Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger
Bonfire of the Damned
Doubling Season
543 2013-11-21 20:44:09
Topic: H: Verdant Catacombs W: Kozilek (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Just looking for a simple one-for-one but if I have anything else you want, lemme know!
544 2013-11-20 22:15:54
Re: Thanks to everyone who helped me finish my Deck - See You This Weekend (24 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have the majority of the cards you need! Prop a trade with me and let me know which ones you still need.
545 2013-11-20 19:47:31
Re: H Standard cards, foils/promos. W: Purphoros, stormbreath, anger (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey guys, trying to pick up some expensive cards for my rdw. I need one purphoros, two stormbreath, one reckoner, a playset of burnings trees, and 4 anger of the gods. Obviously not all in one trade!
I have my trade list typed up, although I didn't include some bulk rares. Noteable cards are xenagos, fleecemane lion, foil ashen rider, some promos (firemane avenger game day, experiment one fnm promo, karametra's acolyte from holiday box). I don't have much feedback, so I don't mind sending first if asked.
Posted a trade!
546 2013-11-19 21:18:55
Re: Need 1x Fulminator Mage. Trading at full value +25% (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have a friend who might be interested. His account his DosOs but he's not home right now but you're welcome to start a trade with him, he'll see it in a bit.
547 2013-11-19 19:36:06
Topic: H: Standard cards W: Wishlist (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have a ton of standard cards that I'm looking to trade, I'm only really looking for anything on my wishlist. I also have commons and uncommons that aren't on my tradelist.
548 2013-11-18 21:46:41
Topic: H: Darksteel Sword of L&S W: MMA Sword of L&S (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Mine is in good condition, just a little rough around the edges. I can send pictures for clarification.
550 2013-11-17 19:13:32
Re: Buying Textless Cryptic Command and/or Wrath of God (6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)