(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

My thoughts:

Coiling Oracle needs blue so that's out. Sedge Scorpion is bad. Hornet Queen, while expensive, isn't a good finisher. Biorythm isn't that great for 8 mana. It's a big effect of course, but it won't win you the game and something that costs 8 mana should win you the game.

With all of the mana that the deck produces you should put in a few more higher-cost things:
- Terra Stomper
- Overrun
- Terastodon
- Gaea's Revenge
- Kamahl, Fist of Krosa
Edit - Biomantic Mastery

Harmonize would also be good as a 4-of in this deck as Mono Green really lacks card draw.

The deck also absolutely needs some form of protection.
  - Wrap in Vigor


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

elpablo wrote:

You can do it cheaper, but it's like buying smart car and lining it up against muscle cars to race... you'll complete the race, but do it much slower than everyone else.   

I honestly wouldn't recommend modern if this is the price limit he has.

I wasn't trying to bash your deck or anything. It's a very solid RDW list. I was just trying to get as cheap as possible.


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

elpablo wrote:


Still gets you about $150 with mono red burn and that's about as cheap as you can probably go and still plan to do anything at a local modern tournament.

I honestly think he'd be better off buying the event deck and tweaking it over time.

You wouldn't even need to go this high. Here is a burn deck I just threw together that would cost $55 from tcg and is decently playable. Alternatively you could splash white instead of black for Lightning Helix and stuff like Wear//Tear for enchantment hate. Or Green for Destructive Revelry. Obviously Goblin Guide is really good in this type of deck, but is cost prohibitive.


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thank you. Now we know what we can work with.


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Kammikaze wrote:

Budget. We need a budget.


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Budget. We need a budget.


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I guess we could ask the op what he means by "cheap." Are you looking for <$100 or <$500?


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

8-Rack is a really strong deck and Waste Not will definitely be going in my build as at least a 3-of. With a set of Liliana of the Veils, Thoughtseizes, and Ensnaring Bridges the deck is very competitive though it obviously starts to get expensive.


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The cheapest good modern deck I've seen is Mono Green Infect.

It can further be improved (in my opinion) by adding Blue, but to optimize the deck then you would need a much more expensive land base.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hmmm, that could be interesting.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

1) Press Ctrl-I from anywhere on Deckbox.
2) Type in Sol Ring.
3) Click the "My Collection" tab.
4) To the right of Inventory/Tradelist, click Edit.
5) For the card you want to change, click on the set symbol.
6) Select the appropriate set.
7) Repeat steps 5-6 for each card you want to edit.
8) Click Apply.

Edit: Steps 1 and 2 can be replaced with simply clicking on the card name in any list (tradelist, inventory, deck list etc.) Sol Ring


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

"Tradability" is vague. What exactly do you mean?


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

LSV is Luis Scott-Vargas who is a famous professional magic player and writer for Channel Fireball.

Here is a link to his page on CFB. Lower on the page you can find his reviews about M15.

I use TCG mid still. With Autocard Anywhere it's still pretty easy to look up values. Obviously it would be more convenient to use the DB values, but they're just not good enough for me yet. Like HikingStick said, more purchases will lead to better values.

No worries, it happens.

I personally like the second list better, but not the Azusas. If I were building this deck I would drop the Azusas for Lotus Cobras. I think. I built a test Bloom Titan deck a couple months ago, but I can't remember how I built it. Hive Mind seems like really good defense.

majormogley wrote:

though I am unsure of how it would run without amulet considering it has no was of getting it if there is not one already

The two best ways to dig an amulet out are Ancient Stirrings and Serum Visions. The second deck you linked has 4 of both so you should have a decent amount of dig to pull an amulet out if you don't start with one. With 1 Ancient Stirrings in your starting hand there just needs to be an amulet in the top 13 cards of the deck. Seems pretty good to me.

These are all my personal opinion so take them as you will.

1) All American is played EVERYWHERE. Same colors, slightly different cards, same boring games.
2) Bloom Titan is extremely dependent on having an Amulet of Vigor. Without it the deck slows to a crawl. That being said, I also love combo decks and played Scapeshift for a couple years and loved it. The possibility of a T2 Primetime looks super fun.
3) Haven't played with or against Bant so I can't really comment on it.

I personally have the most fun when I play decks that nobody is expecting to see. My deck of choice right now is 8-rack.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I can see my own stuff just fine, but I can't view your guys' decks.

This has been mentioned a few times, but like you I can't seem to find the posts. I'm sure it's on Sebi's to-do list though.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Just want to inform you that selling on DB through the forums is no longer allowed. Sales have to go through the DB Seller system.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

As someone who plays primarily modern and edh, this set is a huge win for me. Urborg and Chord of Calling reprints are absolutely huge. The Soul cycle are going to see a lot of edh play since they provide so much card advantage. New Nissa is a bomb, New Garruk will be decent in edh and meh everywhere else, new Jace is kind of meh, and new Ajani and Chain Veil make super friends edh that much better. Sliver edh got a bunch of new friends. The red legendary dude that's a Rings of Brighthearth with legs will definitely see play in edh.

I don't see the set bringing much to modern or legacy. Perhaps the red dude that sacs for 2 will see play in modern. Ensoul Artifact will definitely see play.

The biggest card for me is Sliver Hivelord. The biggest threat to Sliver edh (or any aggro edh for that matter) is board wipes so indestructibility is very welcome.


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

A booster draft is done with 3 booster packs per person, so with 8 people you will need 24 boosters. What has worked best for my group of friends is for one person to buy a booster box (36 booster packs, usually less than $100 either on ebay or massdrop.com) and then they will just keep all of the cards. In contrast, if all 8 players buy 3 booster packs each (8x3x$4 + tax = about $100) and then people will likely feel the need to get their money back by drafting the more expensive cards even if they don't fit in the deck they are drafting which makes the draft significantly less fun in my opinion. Also, if a booster box is purchased then the buyer gets the extra 12 packs pretty much for free.

Although it sounds like you and your friends might be wanting to add the drafted cards to your respective collections. In this case your group can buy a booster box and split the cost. This way you get those "extra" 12 booster packs for practically nothing and you just have to figure out how you want to distribute them since 12 doesn't divide by 8 evenly.

If you have any other questions about drafting or if anything I said doesn't really make any sense feel free to ask! My group of friends and I love to draft so I have quite a bit of experience with it.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Site Feedback and Discussion forum

Found a very thorough guide for EDH lands thought it looks like it hasn't been updated for a while.

This list is good for utility lands specifically.