laura wrote:

De Magic Workstation s-au luat abia după ce au făcut tot felu de campionate și foloseau imaginile reale ale cărților, deci eu zic că nu are încă sens să ne punem problema unor amenințări din partea lor

Au inceput sa dea jos si simulatoare de draft... dar daca lovesc in site-uri gen deckbox nu fac decat sa-si faca o defavoare lor si comunitatii.


(55 replies, posted in GameFlux)

pffft, mancat o litera tongue


(55 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Yup, propaganda pe gustul meu.. das kamp against the evil oppressors begins tongue


(95 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Same here, si eu si Laura venim sigur.


(55 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Iti imprumut eu 2 tempered si 2 galvanizeri.


(12 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Bleah. Cred ca ai platit portiile cu cas degeaba, ca s-o incurcat alea de la casa. Si fac pariu ca nu-i premiera. Fac pariu ca o trecut portia mea si-a lui laura de cartofi fara cas ca si cartofi cu cas, ca am vazut-o adaugand doua portii normale de cartofi cand am fost sa platesc. Ca mai uitam noi nu-i ok deloc, da nu-i ok nici ce fac astia din bulgakov. Referitor la chestia cu platitul la casa, is foarte de acord, la fel o sa fac si eu.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yup, and those are only the most recent ones...


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

It would be cool if there was an option to filter for decks that have placed in the top x at competitions, and maybe even the option to search for decks based on card text (for example to search for infect decks)... also, just a heads up, but the "Containing cards" deck filter option doesn't work right on Firefox 4 beta6.


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You could try a discard heavy build... with all the control and ramp going around, it kind of seems like a good budget option. Could work with some removal and beaters... there's even instant speed discard in standard, with Mimic Vat/Liliana's Specter...


(283 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Pro Tour/Grand Prix promos... nu o sa le vedem noi prea repede...

Kudos to Laura, its a really great feature and you can already see an increase in comments on decks... apparently some of the notifications added were very much needed smile.

Also, I would like to make on small observation: now, when moving a deck from one folder to another, its marked as modified. This is sometimes a bit annoying, as when I moved all my previous standard decks to another folder for archiving, notifications started appearing. If not too much trouble, can the folder moving not cause a notification? smile


(445 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Well Wizards,  ne pregateste o surpriza mare si faina pentru pre-release-ul de Mirrodin Besieged: … arcana/557


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

When typing a card name in the card search textbox, if you have spaces preceding the character name, even if you click on the card name in the card drowpdown it says that a card with that name doesn't exist.


(18 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Well then. I see no problem with allowing both set codes and the full name, anything to make typing the card information less wordy for every day use, I say...


(18 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

If you would do a textarea with a convention, I for one would like it somehow like one of these:
a) hardcode the order of the parameters according to relevance and leave empty the fields that don't concern you:
Lightning Bolt|3|Magic 2010|foil|promo|mint|english
Mimic Vat|4
Unsummon|4|Magic 2010||promo
b) same as above, but grouped by edition
Magic 2010
Lightning Bolt|3|foil
Scars of mirrodin
Mimic Vat|4

But to be honest, I think a more simple and elegant solution is a data grid and the option to choose the columns that concern you.

Whatever the method, the biggest problem is that such a feature would really benefit from an autocomplete dropdown, seeing as whatever method you choose, there will be a lot of typing involved. Really looking forward to this though, in any form.


(16 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Cam asta zic io o sa fie si problema... putini infecteri cu evasion sau moduri de a pune poison countere direct pe player (lord-ul, ichor rats, plague stinger, putrefax, skithiryx), si si mai putine creaturi cu un power/toughness relevant pentru costul lor de mana. Om vedea...


(16 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Nu cred ca are comunitatea jucatori asa vechi incat sa fi prins poison inainte de scars...


(5 replies, posted in Taverna)

M-ar interesa pe mine scalding daca-i in conditie buna...


(18 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This would indeed be useful, I subscribe.


(95 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Venim si noi (eu + Laura).


(42 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Mda, infect doare si cred ca la draft o sa doara si mai tare, argent sphinx activat nu mai pleaca nicaieri, si argentum armor, de apuci sa declari o creatura echipata ca attacker, ai castigat. Intr-adevar saracacios removal...


(42 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Da, dar aparent nu conteaza, am jace, deci ii auto-win. mda.


(16 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Venser nu-i asa mister, ca el saracul ii personaj vechi... venser, riftwalker, se poate teleporta oriunde, etc. Are si pagina web tongue :


(16 replies, posted in GameFlux)

D-apoi sa mai scrii si-un roman pe langa... adevaru-i ca-s tare dezamagit de cine le scrie povestile mai nou...


(16 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Cam slabut comic oricum... plictisitor si fara noima.