deci cu 2 myr galvanizer si 1 myr care iti da 2 manna faci infinit mana (incolor deocamdata)... corect? oare cat de greu ar fi sa-ti iasa
677 2010-09-13 07:57:25
Topic: [Feature Request] Search (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Can you change the simple search that if I type in something, lets say "trap" it will do a name search?, like every card that's name contains "trap", instead of just displaying some random (to me) card with "trap" in name?
I don't know if it possible with the hint part enabled, but I think it would be a nice feature to have, so we don't have to advance search all the time for cards for which we know only part of their name
678 2010-09-10 09:24:50
Re: [Discutii] Scars of Mirrodin (257 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Te cred,si nu numa nu numa deckului gen si fechu ala pe care il opreste deja inseamna mult.....cine joaca un deck de landfall,cam belit
cine joaca un deck de landfall e "belit" oricum
679 2010-09-09 15:31:06
Re: Cutia Milei is Back (30 replies, posted in GameFlux)
incat eu nu o sa mai vin, te rog sa dai cartile la Csabi.. ms
680 2010-09-09 15:20:04
Re: [Discutii] Scars of Mirrodin (257 replies, posted in GameFlux)
vati gandit ca daca primiti un DOJ in cap ati pierdut tot daca esti prea greedy?...dar TOT?
"hm....ok I'll take you're maximum 8 damage ... and you loose this game... deal!"
681 2010-09-09 14:17:51
Re: Cutia Milei is Back (30 replies, posted in GameFlux)
cine se ocupa de cutia milei? vine la fnm?
am niste trade requesturi si cu ala vechi de ceva timp, dar acum si cu asta nou... ceva ceva?
682 2010-09-09 06:39:39
Re: (18 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Ma refeream daca ar fi sa inserezi un reply in mijlocul arborelui. Niste box-uri mai discrete ar fi chiar ok...
mi se pare ok asa, incat poti sa vezi usor ce replay la ce a fost dat (dar asta poate din cauza ca eu stiu cum sa ma uit la un tree view) si cred ca ar fi o idee rea sa pui quote tot timpul incat mareste inutil commenturile
s-ar putea face si cu @numePersoana la inceputul commentului, cum face youtube, dar mi se pare ca tree-ul e mult mai elegant, atat doar ca daca tree-ul e prea mare un "collapse" ar fi destul ca sa poti sa scapi de commentul inutile pt tine
iar pt viitor un button de "show/hide comments" care by default e hide (ori commenturi puse pe pagine de cate x, dar asta e mai greu daca ramane arborescent structura) incat daca o sa fie 654645 milioane de commenturi dar tu vrei sa vezi doar deckul sa nu tre sa astepti pana cand se incarca tot...true?... true... na bine atunci
683 2010-09-09 06:24:13
Re: [Discutii] Scars of Mirrodin (257 replies, posted in GameFlux)
pw asta + valakut si ai cam murit
684 2010-09-09 06:20:01
Re: Forum (36 replies, posted in Administrativ)
imi place.. pana la urma tot inafara de subforum era, doar ca nimeni un a vazut-o
685 2010-09-08 12:16:59
Re: Forum (36 replies, posted in Administrativ)
sa fiu si eu rau.. aveti "mark forum as read" jos
@sergiu nu comparam, am dat ca si referinta ca sa fie mai usor de inteles la ce mam gandit, dar vad acum ca este link de new posts si active topics exact ce ziceam si eu (doar ca e asa de invizibil incat sigur nu ajuta pe un incepator)
686 2010-09-08 12:13:22
Re: [Discutii] Rewards, FNM, special cards (283 replies, posted in Noutăți)
doom blade-ul nu are nici doom nici blade
cred ca artworkul era initial pt caretea "broken dragon pinada"
687 2010-09-08 11:18:30
Re: Forum (36 replies, posted in Administrativ)
Spoook wrote:recent topics (sau hot topics sau both)
Asta nu merge pentru tine? Nu îți marchează care sunt unread topics? Should work.
pai imi marcheaza si oricum eu citesc prea mult forumul
eu zic sa fie un side bar sau ceva (vezi forumul de la wizard pt exemplu) unde sa fie sa zicem "last x topics" "most viewd x topics" etc... daca ma intelegi ca un fel de invitatie la ce merita citit pt cei care nu citesc forumul nostru non stop (+ recent topics vezi in ordine cronologica inves, astea marchate sunt marchate toate necitite, oricum este o diferenta intra necitite si recent )
688 2010-09-08 09:36:57
Re: Forum (36 replies, posted in Administrativ)
recent topics (sau hot topics sau both)
un pic de culoare (ceva background sau ceva)
689 2010-09-08 07:21:40
Re: [Discutii] Scars of Mirrodin (257 replies, posted in GameFlux)
deja albastru a inceput sa fie o nebunie de cand a iesit Jace, dar cu scars o sa fie insane
690 2010-09-08 07:20:39
Re: Forum (36 replies, posted in Administrativ)
eu inteleg cat de greu e sa schimbi ceva, dar personal nu mar deranja sa pun user/parola in 2 lucuri, incat si acum de foarte multe ori ma scoate deckbox-ul (nu forum) si tre sa ma relogez (normal, cu password remember/auto complete nu este mare lucru)
deci daca asta este pretul ca sa avem un forum SI MAI BUN atunci eu votez pentru
691 2010-08-17 08:00:26
Re: [Articole] Battle-reports (4 replies, posted in GameFlux)
sambata 15 august... ce an? )
692 2010-08-16 06:04:09
Re: [Feature Request] Add Card (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
You have the possibility to order the entries in the inventory to "last added", so you can see what was the last card that you did add.
693 2010-08-12 12:11:34
Re: [Feature Request] Subscribe - Comment (6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Tanks, and looking forward to the new features. Keep up the good work
694 2010-08-12 12:01:54
Re: GameFlux pe Facebook (17 replies, posted in GameFlux)
noul articol Twoo Cents e super. Nu doar interesant de citit, dar cred ca te invata multe (cel putin eu am invatat mult din ea). Recomand pt toata lumea.
Precizare pt cei care cred ca nu pot sa acceseze informatia din cauza ca nu au cont de facebook.... nici nu trebuie, articole de pe site sunt publice sau pot fi accesate printr-un simplu click
695 2010-08-12 05:38:51
Topic: [Feature Request] Subscribe - Comment (6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
1- It is very nice that you can see what happened to decks of other people (your friends) but only the last 4 "news" are shown. This means that id we have lots of friends, they do lots of modification, we won't see it. (i might have said this before)
2 - Maybe you can do some "subscribe" think to decks. I might want to follow up on certain decks (not only my friends decks) and the decks I commented on. I did not find any ways to go back to decks that I post a comment on (to see if anyone responded), beside bookmarking it, and thats not cool. So maybe you can add a subscribe button or a "bookmark list" where you can add decks in which you are interested in.
696 2010-08-11 06:47:41
Re: [Diverse] Simulator Draft (17 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Vlad wrote:Aici mai aveţi unul, dar e doar de M11 tsimulatorCel mai bun simulator de departe. Cu o singura atentionare: continutul boosterelor se schimba doar de la saptamana la saptamana.
Si cealalta problema ca tot timpul e de core set
697 2010-08-10 06:38:52
Re: [Diverse] Simulator Draft (17 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Am incercat si eu mai mutle si intradevar asta este "za best" dintre cele free,
am vrut doar sa zic la lume sa aiba grija, sa nu creada ca e chiar asa de usor sa te duci tot timpul pe UW
698 2010-08-09 15:28:55
Re: [Diverse] Simulator Draft (17 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Cred ca e broken un pick, ma lasa sa draftez UW flyers tot timpul
699 2010-08-09 07:10:31
Re: [Diverse] Simulator Draft (17 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Ms de site, nu-l stiam
700 2010-08-03 08:46:27
Re: Deck comments (8 replies, posted in Announcements)
The link is broken, it contains two http//
the correct link is