I'm making Modern GW Little Kid, a la Kibler.

I'm also looking for a Cascade Bluffs and 2 Stirring Wildwoods.

Hey, I'm interested in your Crucible, Top, Debtor's Knell, High Market, and Karrador.

Is there anything you want from my Inventory?


Anything in Inventory? I'm trying to help a friend make a Dream Halls deck.

I'm interested in your Grim Monolith. Look through my stuff and send me a trade if there's anything you want.

Edit: I might also have a Foil Word of Seizing somewhere, but I would have to check. I'm also interested in the Preacher.

I'm looking for a few cards for a few different purposes:

I need a Noble Hierarch for a Modern deck, a City of Traitors for a friend, and a Foil Unhinged Plains to finish my cycle of Foil Unhinged Lands.

I'm willing to trade from my Inventory for these. I also have contents of 6 EDH decks that I'm too lazy to list, but will search through them if you're looking for anything in particular.

I'd be interested in the Foil Island. Send me a trade if you see anything you want of mine.

MrSenium wrote:

In the US could be delayed due to the Hurricane.

I considered that for a minute, but the cards were shipped weeks before the hurricane began to develop, so I decided to dismiss that possibility for the American trader. I would suppose that that can be the case for the Canadian trader though.

How much of a premium are you looking for?

I've got some of the things you're looking for (in addition to whatever's in my tradelist):

  • Hallowed Fountain

  • 2x Blood Crypt

  • Overgrown Tomb

  • Thragtusk

Send me a trade if you're interested in trading.

I'm interested in your Blood Crypt. Check out my Tradelist.

I also have an Asian Magma Sliver (Chinese/Japanese/Korean; not sure which).

Shoot me a trade if you're interested.

I'm interested in the Lilianas. Check out my tradelist; it has Aristocrats.

Send me a trade if you're interested.

HABS wrote:

I'd give it a month to appear. Maybe this should help: http://www.ehow.com/how_6036461_lost-po … ckage.html

I'm waiting for something for a month now as well, and I'm working with the other trader to resolve it. I don't know how effective this way is but it's an option.

That seems helpful. Thanks for the link!

I'm currently waiting on a couple trades that were accepted around the second week of October that have yet to arrive.

I'm not sure how long I should be waiting on these, as it has already been about 3 weeks already.
Granted, one is from Canada, but I have yet to receive either of these trades.
I've been thinking that these might just be slow in the mail, due to how much political trash is being sent in the mail with the elections, but I'm starting to think that this isn't the case because 3 weeks is a fairly long wait for mail and I've received other trades in the mail since then.

I'm wondering if it's possible that they're stuck at the local post office since:

  • Both would have arrived at roughly the same time

  • My local post office has a 1/30 Points rating on Google Reviews, so I wouldn't put it beyond them to let something like this happen

Does anyone have any suggestions about how to deal with this?
Is there a way to check with my post office to see if they have any undelivered mail for me, or do I just have to keep waiting?
This is the first time I've had difficulty with the mail regarding trades, so I'm not certain what I should do about it.

I have a foil Fire-lit thicket I'd like to put towards a Noble Hierarch if you're interested in that.

Otherwise, I might be able to get a Crucible and Academy Ruins from some friends to put towards the Wasteland.

I have a foil Fire-lit Thicket if you're interested in it.

I'm looking at your Armada Wurm, and some number of EDH things you have.

You should shoot me a trade!


  • Bloodghast

  • Goblin Bombardament

  • Cabal Therapy

"I play Legacy"

I see where you're going with this. Sam Black and I approve.

reignofkindo wrote:


You don't really need test comments, as it will be applied to each of your previous posts upon updating your Sig.


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Well, you've got quite a few things (EDH goodies) I'd like to trade for.

You should look through my stuff and shoot me a trade.

Zuul36 wrote:
Thrun wrote:
scurveymobile wrote:

What do you value die at?  If I have some older, hard to find die, what are they valued at?

SCG should have prices for every single die that has been made: http://sales.starcitygames.com//category.php?cat=5205

I will value dice at those prices. However, obviously if everyone starts offering M12 dice for some low value cards, I won't be accepting all of the offers.

Wow.  TIL: That I should save ALL of my dice.... some of them are actually worth a fair amount of change.

Wow... I kinda want an Apocalypse die now...


(26 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I've got a Temple Garden, and am looking for an Armada Wurm.

Send me a trade if you're interested.

I've had something similar happen to me. I agreed to a trade with someone about a month ago, but they haven't been on since. Hence, I canceled the trade since the person wasn't available to talk to for a whole month. He didn't post his address either.

Also, my general view of this tread: http://i.imgur.com/5GlRI.gif

Still need Armada Wurms and Angels of Serenity. I also added a few things to my tradelist.

Lingering Souls have been acquired.

They seem to be going for about $7-8 on Ebay. Does that sound fair?