(24 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Both gone :-D
Once we are back from holidays we will have a closer look at the spamming issue and implement better ways of avoiding it. Thanks again for reporting


(24 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Thank you for reporting this. The users have been removed together with their posts and their domains have been blocked from deckbox. We like spammers even less than you do big_smile


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

corvair64, Sebi is currently working on the new system for detailed cards that should greatly improve the current experience for dealing with them smile


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thanks for the bug report, I'll look into it as soon as possible smile


(26 replies, posted in Announcements)

First of all, I would like to thank everybody for their support and kind words over the past period, it's been really nice to see so many people appreciate our work and are using this website. This has given us one more incentive to get off our asses and finally deliver some of the stuff we've been promising big_smile!

As for the means for announcing our users about downtimes, features, announcements and so on, we have a facebook page, as well as a twitter page, and I have to say they are not new. Even though we are not as active as we'd like on these social websites, they have been in place almost since the beginning of Deckbox. Here they are:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Deckbox/141206785897194
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/deckbox_org

I know they are not very easy to find on our main pages, but I assure you we've made them much more visible in the new interface to come ( stay tuned wink ). Sebi has been posting updates about the downtime and the progress of getting Deckbox back up on Facebook, I am really sorry you missed them. We apologize once again for this extended downtime and we took all the measures of ensuring that we keep the risk of this happening again to a minimum.


(9 replies, posted in Evenimente)

Side event EDH: http://deckbox.org/communities/gameflux/events/802


We indeed had the possibility to view trading opportunities with people in your area or in your community. This section has been removed though due to some performance problems it was causing. It is now undergoing some improvements and it will probably be back in one of our future releases.

Thanks for the feedback!


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yes, this is planned for a future release. Stay tuned wink


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello, amisare_bewaswerebeen,

In order to trade cards with someone on Deckbox you must first visit their profile (eg. http://deckbox.org/users/sebi ). On that page you will see next to that person's name, on the right, a button 'Trade' which should take you to the nice trade page where you can start selecting cards for the trade.

I hope that helps! smile


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi, Sensi

This is a known bug and it's due to the fact the facebook changed a bit how they manage the authentication and we haven't updated on our side yet. But it's definitely on the list and the fix should come soon. Thank you for the patience smile


(3 replies, posted in Administrativ)

An nou, evenimente noi, o nouă cupă la bătaie!

Modul în care se calculează punctele din clasament e următorul:

Friday Night Magic:

- locul 1: 3 puncte
- locul 2: 2 puncte
- locul 3: 1 punct

Magic Supply Event:

pentru fiecare rundă:
- victorie: 3 puncte
- draw: 1 punct
- bye : 3 puncte
- loss: 0 puncte

Eveniment cu <10 participanți:
- locul 1: 3 puncte
- locul 2: 2 puncte
- locul 3: 1 punct
- participare: 1 punct

Eveniment cu 10 - 15 participanți:
- locul 1: 4 puncte
- locul 2: 3 puncte
- locul 3: 2 puncte
- locul 4: 1 punct
- participare: 1 punct

Eveniment cu 16+ participanți:
- locul 1: 6 puncte
- locul 2: 5 puncte
- locul 3: 4 puncte
- locul 4: 3 puncte
- locul 5: 2 puncte
- locul 6: 1 punct
- participare: 1 punct

Clasamentul se poate vedea aici: http://gameflux.ro/?page_id=888


(9 replies, posted in Taverna)

Elvish Archdruid + 1 milion de elfi + Staff of Domination => inifinită mană, infiniți elfi, +x/+x, trample, bla bla, attack full speed pe toată lumea... și Mihai dă Evacuation.

mihai wrote:

@Laura:  nu mai stii cand a venit dan m. cu deck-ul lui de EDH cu Zur the Enchanter si punea aure pe tot ce era pe masa, shroud or no shroud ? big_smile

Probabil a fost așa traumatizantă experiența că am blocat-o afară din memorie

"that player chooses what it will enchant as the Aura enters the battlefield" - asta înseamnă că that player chooses the target of the Aura that is being resolved. O Aură nu poate să nu aibă target și așa cum nu poți targeta creatura cu Hexproof când joci Aura din mână, la fel nu o poți targeta nici cu Aura care se întoarce din graveyard. Părerea mea.

Clasamentul la zi: http://gameflux.ro/?page_id=888


(70 replies, posted in Administrativ)

Clasamentul la zi: http://gameflux.ro/?page_id=888

I have found the issue and it should be fixed now. Please let me know if anything else weird happens. smile


(18 replies, posted in Evenimente)

Ah, și încă o chestie despre care am povestit la ultimul EDH. Aș prefera să facem ca și community rule la acest eveniment de EDH că lumea nu are voie să vină cu creaturi cu anihilator. Mie personal mi se pare o mecanică cel puțin enervantă care cauzează tensiune și haos la masă și mi se pare că este total împotriva conceptului de fun pe care ar trebui EDHul să-l aibă.

P.S. Mi-am scos Staff of Domination din deck, se pare că era banat în EDH. neutral


(18 replies, posted in Evenimente)


Probabil ar trebui să punem la punct cu ce generali vine fiecare având în vedere că vom fi multicei. Adică lumea nu are voie să vină cu un general care a fost deja anunțat pentru a se evita situația în care ambii ar ajunge pe masă și ar muri big_smile

Având în vedere că eu am un singur deck, voi veni cu Rhys. În cazul în care este cineva care vrea să vină cu Rhys și chiar nu are altceva, îl pot alege pe Tolsimir din același deck să-mi fie general.

And the problem happens in both cases as far as I understand? Both IE8 and Firefox?

Thank you for your feedback!

I tried reproducing the problem, but it doesn't happen to me sad So in order to help you further, could you please tell me what operating system you are using (Windows XP, Windows 7, Mac OSX, etc.) and the browser you are using for deckbox along with the version (Internet Explorer 8, Google Chrome 15.0.874.106, etc. - you can find the version in the 'About' section of your browser). Thank you smile


(70 replies, posted in Administrativ)

Update, inclusiv cu gameday: http://gameflux.ro/?page_id=888

It took me a while to find the exact problem big_smile There was an incompatibility between the Super Full Feeds extension and an external implementation for the rich text editor that we use for the comment box. But rejoice, it has been fixed!

If you don't get the fix immediatelly, please search in the Chrome menu for the 'Clear Browsing Data' entry, then unselect everything except 'Empty the cache' and click 'Clear Browsing Data' or 'OK'. You should then refresh the deckbox page and everything should be working smoothly. Enjoy wink

I'm glad to hear that. I will try installing the extension as well and see if I can identify the problem smile

Hi, Yergi and thank you for the bug report.

In order to help you fix this issue I would need a bit more details about the problem you are experiencing as I am not sure I understand what exactly is the scenario. Is the hang happening on your deck: http://deckbox.org/sets/94065 ? The deck doesn't seem to have any comments on it. Also, which icons are you referring to? The icons inside the 'new comment' box?