I have a few random Dark Ascension japanese uncommons/commons and by a few I mean two-packs worth, which had 1 basic plains and 1 basic mountain. I also have 2 Korean Moorland Haunts.

Notables for trade:
1x Primeval Titan
2x Surgical Extraction
2x Moorland Haunt(In Korean)
1x Black Sun's Zenith
1x Time Warp(Tempest)

All my wants are in my wishlist!

Link to profile: http://deckbox.org/users/tails616

EDIT: Please look at my ongoing trades so you don't accidentally ask me to trade for/offer cards I'm getting/sending soon.

Is that allowed on this website? I have two friends that play casual exclusively, and have a few money cards that they want to trade off, since they aren't worth the price to them.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

UnstableFlux wrote:
tails616 wrote:

Just cracked open a Blood Crypt, so that's up for trade too.

Interested, take a look at my list. I've got a few things you're looking for

Just offered it to someone, sorry sad
If we don't reach an agreement I'll send a trade your way.

EDIT: We got something worked out for his Overgrown Tomb, sorry Unstable!


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Also just disassembled my Legacy Elf deck, so I have a bunch of stuff from that to get rid of too.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just cracked open a Blood Crypt, so that's up for trade too.

Wanting to make this deck, but would rather get the non-land stuff first, then the land base.

My profile: http://deckbox.org/users/tails616

imsully2 wrote:

If anyone has unusual/older tokens I'm interested

I have quite  a few, will stick up a list soon.

I have a couple here and here, some Innistrad, Avacyn, Mirrodin Besieged and RtR I think.

Have any green fetches still available? And are you interested in the buy-a-box promo of the Cathedral?


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Oh that's pretty cool. Kinda reminds me of that story about a guy starting with a paper clip and getting a car or something really expensive off of eBay. I understand how it's worth it in local trades, but with online trading, wouldn't it be less effective due to shipping costs?


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Do you mind explaining Pack to Power to me? I've heard of it, but never gotten a full understanding tongue

I have all but the lands, City of ass and Toy Boats I believe. What do you value them at?

BaronVonVaderham wrote:
asmodeanreborn wrote:

Another thing - if you propose a trade, don't immediately disappear for a week without replying to any questions I might have.  lol

I get this constantly, and a lot of the time it's a trade submitted to me while I'm online and I respond within a few minutes. You're still online, where did you go?!

So many of my trades... I just get some random "HEY I WANT THIS" And I respond with a request of my own... 2 weeks later: Nothing. I cancel.

Don't worry, I didn't forget! I'm just super busy right now. Didn't find time to get that list up. I looked through it again, and I have about 20-25 cards on the list.

I have a decent amount of these, not all of which are in my "inventory", give me a couple days and I can give you a list.

Seems a bit unlikely that you'll get a trade. The RtR Hallowed Fountain might be less than the Ravnica one, and the ones you'd be getting are the Ravnica ones, which are currently at ~26

I have a bunch as well, maybe not quite 30, but probably around 25.

Good luck! It's a great place we have here. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have big_smile


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have some from lots of different sets. Would you like a specific art over another? I prefer the Scars tokens since they are spirit-looking. I have Lorwyn, Coreset and Scars if I remember right. Though I do not have the black one.

Dakkon4444 wrote:

It definitely was my fault for not double checking. Lesson learned. Communication is a great thing and I feel THAT's the best way to handle it. Kudos to HikingStick for open communication and maturity:cool:

At least you fixed your mistake and didn't lose any respect from us here on the forums. In fact, you gained respect from me!


Most of the stuff in my Planeswalker EDH deck is off-limits. However, I might be willing to part with the Sol Ring.

Very little, what were you looking for?

Need 1x of each of the following:
Summoner's Pact
Glimpse of Nature
Viridian Zealot
Thorn of Amethyst