looking to pick up 4 Mutavaults (nm)

you're trading out your inventory then too?


Title says it all!

Which ones you looking for? I'm sure I have lots of them.

Blaze2100 wrote:

Basically I'm trying to figure out how I can get a little extra pocket money to prepare for the holidays. I'm wondering if anyone here would be interested in buying any of my cards via PayPal. Currently trying to list some stuff on eBay to see how that works. Right now I don't think I've got anything over $9 to sell, so I'm wondering if anyone would be interested if I sold them around maybe tcg lows?

You talking about selling your inventory, or just what's on your trade list ?


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Funny. not even a 0 for mailing hundreds of dollars to the wrong person?  Wow, you really are....nice.  Why give someone a positive if your experience wasn't a good one.  That's the whole point of feedback.  You'd think someone dealing with hundreds of dollars in trade might at least double check (triple check) that it's right.  Colton gets the failure of the year award for that one.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

raticate_tail wrote:

So you're looking to buy slaves?

woodmster123 wrote:

hahaha no slaves for me! Just black humans!

Wow Cool, racist comments never get old.  Comparing "black humans" to slaves.  You might want to think before you type.  If you wouldn't say it in real life, don't say it on the internet.  Kids these days... no brains.

ya, i just thought it odd.  Some of the people with that in their profiles have A LOT of trades.  So it's not like they were new or anything.

I'm starting to see more and more people with something like this in their profile:  "I can't be held responsible for what the Post Office does with the mail."  Basically saying they aren't taking any responsibility if cards get lost/destroyed.  Doesn't Deckbox's terms and conditions supersede anything people write for their own "terms"

2.2. Sending cards

    The sender is responsible for getting the cards to the destination
    The sender will be held accountable for items lost in the mail if a form of tracking was not used. Proof of sending is not sufficient
    Senders cannot be held responsible for loss of packages after delivery has been proven.
    If a problem has occurred, please resend your part of the deal, return the cards you received (if applicable), or make appropriate monetary restitution (the parties involved can decide on which one of these options is best)
    For larger value trades consider using insurance

So if they (people with their own "Terms" regarding lost mail) mail cards with Delivery Confirmation, and the mail gets lost, per deckbox rules they have to return the cards you sent to them. Correct?  So what's the point of them even mentioning it in their profile?

Looking for a playset of Polukranos (Theros ones)

Some haves:
Thassa, God of the Sea
Heliod, God of the Sun
Underworld Cerberus
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
Sylvan Caryatid (foil promos) Valuing at $10 trade value
Temple of Mystery
Scavenging ooze (promo) (actual card, not some code sillyness)

Try to keep trade within formats!

Probably arent going to be able to sell them for $30 when TCG has them has them for $26 tongue

But hey, good luck!

morph66 wrote:

How much value you adding?

Enough to cover shipping and a little extra.  Probably not worth it to Canada though. But who knows!  The promos are actually selling for more than the regular M14 counter parts now on TCG.

Not much into the bling unless it's going to be a deck full.  Looking to trade my promo oozes (unplayed) for regular M14 ones (Nm/M).  I have the physical cards, this isn't some silliness where I try to give you a code.

started a trade.

Updated my Theros list as well.

Title says it.  Looking for an unplayed Ashiok for my collection.  I also have the Satyr Token for trade (valued at $1.50)

Umm, like the title says.  I'm looking for a playset of deathrites or maybe a set Stomping Grounds.  M/NM only please!  Also considering stormbreath

VampireArmy wrote:
Mattssacre wrote:
VampireArmy wrote:

in my opinion the minor appears to be handling it with more maturity than you are.  what does that say about the very argument you're making?

Perhaps you should address the person you're trying to communicate with. Since I'm the OP, I'll assume it's me.

The minor who's handling it more maturely than I am did nothing but lie for the first two weeks of our trade.  When you can't trade face to face, all you have is the other person's word to go on.  Perhaps you're some sucker who likes to be lied to, but that doesn't fly with me.  Liars are straight cowards, if he would have owned up to his mistakes early on, I wouldn't have even made a deal of it.  You might want to learn your facts before you come in here talking sh*t.  Did you even read my post?  You must have zero reading comprehension, since you completely missed the point of the post. (Pro tip: Legality)  I wouldn't be surprised if you're a minor too.

Whoa-ho-ho Mr. hostility over the keyboard warrior has bite.  Let's address things one at a time shall we

1. He owned up to those lies, when taken to the BRP, (where this discussion should have stayed mind you)

2. I don't like to be lied to or scammed as much as the next joe what's his face but that doesn't give me the right to lead a witch hunt on the poor kid for his mistakes. 

3. I've read every post and comment that came up with your btr as it seemed interesting to read.  you're the one who escalated it this far.  The BTR was handled, yeah?  So be a man like you say you are and get on with your life and leave the rest of us alone.  Didn't you ever learn not to gamble with anything you're not prepared to cover or lose?  well thats what you get for online trading. 

4.  For a guy who wants everyone on you're side, you're damn quick to jump down any nay-sayers throat.  I'm 19 years old, im not afraid to admit it because i have over 30 plus trades, including with one of the mods of this site itself and never had a problem that couldn't be resolved peacefully.  But of those problems, did i get on here and make myself look like a jackass over it? sure didn't. 

So in closing, guy.  Next time be smarter about how you do trades and cover your ass and maybe you won't be a sucker in the trade? and don't get your panties in a bunch when people call you on being an asshole.  this is why people don't lke trading online in he first place. shit is too hostile.  It's a card game people, wanna be a big spender?  there's plenty of sites that would lve your buisness and they are 100% more credible than trading online.  if you wanna save your cards from being lost?  demand shipping on both sides. if you arent decent enough to do either, then you S.O.L.

Once again, did you read my post?  There is no way to cover your ass when making deals with a minor.  Plain and simple.  I don't give a shit if people like me or not.  I was simply stating what this website's terms and conditions.  It's about legality.  You had to go and turn it into something else, so that's on you homie. A witch hunt huh?  I only said I recently had a bad experience, I didn't say nothing else about that incident until you brought it up.  I'm hostile lol.  The shit would have been gravy had boy not lied.  You see me having issues with any of my other trades?  Nope, cause they weren't lying POS.   okay, and since you asked... the BTR is definitely not handled yet, so once again, you don't know WTF are you talking about.  I don't have my cards or his cards.  So get your facts straight.  "Demand shipping on both sides" WTF does that even mean.  We did ship cards, I sure and hell didn't meet up with him for a trade and have issues.  If somehow you were trying to say I should have used insurance, that wouldn't help.  If you don't understand why at this point, there's no point in trying to explain it again.

VampireArmy wrote:

in my opinion the minor appears to be handling it with more maturity than you are.  what does that say about the very argument you're making?

Perhaps you should address the person you're trying to communicate with. Since I'm the OP, I'll assume it's me.

The minor who's handling it more maturely than I am did nothing but lie for the first two weeks of our trade.  When you can't trade face to face, all you have is the other person's word to go on.  Perhaps you're some sucker who likes to be lied to, but that doesn't fly with me.  Liars are straight cowards, if he would have owned up to his mistakes early on, I wouldn't have even made a deal of it.  You might want to learn your facts before you come in here talking sh*t.  Did you even read my post?  You must have zero reading comprehension, since you completely missed the point of the post. (Pro tip: Legality)  I wouldn't be surprised if you're a minor too.

HansonWK wrote:
PhyrexianLibrarian wrote:

To be honest, I don't think someone's ability to trade well has anything to do with their age. I've had awful experiences with people in their 30's, and great trades with people under 18 (hell, under 14).

Requiring parental permission won't help, as people will just lie about their age like they do on every other site, and their age will only become relevant if you actually file for mail fraud, and I've never heard of anything coming of that anyways.

Did you read the post? It has nothing to do with their ability to trade, its to do with their ability to somewhat legally scam people because they aren't bound by the contract you make with them.
Parental Permission WILL help because it will make their parents liable to complete the contract.

Basically what I was thinking.  I'm surprised an admin/mod hasn't commented on the terms and conditions.  As it is, pretty much everyone under 18 (in the US) is in violation as it's written and shouldn't be using the site.  Not my opinion, I'm just reading what it says.

After a recent negative experience with an underage trader, I'm wondering what the majority view here is.  Do you think it's okay for minors to trade and sell?  Personally, I would like to know if the person I'm trading with is an adult or minor.

It seems kind of odd that this site is basically helping people make trading contracts (although not worded so strictly as a normal contract).  In general minors can't be bound by contracts.  They can basically leave/break contracts as they see fit.   Even worse, an adult who has entered a contract with a minor is still bound by law to uphold their part of the contract.  Scary.

As per Deckbox's own Terms and Conditions, minors shouldn't even have accounts here:

You may use Deckbox only in compliance with these Terms. You may use Deckbox only if you have the power to form a contract with Deckbox and are not barred under any applicable laws from doing so.

Minors do not have the capacity to contract (by law in most states)  Some clarification on this would be great.


joecat wrote:
Cowabunga2 wrote:
BlackMageWins77 wrote:

This community has gotten awfully rude recently sad

Soooo true. If you are not interested, nothing wrong with that, but no need to bash his thread! Let people make their own decisions!

You only say this bc you have been running a scam with scavenging ooze promos. The community isn't rude, just looking out for users that don't know what mapping is. There are people out there that are willing to scam because they have no face to face contact.

lol you beat me to it.

morph66 wrote:

26 (100% positive)

The rating system on this site is very flawed. This person has obviously had a lot of shady transactions in the last little while, but everyone that trades with him still see's the perfect score on 26 transactions. How can he be this shady with so many people and still not warrent a bad feedback?

First off the whole Plus/Minus system is flawed to begin with.  Even though ebay's system sucks, it would be nice to have something like that here.  Individual rating for communication, shipping time, card condition, etc.  Too many people are scared to give zero's or negatives because they don't want to receive a bad comment back.