Nice work as always Sebi, Deckbox is still the most updated and most user-request-responsive site I've ever seen!

Keep it up man,

bump...still need several of these


(21 replies, posted in Site Discussion) is a Json database you can use to do MTG stuff, it's a cool resource for developers

Chaim wrote:
gmabber wrote:

Great changes, thanks! :-)

How about some new APIs for app developers out there? ;-)

+3 (Me, myself, and I)

I'd dig on this too.

Thanks, but I'm already doing a trade for all of the BNG ones

Still looking for the Theros ones and whatever Journey into Nyx ones I'm not getting yet.  I'll post a list as soon as we've ironed out the details

any plans to add these to the Deckbox DB?

Also, Hi Sebi how you been?  Site keeps getting better and better man!


I saw a full set of each from one set on eBay for 10, but I hate ebay

Looking for a full set of the theros block heroes path cards. Are they in the deckbox database?

Still need:

NONE< I bought the rest, thanks for al who traded!

WOOBERG is looking for writers. WOOBERG is nearing its 10th year and I want to step up my game with site upgrades and more activity. If you are a Magic writer or a up and coming hopeful drop me a line and let me know what format you want to do a weekly column about or do a different format every week. Send ideas on the Contact Us portion of

Works great for me now!  If only I could create decks now big_smile

In a future release is there any plans to make the # of a card in decks column sortable?  I want to see a list of cards that I use too often or not often enough.

Also, another thing I have notices, when sorting a large number of cards by any of the quantity columns (number owned/wanted/for trade), when you go to the next page, it reorders all of the cards and sometimes shows the same card on multiple pages.

I.E., if I sort all MTG cards by number I own, sometimes card X is one page one, page 15 and maybe even another page.  It's never mixed in with the cards I own 1+ of, but the list of cards I own 0 of shuffles every time I switch pages in the search results.

Keep up the great work Sebi and gang!


gmabber wrote:

Guys, is there anybody left with any connection/download issues? I can't test for errors because all the accounts work and I need an accout with errors to test error reporting.

I'm still unable to download my full inventory.  I get connection problems on multiple different WIFI's and on 3G. 

ATT iPhone 4s with Ios 6.1

After the update I can't update my inventories.  I deleted and reinstalled and still have the same issue.  This is after iOS 6.1 and iDeckbox 1.2 on an iPhone 4S

sweet deal, seems fixed, I'm crash free after that update

gmabber wrote:

@Shoe: I've just chcked the size of your DB -- it's HUGE! It might be a memory related issue. I'll do some testing for 1.1 to get you covered.

@imsully2: this might be a similar issue. I kind of noticed more detailed information in your tradelist, namely there are icons of dci cards and similar. This might be an issue we're looking at, since I never entered the info and tested the app (works properly for inventory, wishlist and trades) mainly on my account.

I'll look into it ASAP (mon/tue probably) and release an update.

If you notice anything strange, send me the info and I'll be fixing all the issues.

this is true, I do have a crapton of cards, but I don't think this is particularly abnormal.  Most magic players have tons of cards.  Keep up the good work!

gmabber wrote:

Shoe, thanks for insights :-)

Have you tried reinstalling the app? On what device it crashes? Which iOS? Could you describe all the steps till crash, so I can reproduce it on my device?

iPhone 4s, 6.X whatever the latest version is.  It crashes when I try to view my inventory (whihc is quite large) and I cannot scroll through).  My trades list will not populate, I get a "failed to connect" error, even though I have part of my inventory and all of my wishlist imported.

Hope this helps, thanks for bringing deckbox to mobile devices!


The card tags on my blog have stopped working.  I havent changed anything.  Is there some kind of issue?

Any others having problems?

EDIT:  aaaaand it's back.  nevermind

SWEET!  downloaded!

App crashes when I try to update the DB.  it imported my wishlist but not my inventory or trades.  Good looking app, I do like where it's headed!

already have a Bird Maiden, but do you have any other janky AN commons?  I will trade for them as I am collecting a set



(13 replies, posted in Announcements)

Thanks for Vanguard....Starfish LOVES YOU!


Sorting the Magic main card database by number in inventory is glitchy.  If you go to the second page the order of cards will switch.  so if there are 2 pages contiaining cards I have 0 copies of sometimes I will see cards on both pages while others appear on neither page.  it appears that after sorting by number in inventory, it sorts the cards randomly and changes the sort order every time you change pages.


there is no image for Super Secret Tech … seid=74272

what happened to/where is the list that used to be in my profile (I think) that showed people who had the highest number of trades I needed in their list.  I actually used it alot and I can't find it anymore.


sebi wrote:

Along with Vanguard smile


