(26 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

bolerodefeu wrote:

Have any foils? I'm looking for U/C/R/M foils still and i have the sphinx, the troll, a return, and i think maybe epic experiment. i also have a foil worm if you're interested.

i do have alot of foils, including the new jace.  i don't usually trade foils, but i'm considering it.  if you want, you can look through my rtr inventory and see all the rare and mythic foils i have.  feel free to propose something.  i'll add my common and uncommon foils to my inventory tomorrow.


(26 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

hundredth wrote:

ive got an epic experiment if youre interested

i am, but i don't have anything on your wishlist

The value is $80

i have a sealed dissension fat pack, if you're interested


(26 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm trying to finish my playset of Return to Ravnica.  Let's trade!

Here's what I still need:

1x Temple Garden


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Like the title says, I have 2 extra Jaces, but I don't have any Vraskas.  I would like to remedy that.

i still need 4 vraskas.  didn't get a single one out of a whole case.

duxenmx wrote:

I'm interested in your Jace AoT, have a look at my stuff and let me know if interested smile, http://deckbox.org/sets/230143?s=i&o=d

hey, thanks for the interest.  i'm kinda skeptical about sending something with that high of value unprotected, though.  i've had trades to canada returned to me by the post office for being "too rigid" before.  i had to eat the postage cost and pay to resend in a not rigid form, so i no longer use toploaders when sending to canada.

Peripheryy wrote:

Check out my list and let me know if you see anything. I'm looking for 2 mizzium mortars if you have them.

i could trade the 2 mortars for your elesh norn.  if you're interested, set up the trade.

i do have 2 extra mizzium mortars.  i'll check it out.

My case of Return to Ravnica finally came today.  Opened all 216 boosters.  I've added all of the rares and mythics to my inventory and I have extras of several of them.  I'm interested in trading my extras rares and mythics for the ones I haven't got complete playsets of yet.

I'll also have extra complete common and uncommon sets (maybe even playsets) for trade if anyone is interested in that.

Also, check my tradelist and wishlist.

i'm interested in your trostani, isperia, and consecrated sphinx if you see anything on my tradelist you'd like to trade any or all of those for.

do you still have the trostanis?


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

this has nothing to do with 5 cards worth less than $9 total.  it has everything to do with making a commitment and honoring that commitment.  it has to do with being able to own up if you decide to break that commitment, instead of just leaving the trade hanging out there and not having the balls to tell the person that you've decided to go back on your word.

the fact of the matter is that you're a liar.  when i confronted you about trading the cards away 3 weeks ago, you lied to me and you left the trade hanging, hoping i would cancel it and no one would find out what you did (and what you're still doing to others).

well, i'm here to make sure that everyone who reads these forums knows what you did and what kind of a person you are.


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

now that you're "back", do you have any intention of going through with the trade you agreed to four weeks ago?

i'm guessing not since you traded the cards you were supposed to be trading to me to someone else before you "left" and you've gotten the cards you were supposed to be getting from me from someone else since you've been "back".

is that about right?

how much are you valuing these at?  i might be interested in the rakdos one

do these contain the booster packs, or no?


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

My son would like to trade his Thundermaw Hellkite for two Nissa Revane's for an elf deck he wants to make.  If anyone's interested let me know.  If you're not interested in the Thundermaw, look through my tradelist and maybe we can work something out anyway.

Have 3 Tormod's Crypt from Chronicles I'd like to trade.  If you're interested, check my wishlist or make an offer.

Looking for $16 value in trades.  Check my wishlist or make an offer if you're interested.


interested in playset of tidehollow scullers and arid mesa.  lmk if you see anything on my tradelist you want


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Niceguys wrote:

I might be interested in the foil mage, not the ulamog.  What do you value it at?

I'll say $16


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Feel free to check my list. I have tons of stuff you need.

i have extra lotus one