Hey guys!

So lately i've been tinkering with a combo in standard that I found rather interesting. However, I've never run a combo oriented deck, so I really have no idea what I'm doing. The combo involves 3 cards, so that takes up 12 spots in the deck. I plan on having 25 lands, but that's as far as I have gotten. What should go in the other 23 spots? I'm thinking that it needs to be a sort of control package with tons of removal and such, I'm just not sure what needs to be included or what kinds of cards protect combos.

My local meta is mostly heavy aggro (GW, Rakdos, Mono red) with a couple of Esper control decks about.

Thanks for any help!


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Yeah, someone is actually looking to trade for Elite Arcanist.

I'm trying to release the inner johnny, and I need 2 more copies of this guy. In exchange, I can mail you one dollar American, and a lovely handwritten poem that expresses my gratitude.

I am also instead willing to send you a fistful of whatever cheap card you may want from recent sets if you'd prefer. Got a collection of Serra Angels? Maybe we can help each other out.



(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hey guys!

So i'm building a new deck, and I'm missing a few pieces for it.
Everything that I need is on my wish list, but some of the major things include:

Elite Arcanist
Simic Charm
Hammer of purphoros

If you have any (or all!) of these cards, I'd love to do some trading with you! Just shoot me a message with whatever you see on my list that interests you! I have a pretty large collection of cheap stuff in standard, so if there's anything that you need for a deck, don't hesitate to ask!


I was thinking that he was budget oriented... Totally forgot that archangel is a $20 card.

But yes, if you can, add all the trostanis. As Ty said, with angelic accord, you'll pay 3 for 8 flying power and 4 life (1 angel from Trostani's populate, 1 from the 4 life you'll get EoT). With Bow of Nylea as your early game engine, and this as your late game engine, you should have no problem outlasting any aggro deck.

I also second Advent of the Wurm. At best, it's a 5/5 for 4 that will net you 5 life and an angel on your opponent's turn. At worst, you take out their counterspell for 4 mana and are free to bash them with your already huge field.

And on that note, if control is a problem for you, Loxodon Smiter is a fabulous 3 drop that you can add. Cant be countered, will net you another angel with your trostani accord combo, and offers a huge body very early.

Voracious Wurm + Heroes' Reunion is a 9/9 on turn 4. Last time I checked, that's pretty difficult to beat.

If I were to build a GW Life based deck, I would want to focus around Angelic Accord. That means that I'm focusing on gaining at least 4 life every turn. Once you have that, the game just falls into place. If your intent is to just gain life, you may feel content if you're gaining an average of 1-2 life per turn. Unfortunately, most quality aggro decks can do more than 3 damage every turn without breaking much of a sweat.

So while you already have a decent idea of what you want to be doing, I would suggest ramping it up a bit. Some things that you definitely can benefit from would be the Angelic Accord, which provides you with bodies that you may otherwise be lacking when you choose to turn on the life gain package. Riot control could really benefit you, as it will essentially buy you an extra turn, on top of pushing you even more forward in the life race. For another real bomb, you can put in Nylea's Disciple. You will spend your first few turns filling your board with green things (Experiment one T1, Caryatid T2, Bow of Nylea T3), then drop the disciple to gain 6 on turn 4, and have plenty of decent sized bodies to work with.

I really like the bow of nylea in this build, because 3 life per turn can really snowball in a drawn out game. I think 2 is a solid number for this build.

If you ever want to do well with any deck in this meta game, you're going to need lots of, or no removal. The removal that you have right now - Pacifism and Arrest -, while they can be effective, won't really get the job done against the aggro match up. I've learned by trying to play the same number of Chained to the Rocks + Detention Sphere in my UWR list that just having 7 removal enchantments won't cut it today. Not to mention that Chained and DSphere are more effective than Arrest or Pacifism. Right now, GW doesn't have too much else in the way of removal, so I would forgo it entirely. You aren't building up to white devotion, and by playing the enchantments over something that will advance your state is just going to slow down your whole game. If you feel that you really need removal though, I'd play a playset of Selesnya Charm. It will deal with anything that your centaurs and such can't (Desecration Demon?)

I can understand how Predator's Rapport and Staff of the Wild Magus may seem glamorous in a life gain build, but they're really not all too fantastic. The staff won't be doing anything near as much as other cards in these colors will, and by the time you'd want to play the Rapport, you should already be winning anyway, and you shouldn't need the extra life (Sure, gaining 40 life off of a 20/20 wurm seems awesome, but you have a 20/20 wurm... You don't need 40 life on top of that).

Your current creature suite seems pretty solid right now, actually. If anything, I'd put in the Soldier of the Pantheons just to have more options for turn 1. They evolve your experiments, and can help out in the control matches with the pro-multicolor.

That's about all I could think of at the moment to help out with this. Hope your changes are successful!


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

50 foils for $7 via Troll and Toad:


100 foils for $12.50 from Star City:

http://sales.starcitygames.com/carddisp … uct=426212

25 foil commons for $5 via ABUGames:

http://abugames.com/card139638-246665/M … -Card.html

After checking through Ebay for about 30 minutes, I couldn't find any reliable sources of bulk foils, so I believe that these are your best options. Personally, I would go through trollandtoad, but that's because I simply refuse to give Starcity my money. Starcity may be the better deal, however.

I'm also willing to bet that any Game Store that deals in Magic (ie. Buys collections) will have a box of random foils that they would be willing to sell. One store that I used to go to had a fat pack full of spare Promo cards from various events as well that they just give away, so you could always ask for spare promos when looking for cheap foils as well.

Unfortunately, i've already made a deal for it. sorry guys.

Hey guys!

I recently obtained a Revised Plateau, and I really don't need it. I'm looking to trade it at the ~$45 value that TCG has it at, though i'm also willing to sell it for ~$38. TCG has them for about $30, but those are damaged, or heavily worn. Mine is in very high quality condition, I'd list it about near mint, given age. (I have little experience with what old cards should look like, but compared to current cards, the edges etc. are of equal condition to something that has gone from the pack to my binder)

I also have a trade list that is also for sale.

Things that i'm looking for include pieces for Modern UWR Delver. Lands, mostly.
If you'd like more details, just start up a trade.


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Would I get any benefit out of putting the Reckoner into the UWR control list?

I recently traded for the reckoners, and i'd like to get the most out of them, that's partially why i'm pushing devotion so much.

I really only play fnm right now, but I also want to branch out into the bigger world, and I can see that I really won't get anywhere by playing a deck that isn't ready for the competition.

I'm thinking about it now, and going through what I have, I think that UWR will just be a better option for now. I've got the steam augurys, a couple of Jaces, and I may as well use the revelations while ive got em.

Thanks for all of the insight, by the way. I'll be drawing up that new list now.


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)


So I found this on the SCG channel...


It's pretty much the same exact deck that I had made...



(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So with this whole post in mind, I am going to be trying it out without blue again.

Here's what i've drawn up. http://deckbox.org/sets/542087



(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Alright, so here's the problem that I have with your suggestions.

You're essentially disregarding the things that I want to accomplish with this deck based strictly on the colors that i'm playing. I know how to make a UWR control deck, and if that is what I wanted to do, I wouldn't be here asking for assistance. It's not that hard to slap a warleader's helix and an assemble the legion into the UW control shell.

If you read the previous posts, you'll see that I want this deck to stick to White Devotion. I realized that white devotion isn't a thing right now, and I wanted to take advantage of that. If no one knows that it's possible, they won't be expecting it. Everyone knows about UWR control. The entire reason that I stopped playing mono black was because it became too heavily popular. I love playing decks that aren't popular. I want this deck to be the underdog. By eliminating everything that is slightly individual from this deck and putting in things that are already popular, I'm going to go from having my opponent on edge every play to having them essentially predict my next move every turn.

So I will say this again, this is a White devotion build. I don't want a strict control build. If anything, white devotion means aggro control with what's available to me.

I realize that I'm sounding stubborn, but I made this deck so that I wouldn't have to go down the control route. I don't want to only have the one option. I'm making something new here.


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Without actually playing with the deck, yes, I can understand where you're coming from. But coincidentally, in my testing at least, this deck turns out to be very well off against what I expect to be playing. My local Meta is very scrub-heavy. The people that know what they're doing are 200% johnny and are usually playing something like BW Festering Newt control. Then there's a group of newbies that have all the best decks but don't know how to use them (I saw someone in the esper mirror DSphere an AEtherling when A: He had his own AEtherling and B: The other guy had 3 blue mana up). Then there's 3-4 guys that are actual competitors. I'm looking for a deck that can beat a kid (73 card GR 'Things I had' decks) in a very fair manner (The aggro portion of the deck does this quite well, especially when I have to wait a couple of turns to get my draw), something that I can play cautiously against the mega johnnies, and something with enough end game to beat out the spikes.

I feel that this deck is capable of all of that. Between the reckoners, the enchantment based removal, and the Sphinx's Revelation, I can turn Heliod on around turn 5-6 and he will typically stay on for as long as I need him to. While he is a part of it, the deck doesn't revolve around him being a creature either. I feel that, yes, under normal circumstances, smashing two decks together won't really get you anywhere (Jund Reanimator is unfortunately something that I tried last season...), but I don't feel that that's what i've done here. This is still the WR devotion deck, I've just added blue to help keep it stable. I've been testing this for the last week, and without any changes it has about a 70% win ratio. I'm looking to up that by eliminating weaknesses. In my testing, I've found that Esper Control (really, just Ashiok control) and Mutavault give me a hard time. This pretty much means that I need to add a couple of burn spells, perhaps Turn//Burn, to get it sorted. Devotion decks are a cake walk, as this deck pretty much stops all cases of 5+ devotion. Master of Waves, while he will usually hit the field and bring his army, is also not a threat because he's very vulnerable to chained to the rocks, detention sphere, and Azorius charm.

Initially I was using the spear's second ability to get rid of creatures that I couldn't exile, but quickly stopped as soon as I tested against Stormbreath dragon. That and Blood Baron are the main reasons that i'm leaning to turn//burn now.

With nykthos, i'm able to ramp into more clerics from Heliod, as well as a massive revelation. Its not being used in the GR stompy method to bring out more guys, but being used to haul my butt over the finish line. I'm running three because I want to get one every game, and when I do pull it off I will typically win.

So anyway, I'm still in the iron out the kinks phase, but I believe that with more testing and the addition of a couple of answers, this deck will be all set to go.

If your opponent plays the reinforcements in response to the false demise trigger, it will go to the deck. Otherwise, he can't get the creature with reinforcements, and it returns to the battlefield.


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I actually had another AtLegion in the sideboard. Do you think that 3 is too many? And yeah, I do suppose that moving them out for Azorius charm is a solid move. I could use the lifelink as a stabilizer, and the tempo would help with the big red matchup (Something I struggled with in the first few turns last night).

I'm running 28 lands because I need to get the proper colors as early as possible. Having chained to the rocks into precinct captain into dsphere pretty much demands that I have one of every shock land in the first 3 turns. Granted, I don't even dare attempt to do this in 99% of my games, but it still helps to get things out when I want them. As for flooding, I don't really see this as an issue because of Heliod and Sphinx's Rev. I have about an 80% chance to have either of these when I would be at the point of being flooded, and i'm pretty ok with that. At least in testing 27-28 seems to be where I want to be.

To fit in the Charms though, I do figure that if I take out the Firemane Avengers and move the AtLegions all i'll have to do is swap a land or two out and i'll be where I'd like to be color distribution wise.

My only dilemma that I forsee would be adding to my reliance of blue. It's not too easy to cast a Boros Reckoner with an Island. Do you think that this should be something that I should be worried about?


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So the intent of this deck is to cast the removal on any early game presence (Chained for creatures, DSphere for Pwalkers / Anything else), while putting out little guys that can by themselves dominate the board state. [This is turns 1-5] Precinct captain is one of those things right now that will add to my board state and make it increasingly difficult for my opponent to race me. Honestly, the only real reason that I put the Firemane avengers in initially was because I had 2 of the promo ones, and i've been looking for an excuse to use them... However, in the Rakdos Aggro match up last night, they did save me with the lightning helix ability. That combined with the increasing numbers from precinct captain give me a very good early presence and take some of the reliance away from Elspeth and AtLegion. The spear is in here as well to play in that transitional period between turns 5-8 to act in both modes. It acts as a threat to stop the opponent's big guys from attacking, and can beef up my tokens for a kill.
Its really only after turn 7-8 that I flip the switch to control, hence my calling it midrange (It's really an aggro control list, but I digress).
When I played this last night, there were 2 things that really got me. Blood Baron in the White Weenie match up, and Supreme verdict in the esper match up. In my area, there's really only 1 person who plays Esper Rich Kid, so I'm really not worried about that match up.

The problem that I have with running Supreme verdict is that I rely on things like Boros Reckoner and Tokens to support myself. I'm trying to keep this list as close to White Devotion as possible, as well, and I feel that adding Verdict will bring me into the range of Control. I am only looking to give the impression that I'm running UWR Control while not actually running much / any of what it runs. If I wanted to play UW Control, I have the means to do it, but I am trying to mix it up here and stay away from that as much as possible.

On that note, I am not really sure how I feel about adding more enchantment removal. Sure, It'd be nice to have more, but that means that i'm taking away from other aspects of the deck. Right now, I feel that there is a pretty solid balance of all of the effects that I want to have.

For the Sideboard, I'm thinking pithing needle, and possibly some burn spells like Warleader's helix?


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hey guys!

So over the last month or so, I've been tinkering with Mono White Devotion. My first attempt was just that, mono white. Second attempt added red. Here's my third attempt, which adds blue to make a sort of UWR Midrange.


I added blue for a couple of reasons. Firstly, Sphinx's Revelation + Nykthos. With my constant buildup to a huge Heliod, I start to get huge numbers with Nykthos. I figured that I could use an X spell to take advantage of that so I wasn't always stuck making clerics. I first tried Aurelia's Fury, but I found that it really wasn't anything beneficial. Sure, a fireball is nice, but it's not really the thing that I want to rely on. I turned to Revelation, and figured that having the option to build my board state (In heliod) or build my personal state (In Revelation) would be the best choice.
Secondly, I wanted to take advantage of Chained to the Rocks. By adding blue, I get to add Steam Vents, which offers me 4 more mountains that I can use to cast other things. I also figure that being able to cast a Reckoner turn 3-4 then having the option for a nykthos into revelation turn 4-5 would be another great benefit.
Thirdly, Detention Sphere. With the total lack of enchantment removal that there appears to be in standard, I figure that I could take advantage of that by running essentially 7 copies of the same effect and get away with it.

I would like to know what you guys think of this build, and if you have any suggestions for improvement. I'm still ironing out the SB, but at the moment it's full of Glare of Heresy, Solomn Offering, banisher priest, and negate.



(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

As far as rare tokens go, I have a Voice of Resurgence token, a Satyr token for Xenagos, quite a couple Golem tokens for hammer of purphoros, a 5/5 wurm token, 2 6/6 dragon tokens (Utvara hellkite, I believe), 2 8/8 elementals from Grove of the guardian, and Everybody's favorite: Goat token.

Any interest in these?

I think that drawing with Garruk seems better for you than drawing with Jace, because you'll be able to do more things with what you draw with Garruk. With Jace AoT, You'll have more time to set up with his +1, but I feel that he's much better in a control build. This is more of a midrange build, so Garruk will prove to be more of a benefit.

Swan Song is good for getting away from all the enchantment stuff, but I think it's more of a sideboard card. I'd feel more comfortable with a catch-all like negate or syncopate.

I do like this build, but I would watch out for early aggressors like spike jester. The only real defense that you have for that is Sylvan Caryatid. I looked at the deck a couple of hours ago, so I can't remember what exactly you've got, but something like boon satyr, perhaps some lighter stuff like dryad militant or cloudfin raptor.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

This is essentially the build that I am after. Though I believe that by going black, he's not really gaining anything over my going red. He's got Blood Baron, which replaces my firemane avenger, he's got the orzhov charm which is pretty much swappable with boros charm, and he's got thoughtseize. Where he is in disruption, I am in board presence.

I do like his build though, but I think it could be a bit more tuned. I think that he's going black as more of a meta call, just to get the blood baron against mono black and mono white strategies.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hey Guys!

I realize that this is probably my 3rd or 4th thread on a new deck, but the constructive criticism really helps the deck making process, and I really appreciate all the help that you guys give.

So far in standard, we've had every color based devotion to some degree. Mono Blue won the pro tour, Black won the everything else, Red is starting to win SCGOpens, and Green has started to make an appearance in places. However, I noticed that there was a distinct lack of white in this line up. So, I decided to try my hand at making a Mono White Devotion list. However, when I started the building process, I realized that there just wasn't enough white to be efficient, and because I already had Boros Reckoner in the list, I decided to make it White splash red Devotion.


[Spoiler alert, mini deck tech coming up]

At the lower end of the curve, you've got your top contenders from White Weenie, Soldier of the Pantheon as a 1 drop, Precinct Captain as your 2, Banisher priest and Boros Reckoner coming in at the 3 spot.
From there on the curve, I decided to get a bit creative. I wanted this deck to be about the later game. I also wanted a creature form Heliod to be a typical occurence. So in the 4 spot, I've got Heliod and Firemane Avenger. The Avenger is included because with the number of tokens and creatures in general that I expect to be swinging with, a free lightning helix every turn is sure to help put me on top. Even if I can't get the 3, a 3/3 flyer for 4 still isn't too bad. In the 5 spot, I had to put in Archangel of Thune. The life gain is too much to pass up, and the counters can get really nasty after a few turns of Precinct captain picking away. Because why not, I put in one evangel of heliod, mostly to justify the name "Devotion". He'll eat up a counterspell, if nothing else, and I'm kind of ok with that in this build. If he goes unanswered, all the better. Finally, I've got Angel of Serenity because she's a tank. 5/6 in the air on top of a sure  Heliod activation is well worth the 7 mana, but getting back little threats from my yard is even more of a treat. I've got a 2/2 split of Heliod's spear and Path of Bravery for my anthems. The Lifegain from Path really helps me recover from any potential damage sustained setting up, and triggers archangel. the +1 off of path is really just a bonus. The spear is also nice for removal, and the assured buff is a lot easier to count on. Why fight between the two when I can have both? As another source of removal, i've got Celestial Flare, mostly to make up for my lack of presence in the first couple of turns. It'll throw a wrench in most larger aggro plans, and allow me more time to get my stuff done. Finally, I've got assemble the legion to put out more bodies, distract the opponent, and practically assure my win.


So if you've got any advice, given that you know the intended battle strategy of this deck, that you can give, please feel free. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this deck plays and what you guys think of it. If it's too top heavy, bottom heavy, or totally hollow and i'm just missing it, please let me know.


obnysalt wrote:

I see now that I am a Johnny among Spikes here.

There's a difference between being johnny and being bad at making a deck. Sure, anyone can throw a bunch of cards together, find a central theme, and call themselves a johnny, but in reality, a johnny is someone who knows what they're going to be up against, knows how to beat it, and does it with flare.

Take, for example, Kentarou Yamamoto; creator of the original Mono Black Devotion list. This guy is a real Johnny. He made something that was both very innovative, something that no one had ever heard of, and made it to the top 8 of the pro tour. His deck wasn't just a mish-mosh of cards with similar abilities, it was carefully planned out according to what he expected to be facing at his tournament. Now, this deck is bigger than MTGJesus.

If you want to be a real johnny, you need to take a step back and observe your metagame. Look at what the people are playing, and find out how their decks can lose. Then, take that information into account when you are making your deck. If you are going for the Theme deck - as you are here with the BG Graveyard Shenanigans -, you're going to want to shoot for a mix of about 50% Theme, 50% Kill them.

The first thing that you should do is find cards in your colors or theme that also act as a Kill Them card. Varolz is an awesome example here, as he works with your graveyard to match your theme, and can act as a major contender in the Kill Them category (With the right partnership of other cards, of course).

Once you have a few Theme cards, you're going to want cards that do one of two things. You're looking for something that either interacts, or synergizes, with your stuff extremely well, or disrupts your opponent's game plan. Reaper of the wilds and Abrupt Decay come to mind on this one. The Reaper is very awesome in pretty much every way for this sort of deck. On its own, it's a power house that will cause your opponent to struggle to get it off the field. Combined with Varolz, or other scavenge cards, it can become your main beat stick that you can use to win the game. Abrupt Decay is probably the best option you have when it comes to disrupting the opponent, because it will get rid of just about everything that is giving you a hard time. Detention sphere, Spear of Heliod and all of it's minions, Nightveil specter, Sedge scorpion...

When guys like El Pablo and TyWoo suggest these cards to you, it's not because "They're the best cards", or "They're the most expensive cards", it's because these cards have been proven to do work in the Kill Them category, and really make or break a deck. So what you should be doing is taking into consideration all of their suggestions and try to shape your deck around the shell that they're trying to create for you. If you don't you're going to end up with a giant mish-mosh of cards with slightly similar abilities with a nametag that says "Hi, My name is... JoHny" Scribbled in crayon on it. They are giving you the part of your deck that will let your deck win games. Once you have that, it's up to you to shape that winning deck into one that has your personal flare in it. That's what being a Johnny really means.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)


I've updated this list once again, and i'm looking for some more feedback on it.

I am slowly looking to transform it into a UWR delver list that uses Geist of Saint Traft, Steppe linx, and Path to exile, once I get them.

For the time being, this is what i've got. I'm also working on expanding the landbase into a sort of IND-RTR Standard manabase with the shocks and the checks. Fetches seem to be out of the question because no one is willing to trade them away.

Changes that I already have planned:
Vapor Snag --> Path to Exile
Faerie Conclave --> Celestial Colonnade
Azorius Charm --> Lightning helix

If you have any other changes that you could suggest, I'd love to hear em.
Also, What do you think of Young Pyromancer in this current build?


If that's the case, you need to build an Unglued / hinged deck.

But for realzies, some more casual deck themes:

Mono Black Bogbrew Witch
Mono Green Hydras
BR Discard
Tokens (Can be done in just about every color. Prominent ones are WB, WG, WR, WRB)
Auras (WUG, W, WG)
Maze's End
WG Giants (Big Creatures and things to make them bigger)
Mono White Life gain
Mono Red Dragons
GB Graveyard Shenanigans
UR Replication (your copy spells idea)
GW, GU, G Counters (Things that abuse +1/+1 counters)
Infect (Some combination of UBG)
Mono Blue Counters (60% Counterspells, 35% Land, 5% Win Conditions)
Superfriends in any colors (Planeswalkers and things to support them)
Anti _______ (Take one of your friend's decks and build to stop whatever they're doing)

That's about all i've got in terms of Themed decks, that i've seen at least.

I'm assuming that you're looking for casual decks?

If not, what format are you going for?

If you're going casual, there's always tribal decks. Vampires, Merfolk, Spiders, Angels or Demons as you mentioned...
Some of the decks that my friends use are Mono Blue Flyers, Mono White Soldiers, Casual Tron (Essentially a bunch of cheap creatures and multiple copies of the Kaldra pieces), Slivers, Mono Red Burn...
If you're looking for casual, I can continue to list off ideas that I've seen.

If you're looking for competitive, it's really format dependant.