Pitch35 wrote:

Can you give me a price on the tarn?

shoot me an offer, i'll work with you

bump, still have some nice stuff available

Sales only

i'm flexible, shoot me an offer on PM or trade

KRabin123 wrote:

Pics on the plateau?


I don't have a player rewards wasteland, but I do have a JF intuition. I'm competitive with ebay/tcgplayer. Make an offer...

bump. Also willing to move some other stuff, feel free to make an offer if you see anything in my inventory that catches your eye.

I'm interested in your lillies, I have unhinged swamps and forests.

hanker307 wrote:
mtgtradingthread wrote:
hanker307 wrote:

Yes, hence the 'about'

Edit: since youfelt the need to chime in, the most recent set of 4 chinese birds sold for 15.50+2 shipping, significantly more than the english versions.

Can't post the link on my phone but im sure someone as knowledgable as yourself can search ebay for completed listings.

Not many data points for that card on eBay right now, so that sale from 17 September is pretty irrelevant IMO. I would never pay the same for Chinese cards as English. They're just worth less, sorry.

But you're not the one buying, so why do you feel the need to pollute this thread?

Because your asking prices are high and your selling thread and general shitty attitude is "polluting" the forums.

hanker307 wrote:

Yes, hence the 'about'

Edit: since youfelt the need to chime in, the most recent set of 4 chinese birds sold for 15.50+2 shipping, significantly more than the english versions.

Can't post the link on my phone but im sure someone as knowledgable as yourself can search ebay for completed listings.

Not many data points for that card on eBay right now, so that sale from 17 September is pretty irrelevant IMO. I would never pay the same for Chinese cards as English. They're just worth less, sorry.

hanker307 wrote:
RexyLuvzYou wrote:

Value on the Chinese birds?

About the same as english m10. Would like to move them as a set.

Newer Chinese cards usually sell for for less than English on eBay.


i have a NM delta i'm interested in selling. shoot me an offer in trade


4x Wasteland (NM)
X Scalding Tarn, Misty Rainforest, Marsh Flats, Verdant Catacombs (NM)
1 Tropical Island (NM)
1 Plateau (HP)
1 Underground Sea (NM)
1 Judge foil Intuition
1 Guru Plains (NM)
1 Guru Island (SP)
1 Guru Forest (NM)
1 Guru Mountain (NM)
1 Guru Swamp (NM)

Open a trade and shoot me an offer. I price competitively with TCGPlayer and Ebay.

Yet another reason why we need moderators. Someone delete this crap


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

dyzzy wrote:

If you check MKM, they range from 50EUR ($68.20) to 64.25EUR ($87.64), so the $75-80 price range seems reasonable.

^ this for retail price.


(4 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)

started a trade


(4 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)

I've got ~100 unlimited basics

i have some of your want list, opened a trade


(31 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

lack of cheap tracking and the fact you have to fill out a customs form if you ship anything other than an envelope.

Mattssacre wrote:

After a recent negative experience with an underage trader, I'm wondering what the majority view here is.  Do you think it's okay for minors to trade and sell?  Personally, I would like to know if the person I'm trading with is an adult or minor.

It seems kind of odd that this site is basically helping people make trading contracts (although not worded so strictly as a normal contract).  In general minors can't be bound by contracts.  They can basically leave/break contracts as they see fit.   Even worse, an adult who has entered a contract with a minor is still bound by law to uphold their part of the contract.  Scary.

As per Deckbox's own Terms and Conditions, minors shouldn't even have accounts here:

You may use Deckbox only in compliance with these Terms. You may use Deckbox only if you have the power to form a contract with Deckbox and are not barred under any applicable laws from doing so.

Minors do not have the capacity to contract (by law in most states)  Some clarification on this would be great.

I think it's fine for minors to trade and sell. Functionally, it's the same as trading and selling with an adult since I'm never going to go to the trouble of hiring a lawyer and suing someone for breach of contract over 20, 30, or even 150 bucks in cards.

Since the majority of people that I deal with are in the states, and I live in Canada, I would be paying more than what I'm asking to provide for tracking.  Even tracking within Canada costs a fair bit, with the cheapest being $10 within Canada.  If I'm not mistaken, to provide tracking going into USA costs $15+, and I just can not afford to do that.

That's too bad, that makes it much more difficult. I know some people are apprehensive about buying/trading with people in Canada because of the time it can take cards to reach there. I've had no problems, but it's something you should let people know when you post. GL

A couple suggestions -

1. You should always provide tracking on everything you sell. This is for both the buyer and seller's protection. Delivery confirmation is free when purchasing postage online. You can purchase <3oz postage from Paypal with delivery confirmation for USD 1.70.

2. Ignore TCGPlayer mid when pricing. Go to ebay, look at the cheapest BIN price for the same card, and match or undercut it. This is the first thing anyone who buys cards regularly does when they see people selling cards online.

3. Pictures help when selling cards. It's usually unnecessary when selling things under a certain dollar value, but "NM" and "NM-" do not mean the same thing to everyone.

opened a trade


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

There are cheaper BIN's on Ebay right now for

Ancient Tomb
Deserted Temple
High Market
Isolated Chapel
Thawing Glaciers

and I'm sure a lot more but I stopped looking after those.

This forum isn't a runaround for creating a tcgplayer or ebay store. If you want to sell your stuff here, especially janky stuff, price it competitively.