Have my tradelist. Lets make a deal smile



(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in selensya and azorious. will pay cash if you change your mind about that. If not I have a trade list.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Why not sell and buy the cards you need with the money you get? Cause I'd buy one

I also need the boxes for izzet, azorious, and selensya in decent condition if anybody kept those.

I was able to collect the rest but unfortunatly missed out of these. Anybody have them that they done really want????

I would buy at 25

I would LOVE the azorious one!!!!!! You can look at my trade list to see If there is something you would trade for it!

Trade sent

If that falls through I'm interest in them both for a bonfire smile)) or whatever. We can barter


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I would love these. ill start a trade. I also have Jarad from the duel decks (2 of them)

I might have some to sell after this weekend. Ill let you know.

Dead tread. Tamiyos gone.

Then could you do 18 cash for it? I could PayPal tonight and you could shipp tommorrow? Looking for a cool playmat for the prerelease. smile

I wouldn't mind the ultrapro if you can find something on my trade list smile

http://imgur.com/a/Xnwgg ---Tamiyos. I value them at 21 (5 over trade value).

Mainly looking for Sliver queen and Sliver Legion, as well as things on my tradelist but will consider all offers smile

I have 2 bonfires and a playset of sulfur falls

Interested in your elders. Anything from my list?

Entreat and mastery are gone. Still have everything else

Ill give you 25 for them.

entreat and temporal my be in a trade right now, ill let you know if that changes

H: Things on my trade list.

Im looking for anything on my wishlist and more once RtR hits. I have a promo Lingering Souls and Dismember as well as 3 altered Tamiyos and an altered Entreat, altered Temporal Mastery and 2 altered terminus's (termini?). I value each at 5 above trade value on this site (so tcgplayer).

http://imgur.com/a/VFjLq ----entreat, mastery, termini

http://imgur.com/a/Xnwgg ---Tamiyos

Mainly looking for Queen and Legion because my best friend just got dumped yesterday by his GF of 3 years. I bought him the premium Slivers deck for his birthday and I want to give him these so he can complete his slivers. Just something to put a smile on his face. smile

Thanks in Advance everyone!

http://imgur.com/a/Xnwgg    ---Tamiyo

not alot of edh stuff, but I have an altered tamiyo and some other cards. Ive very interested in your playset of angels smile


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have an altered entreat and temporal mastery if you are interested.

I've got some altered tamiyos(3) if you are interested.