(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

yearofglad wrote:

doesn't make a lot of sense in terms of what I assume the list is really trying to highlight.

Agreed.  Would it be best just to list the rares and mythics, and leave "specials" out altogether?  (I'm not even sure what "special" means aside from promo cards and Time Spiral Timeshifted, all of which are reprints that have a "proper" rarity already.)

EDIT: Also, Dark Ritual is both one of the most wanted, and one of the most un-wanted cards, at the same time?

sebi wrote:

More seriously... I want to fix this, and I did make an attempt once [...] but there were some confusing cases with canceled trades etc, and I ended up postponing it. Will get to it soon!

I think the simplest and best option is just to break it into multiple actions.  When you lock in a trade by confirming your address, just (give the option to) remove the cards from wishlists and tradelists at that time, but don't mess with any inventories.  Later, when you send or receive the cards, you can add or remove them from the inventory as appropriate, but don't touch the lists (because they've already been dealt with.)  It doesn't make any sense to alter the inventory before you've actually sent/received, but waiting until this time to remove them from trade/wish lists is just way too late for it to be at all useful.

This could make it easier to tell at a glance why, for example, a trade is taking longer than expected to arrive.  "Hmm, it's been over a week, but I haven't got this person's cards yet.  Oh that's right, it's because they're coming all the way from Canada!"  Not a huge deal, but it could save a click or two, here and there...


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Once in a while I become paranoid that I have perhaps forgotten to leave feedback on one of my trades, and so I go through and check all of my completed trades to make sure that I actually have.  It's easy enough to see a completed trade where you have not yet received a feedback, but the only way to see if you have left one is to go through each trade one-by-one and check them individually.  What about a little icon next to completed trades that indicates whether feedback has been left or not, similar to how the pending trades show whether or not they've been confirmed/shipped/received?  It could also show up next to the "trades" link (in the same place where the "unread comments" icon goes), when you have completed trades still awaiting feedback.  That, and/or an option in the "User Score Details" page to display "feedback left for others" in addition to those received?


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:

Would it be better perhaps to opt for a 'daily digest email' where you'd get notified once a day of all new things that happened?

I suppose that would be better than the dozens or so per day I'm getting right now, but honestly, I don't really need ANY emails from deckbox, at least not these automatic ones for trade configuration updates which I'm usually already aware of.  I check this site a lot more often than I check my email (I don't get a lot of emails...except from here where I get too many), so by the time I do see any email from the site, I've likely already dealt with the situation it's "alerting" me to.  Now I realize that's not the case for everybody, which is why I suggest we each be able to set our own level of detail for which notifications we do and do not wish to receive, something like this:

Email me when a user starts a new trade: YES/NO
Email me when a user proposes a trade configuration: YES/NO
Email me when a user accepts a proposed trade configuration: YES/NO
Email me when a user cancels a trade: YES/NO
Email me when a user sends their cards: YES/NO
Email me when a user receives their card: YES/NO
Email me when a user leaves feedback on a completed trade: YES/NO

**Emails including the address and trade configuration are always sent when a user confirms their address.  Send these and other selected emails: INDIVIDUALLY/ONCE DAILY

Or, for even greater control, each one could have the options "Individual, once daily, never" so you could, for example, be notified immediately on trade proposals/confirmations, then get sent/received notices once per day, and not be notified of the other actions at all.

Also, some of these are rather redundant.  I don't need two emails in a row when someone accepts my proposal and then confirms their address -- these are basically one action, and it seems like one email would suffice.  Likewise, when someone starts a new trade with me and then proposes a configuration a few minutes later.  I don't really need any email in this case, and certainly not two of them...

All the email notifications when a trade is started, edited, proposed, accepted, confirmed, sent, received, and canceled (and...feedback left?) seem a little excessive. I would love it if each of these were an individually-selectable option in my profile settings so I could choose which, if any, I would like to receive.

Perhaps the notification on address confirmation could not be disable-able, and the email could also include the address itself and the list of cards to be sent (unless it does already? I literally never read any of them) instead of just a link to the trade page so there's no chance of an excuse like "I couldn't send because I forgot my deckbox password" or the like.

LovesTha wrote:

Neither of the browsers on my KitKat work (chrome and the other one). You type a card name, no autocomplete happens and you can't add a card without that.

(This could be at least partially solved with the "add to trade" button, no?)

LovesTha wrote:

You can add cards to trades from mobile? I've never had that work for me.

Works fine on my iPod Touch.


(15 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

9700377 wrote:

One of the things I feel these guides lack is that there is a pretty big gap between NM and LP. Like, their LP example has white border wear all around it, while their NM has none. What if there's only a single tiny white mark on a card? LP or NM? It's difficult to say.

That's where I would use the "EX" label, if such a one existed (although it looks like BlackBorder says that LP and EX are the same?!)

+1. Sometimes I'm interested in seeing, say, the cheapest rares in my collection. So I filter by Rarity = Rare and then sort by Price: Lowest, and instead of what I'm looking for, I get a bunch of uncommon cards from my inventory that were previously printed as rares.


(15 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

One thing that could help a lot would be a per-card "notes" field where you could describe the condition of your cards (in inventory, tradelist, and/or wishlist) in any way you see fit. Is something like this already in the works with the "tags/labels" you're working on?

Kammikaze wrote:

Unless you're adding over 20 cards it really isn't that big of a deal.

Sometimes, I am adding over 20 different cards.

Also, Ctrl+Tab (and Ctrl+Shift+Tab) is your friend.

Sure, unless you're on mobile tongue

No support, really? Do you all have photographic memories, or do you just like hopping back and forth between tabs that much?


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

+1. I was just thinking of suggesting this myself. While we're at it, let's add bulk-editing of editions, too. Oh, you just imported four hundred commons from the same set, but left the default as "Unknown Edition"? Have fun fixing them all one-by-one, or else just scrap them all and start over from the beginning.

When I start a new trade with someone, I usually begin by checking their profile to see which cards we each want/have from the other's lists.  If it looks like a good match, I'll click the "New trade with [username]" link, and open up the trade.  Then, since (like most people, I presume) I don't have a photographic memory, I have to open up another window and go back to their profile, find the cards I want to trade for again, and then jump back and forth between the two pages, reading cards off the list on one page, and then typing them into the trade on the other.

Wouldn't it be grand if, instead of all that bouncing around between two different pages, there was a simple "add to trade" button next to each card while browsing another user's lists?  If you already have an open trade with that user, the card is simply appended to that trade.  If you don't have one open already, a new one can be created.  You could either have the "I have read and understand the rules" bit pop up right here when the new trade is created, or at a later time (perhaps when you first view the actual trade page itself, or maybe when you "Accept" the trade or "Confirm" your shipping address.)  Once all the cards are added, then you can visit the actual trade page, and edit editions and quantities as normal.  And, of course, you could still add/remove cards from this page like you can do now, as well.

What do you think?

Thije wrote:

Why not? It's taking soooooooo long! #Can'tlivewithoutit

Because it's unnecessary spam. The developer has already stated that an update is in the works, and bugging him constantly about it isn't going to speed up the process any.

#spam #CommonCourtesy #hashtagBasicOnlineEtiquette


(16 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Now I am seeing it in "local trades and mail trades cancelled before being accepted."


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ah that's good to hear, thanks smile

jmigliore wrote:

At what point do we give negative feedback? It shouldn't take a month to receive the cards unless he mentioned it would take that long in the first place.

Never, without prior authorization by a moderator. First, you need to head on down to the Bad Trading Reports subforum and file a report there (make sure to include a link to the trade page, and a copy of the chat log. If these aren't included, a moderator will simply tell you to include them before moving any further.) Then, the deckbox team will contact the member. If they don't respond after seven days, you will be given the go-ahead to cancel the trade and leave negative feedback.

Anyone who has experience handling cards from the Modern Event Decks...do they "feel" different than regular cards to you?  I just received several of these in a trade, and they all feel "off" to me.  First thing I noticed was they're super slick, and the finish reflects light differently (just slightly) compared to other cards, although I suppose those could both just be due to how new they are (trader said they were never used, went straight from the pack to the sleeve to the trade box, and then to me.)  They look alright, and they do pass the "light" test (semi-transparent to a bright light such as on a smartphone, with a weird pattern showing through) which is probably a good sign, but they just felt strange enough in my hand that I thought I should post here and see if anyone else has noticed the same issue.  So, do they all feel like that, or should I rip one in half and look for the blue line?

LovesTha wrote:

But letting people trade on the specialness when there is no way to verify it is a bad idea.

Also true.  My point is just that while there may be no discernable difference between the promo and regular Suture Priests, there is still some difference (in that they come from different sources), but there is no difference at all in the Ajani V. promos because they came from the exact same stock.

Kammikaze wrote:

This is the same as Suture Priest. It was given out as a prize/promo, but it was the exact same card as was in the set.

Kind of, but the Suture Priests at least came from different stock.  The ones given out as promos weren't pulled from the same card pool that would later be put in booster packs.  What I mean by this is that there were sheets printed that consisted of nothing but Suture Priests and Pristine Talismans.  These were cut up, packaged in pairs, and distributed to event coordinators to hand out to the players on Game Day.  The ones in booster packs, on the other hand, came from a separate print run of regular common sheets that were printed with one of each common, then cut up and randomized before being inserted into the packs.  The two versions of the card may look identical to each other, but they do still come from different sources, even if there's no way to actually determine which is which, after the fact.

With Ajani V., it's a different story.  There were no two separate versions.  Event coordinators received a large supply of Ajani V. promos, and were told to "give some of these out at the Prerelease event, and then just give the rest of them out at the Launch Party a week later."  There was no separate source for the "Prerelase" and "Launch Party" versions of the card, because they aren't two different versions.  Whether you got your copy at the Launch Party or a week earlier, they come from the same place either way.  But my promo Suture Priest is still something "special," different from the ones in booster packs, even if no one knows it but me.


(16 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Under the "Finished trades" section on my "trades" page:

let's trade ! (Batterskull / green stuff)

Chaim wrote:

that is how tcgplayer has him.

And how are you supposed to tell which is which?  Note that the "Launch Parties" edition has no price data on that page.  I think the issue here is that the same card (with the same date stamped in foil) was given out at both the prerelease and the launch party events.  It's the same card, from the same stock.  That it was given out at two different events doesn't make them different editions.

Ajani Vengeant promo has two versions in the database: "Launch Parties (Card #4)" and "Prerelease Events (Card #38)".  They both show the exact same card image.  This can't be right, can it?