52 2012-04-23 11:50:41
Re: [AVR] Carti Noi (179 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Trickster wrote:Ce trista ii devastation tide... nu-i mai buna ca evacuation, ii mult mai slaba
Sorcery speed si nici nu-ti lasa pe masa toti planeswalkerii, enchantment-urile is artefactele frumoase
Sunt de acord cu tine aici. Aceasta a fost si prima mea impresie despre carte.
De ce nu lasa pe Tamiyo, Curse of Death's Hold, Pristine Talisman, Jace Memory Adept, Gideon Jura etc. pe masa?
Si faptul ca e sorcery speed e huge downside...costul de miracol este bun numai in 5% din situatii pentru ca in general fie il tragi in primele ture cand nu prea ai ce returna (desigur sunt anumite deckuri care isi scuipa toata mana in primele 3 ture) fie prea tarziu cand deja ai dat un DOJ ca sa ramai in joc.
Pacat, chiar ar fi fost mult mai buna daca ar fi returnat doar creaturi. Sa zicem un 1UUU - sorcery - return all creatures to owners hand.
Oricum, este o carte ok-ish si va fi jucata in control dar cum am zis, pacat ca nu lasa macar planeswalkerii pe masa.
Oare nu ar merge cartea intr-un deck de agro bazand mai mult pe miracol si pe faptul ca agro are nevoie de tempo (tocmai contra PW, Titani si alte lucruri mari)?
53 2012-04-23 09:29:41
Re: [AVR] Carti Noi (179 replies, posted in Noutăți)
super truc pt limited...
iar pt standard poate un BU agro
Vapor Snag
Iar pt EDH
Alliance of Arms
Burst of Speed
54 2012-04-23 07:57:51
Re: [AVR] Carti Noi (179 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Ca si orice Counter Spell Second Guess targetuieste un spell pe stack atunci cand vrei sa o joci. Dar este limitat in asa fel incat target spelul trebuie sa fie exact a doua jucata (cast) tura respectiva. Nu conteaza cine a jucat, sau cand este jucat. Daca vraja nr 2 este inca pe stack, tu poti sa joci aceasta carte sa incerci sa opresti vraja respectiva.... simplu
Mi se pare o carte greu de jucat. Sa zicem ca ai 4 mana si un Think Twice langa Second Guess....ce faci? Daca astepti sa vezi ce joaca adversarul, poate joaca "vraja buna" prima data sau joaca o singura vraja...not good (da da stiu ai si mana leak in mana si esti bazat )...pe de alta parte daca esti sigur ca va juca doar o singura vraja pe tura, poti sa joci Think Twice pe upkeepul lui (presupunand ca adversarul nu a dorit sa joaca el ceva pe upkeepul lui) si deja ai Second Guess activ
55 2012-04-12 11:41:00
Re: [AVR] Carti Noi (179 replies, posted in Noutăți)
you shouldn't have :* :* (kiss kiss blush)
orice vraja abilitate de pe stack se rezolva in intregime inainte sa te apuci sa rezolv alta vraja. Deci intre exile si venire inapoi nu este "pauza". Nu este loc sa executi "ceva".
Dar de ce merge cu Doom blade si de ce nu merge cu Day of judgment...vine intrebarea.
Raspunsul se ascunde in regula care zice ca daca un pemanent paraseste campul de lupta (schimba zone, mai in general), cand revine va fi a noua entitate.
Daca ai o creatura sa zicem sanctuary cat cand dai doom blade pe ea, pui target sa fie acea entitate, sa zicem Cat1. Pana cand doom blade este pe stack, dai flicker. Pisica paraseste campul de lupta, entitatea Cat1 nu mai exista, este pierdut pentru totdeauna. Cand revine pisica este o noua entitate, Cat2 (si este total nou, au disparut counterele de pe ea, copy efects, etc etc). Acum cand se rezolva doom blade, el cauta Cat1...care nu mai este...deci nu are target valid = countered on resolution.... pisica a fost salvata (dar sa zicem are un alt suflet =cat2)
Cu DOJ este diferit. Doj pe stack, flicker.... ok..acum ai in loc de Cat1 Cat2 pe campul de lupta. Se rezolva dojul si NU-i pasa cine este pe campul de lupta, distruge tot (nu are target). Pisica moare.
Pauvre, pauvre, pussycat....C'est la guerre!
LE.. bine ca ma chinui aici cu povesti
56 2012-04-11 12:37:00
Re: [AVR] Carti Noi (179 replies, posted in Noutăți)
din cat am inteles eu "at the begining of your upkeep" pt cartea verde.... also can you say human/werewolf?
iar despre cartea rosu.... hm... fling just got a lot better
57 2012-04-11 10:44:23
Re: [AVR] Carti Noi (179 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Vlad wrote:Spoook wrote:Ati vazut ca soulbound nu targetuieste si creatura nu neaparat trebuie sa fie a ta? Very nice (mai ales in limited, pe ceva sub claustrofobie de ex daca nu ai alta creatura
Da, dar zice că they remained paired for as long as you control both of them.
Vlad - Spook 1 - 0
Da, nu zice ca trebuie sa tintezi o creatura a ta, dar conditia ulterioara iti limiteaza alegerile
nu joc cu Vlad... cred ca are deja 5-0 fata cu mine... ca el citeste propozitiile pana la capat ...
si Vlad... now you ruined everything ... deja ma gandeam ore ce faza faina putem sa facem cu aceasta abilitate.. asa e useless... useless I tell you
58 2012-04-11 09:26:52
Re: [AVR] Carti Noi (179 replies, posted in Noutăți)
fistyke - lvalics 1 - 0
Intr-adevar si pe inger si pe saint boti bloca... daca ai cu ce! Dar cum scria si fistyke poti opta sa faci Soulbound la inger cand intra si ori fortezi blockul (probabil adversarul nu doreste sa piarda si 4 viata si sa-ti dea o carte) ori cresti avantajul ce ai
Ati vazut ca soulbound nu targetuieste si creatura nu neaparat trebuie sa fie a ta? Very nice (mai ales in limited, pe ceva sub claustrofobie de ex daca nu ai alta creatura )
59 2012-04-11 09:17:36
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Silviu / Tudor, puteti sa dati lui Sergiu Sword of war and peace si Thrun, the last troll, incat am de gand sa le vand. Multumesc (daca cineva e interesat sa cumpere, e bine venit )
60 2012-04-11 07:34:15
Re: [AVR] Carti Noi (179 replies, posted in Noutăți)
foarte faine cartile....
Gisela e iarasi o carte super in EDH...sunt sigur ca Flo este de acord cu mine
dar cred ca ar avea loc si in standard.... double burn...very nice....Oare va fi un deck RW control?
Iar Tandem Lookout mi se pare super in deckuri de delver (desi nu cunosc bine formatul acum, deci poate nu are loc la 3 drop). Mi se pare super cu un Invisible Stalker sau cu ingerul de la Geist of saint traft
61 2012-04-10 08:09:55
Re: [Event] Campanie promovare 8 Aprilie (38 replies, posted in Evenimente)
As dori sa feliciti pe organizatori si pe toti participant, incat am inteles ca evenimentul a fost de mare succes
62 2012-04-10 07:53:07
Re: [AVR] Carti Noi (179 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Ceea ce-mi place la cloudshift e ca acum cu fiend hunter poti sa exilezi doua creaturi. Dar sa vedem daca ma gandesc gresit: Fiend hunter intra, abilitatea se duce pe stack, numesc targetul, iar in raspuns castez cloudshift, se rezolva, eu imi aduc inapoi hunterul din exile, si numesc inca un target. Am I right?
Cum ti s-a zis mai sus tu raspunzi la abilitate care este pe stack. In cazul in care faci asa, creatura exilata (prima data) nu se va mai intoarce. In cazul in care dai blink mai incolo, prima creatura se va intoarce, ai grija.
63 2012-04-10 07:32:59
Re: [Discutii] Rewards, FNM, special cards (283 replies, posted in Noutăți)
ce corp de piton (boa) au desenat la saracul de cobra
64 2012-04-06 15:09:16
Re: n00b zone (14 replies, posted in GameFlux)
baza de carti
Deckbox.org in general
Un alt draft simulator:
65 2012-04-03 06:59:52
Re: Cranial Insertion (147 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Nu degeaba
el e baza
(pus pe 2 randuri ca si rimeaza )
66 2012-03-30 07:41:37
Re: [Event] Campanie promovare 8 Aprilie (38 replies, posted in Evenimente)
Ba da... cele Catolice
67 2012-03-20 15:22:50
Re: Rules & Banned List Updates (32 replies, posted in Noutăți)
un pic de gugli si uite ce gasesti:
68 2012-03-20 12:07:27
Re: Rules & Banned List Updates (32 replies, posted in Noutăți)
stii ca ai gresit ceva daca deja in Block Constructed trebuie sa banezi ceva:P
69 2012-03-07 23:35:28
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
cui am dat Sword of War and Peace ?
70 2012-02-24 18:36:55
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
incat nu pot sa particip maine la eveniment, si am vazut ca ati cerut ceva carti pe care eu nu o sa le joc, o sa le las la sergiu (cu acordul lui)
2 Inkmoth Nexus
Ca sa evitam disctutiile, toate sunt ale mele si first come, first served (ori aici la post, ori daca mai ramane, maine la sergiu)
Sper sa ajut pe unii.. daca nu...o incercare tot a meritat
Bafta all maine
72 2012-02-07 11:42:53
Re: U/B Infect (Opinion) <Venenatus Conplexus> (19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
73 2012-02-07 10:37:05
Re: U/B Infect (Opinion) <Venenatus Conplexus> (19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
In my opinion the crusader is good against the W/R matchup, and the Cryptoplasm is not. In the other match-ups they are both mediocre. So I would put 2/2 (and if you want your Cryptoplasm for the other matches, you can put 1-2 in the side). For example against red I would take out the 2 Cryptoplasm and put in the 2 Reaper of Sheoldred from the side, they can block and the crusader can atack/block as needed. But you need to make some playtests.
74 2012-02-07 09:54:40
Re: U/B Infect (Opinion) <Venenatus Conplexus> (19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I understand you have a budget.
Depending on the mana base (you could really use the other 3 dual lands ) I like 2-3 crusaders, depending on the match-up of course. Against a white but especially against red deck it is a beating (red has some to 0 ways to kill it) but only if your meta does have red or white players. I would put in 2 instead of 2 Cryptoplasm same cost but in most cases better (better on its own, or if there is nothing worthy to copy).
Also if your meta plays lot of artifact removal, you can try Darksteel Axe, but will loose the +1/0 for for the agent.
Also in the side you can try some discard cards like Distress or Despise, they will help you get some advantage, especially against control decks. Consider (after testing) Silent Departure instead of vapor snag, cause your opponent won't care about the life loss, and playing it from the graveyard later on when you have nothing to do, or twice with 6 mana can make the difference. Ofcourse loosing the instant speed can be a problem if the opponent is removal heavy, but testing can help you out.
75 2012-02-07 08:52:08
Re: U/B Infect (Opinion) <Venenatus Conplexus> (19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
you can play mutagenic growth in any colored deck because of the phyrexian mana. It can serve two purposes: push in those last point of infect damage, or take your guy out of burn range/flash blockers/kill a hard to deal with blocker fast.
But if you want to keep your deck infect control I would suggest you take out the Blightsteel Colossus from the sideboard, you wont have time to cast it. Then decide if you want a proliferate theme deck or not, if so add more proliferate + mass removal (like black sun's zenith).
But I suggest you do the following and see if you like the deck:
out Blightsteel Colossus
out 1-2 Reaper of Sheoldred (4 is too mutch)
out myr
less think twice (max 2 or 0)
move contagion engine to the side,
take out (or move to side)Inexorable Tide, cause if you play this and they play a titan, you are probably dead. Move one Tezzeret's Gambit to the sideboard. Change a Hand of the Praetors to a Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon. Also consider taking out 1-2 Cryptoplasm for extra land. Change one or two Corrupted Resolve with mana leak/negate for consistency. Also because of the drawback of doom blade, change one to Go for the Throat.
the Thrummingbird is a waste of space, because it wont deal infect and the proliferate is not that significant (note if you want a proliferate deck, make one.. this is not) also it does not combo well with anything (not the dager, it will just do 3 damage and proliferate once, neither with the engine, use tezz's gambit). Instead of them add 2 bounce spells likeVapor Snag, Silent Departure (can be used twice) or Disperse. Disperse goes well against enemy plainswalkers or equipment. Also all the bounce spells can remove a pesky blocker for a turn or buy a turn against a titan so you can counter it. Also copying something with the Cryptoplasm than bouncing the original (like a titan) than attack, this can win you the game on its own.
Also consider Phantasmal Image instead of the cryptoplasm, it is easier to cast and enters the battlefield as the copy, you don't have to wait a turn to make it.
Add some (2)Black Sun's Zenith to the side or Tribute to Hunger against the hexproof guys.
This will reduce the deck to a normal 60 card deck and make it more consistent.