(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

All of the card prices for cards from the Modern Event Deck are showing up with Deckbox Average Prices above $50 each (example: Inquisition of Kozilek s/be $5 or less).

Not sure if you are already doing this, but we should be using the median price (price of the card in the middle of the array) rather than the mean (numeric average).

Do we have some sellers deliberately trying to skew Deckbox prices high?

EDIT: Correction - It's not ALL cards, but it is nearly all results when sorting on Price (High to Low).  None of the cards in the $50+ range belong there.

I've been toying with this build for the past few days.  I'd appreciate your feedback and opinions. I'm planning use this at FNM. We have a mixed crowd: some competitive players and many novices.

It has a lot of potential, but has been having problems with removal-heavy decks (as do many). The goal is to leverage life manipulation (my gain and opponent's loss) through the Constellation mechanic, and by leveraging synergies with the god cards I'm playing (Athreos to avoid the graveyard if my opponent pays life, Mogis to force a sacrifice or lose life decision, and Heliod to create enchantments for Constellation triggers).  Given the opportunity, this deck can work like an aggro deck, but is (more typically)  mid-range.

4 Hopeful Eidolon
4 Nyx-Fleece Ram
4 Spiteful Returned
4 Underworld Coinsmith
3 Athreos, God of Passage
4 Grim Guardian
2 Heliod, God of the Sun
2 Mogis, God of Slaughter

4 Ethereal Armor
4 Sinister Possession

3 Hero's Downfall

4 Godless Shrine
2 Mana Confluence
3 Mountain
3 Plains
4 Sacred Foundry
3 Temple of Silence
3 Temple of Triumph


3 Bile Blight
2 Blind Obedience
4 Brain Maggot
4 Deicide
2 Herald of Torment

I was at a big modern event recently, and more than half the decks were running Mutavault.  It might drop a bit, but don't expect it to go through the floor.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's playable, and bigger than most burn spells can remove. $20 may be high long-term, but they are harder to find and it's seeing play in most white-inclusive decks at my LGS. I'm also starting to see them in some Commander decks, just because the card makes a great early blocker without having defender.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Mowza2k2 wrote:

There is a small spelling error on the main page of Deckbox. It says "Event Organiser" when it should say "Event Organizer"
Picture Attached.

"Organiser" is correct in British English. It is only "organizer" in American English.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Moving this to the Site Feedback and Discussion area...

When editing the inventory count field in Inventory, would it be possible to change the tab order so that pressing the TAB key will switch the focus to the next column (tradelist count) rather than to the card name?

Similarly, tabbing again would ideally move the focus to wishlist count.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

It may have been raised already, but what happened to the ability to select cards in a deck and move them to the sideboard?

To build a deck, I go through my inventory and select all cards I want to consider. I move this "pool" to a deck by checking boxes in front of the respective cards and then using the card actions Add to Deck... feature.

Once in the deck, I fine tune what I've included.  I want a quick and simple way to move cards from the deck to the sideboard (and vice versa).

In addition, I'd love to see the ability to build decks from spoiler view in the deck building area. I'd like to be able to modify quantities, add/remove cards, and move cards between the deck and the sideboard.

Long term, I'd love the ability to click and drag the card images to move them between sideboard, main deck, and a "card pool" area.

You've been doing a great job with the site, especially given the amount of change in recent months. Thanks for building the premiere site for MTG inventory management, trading, and commerce.

Every time I add cards. I added 6-8 packs last evening. It affected 90+% of the cards I entered.

EDIT: added two sentences

Any update on when this will be resolved? There's another thread now suggesting that this is happening below the sixth-card threshold.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thanks, Sebi.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The whitebox search is fine in many cases, but I most often access the site from my phone when at my LGS.  I don't have the ability to enter <Ctrl>+<I> in order to bring up the search screen from my phone (or from my tablet). The static search box on the card database screen was great--I would just open a browser pointing to the database page, start typing the card name, and--VIOLA!--I could select the correct card and see the card info (including my inventory counts).  Now I cannot access that search box except when at a desktop or laptop. Then, when I do use it, I have to click another tab to see my inventory counts--not convenient at all.

Please either restore the static card database search box, or give us an option to get it back (e.g., an alternate page, a configurable option).

This is extremely important to me and my use of this site.

I've reported this issue repeatedly over the last year (plus), and Sebi indicated it would be fixed soon.  However, it never used to display that behavior if you had fewer than five of a card in inventory--it only used to happen when you went to add a sixth card. So, I'm wondering if he tried to fix it and did not get the desired result.

You can see my most recent post on the topic here.

Not sure if this is the kind of input you are seeking, but I'd love the ability to record lot/bin or box/binder. if the new field will be free-form, that might work, but until I see it, I'm not clear on what the new tag system will be like. It sounds like the first draft will let me assign location tags (e.g., Binder A, Box 1), and that I'll be able to filter on those tags. That means I could have a unique line in inventory for every card (if every card was in a different location).

I'm assuming multiple tags would be possible? One card could be tagged for a location, but could also be tagged as "signed" or "altered", for example. Is that correct?

I also second the desire to see decks reflect the actual cards associated with those decks.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)



(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

brewfox wrote:

The pricing on zendikar full art lands is incorrect. Deckbox has them at < 50 cents each. I don't see them anywhere for less than $1.50, $2 in most cases.

Every LGS in this area (Minneapolis, MN) has them for $1.00.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Can we get the deck legality rules fixed? There is no rule that requires that a MTG deck be between 60 and 70 cards.  Legal decks (excluding draft/sealed formats) must be at least 60 cards. There is no maximum deck size (see Battle of Wits).

Commander format decks must be a 100-card singleton deck (no more than one of any card other than basic land).

Draft and Sealed decks need to be at least 40 cards, but may contain any number of any card (e.g., could include six Legion Loyalist).

Here are some from a quick advanced search of the card database:

Ashen Rider
Brindle Shoat
Doomed Traveler
Gang of Devils
Loyal Cathar
Maalfeld Twins
Mausoleum Guard
Moldgraf Monstrosity
Polluted Dead
Soulcage Fiend
Undead Executioner
Underworld Cerberus
Vastwood Hydra
Voice of Resurgence
Worldspine Wurm
Xathrid Necromancer

If you are going to let your creatures die, why not include some creatures that benefit you whenever a creature dies:
Blood Artist
Falkenrath Noble
Harvester of Souls
Havengul Vampire
Ogre Slumlord
Rage Thrower
Requiem Angel
Unruly Mob

Thanks, Sebi. Looking forward to it.


I know I reported this originally in early 2013, but want to re-post it again now to make sure it doesn't fall off the radar.

When I add new cards to my inventory (using Import>Cards), the system reduces my tradelist count by one if I add a card after my inventory total is at or above six (6) with at least two items in my tradelist. Through five, everything works perfectly.  So, if I already have 6 Deathbellow Raider (with 2 on my tradelist), and then I add another one, the system adds a new line for the new card, but peels one off my tradelist count on the second line (putting it to 6 and 1) and sets the new line to 1 and 1. The system assumes I'm automatically going to trade the one I'm adding, which may or may not be the case.

If I've already specified that I'm trading two of the six cards I already had, why not just insert the new item line with a default quantity of one (with nothing in the tradelist field), and leave it to each of us to decide whether or not the card we are adding is for trade? Even if you want to have the system add the new line as a 1 (inventory) and 1 (tradelist), why is it taking away from my existing trade numbers?

I just added another 60 or so cards last night, and, for the vast majority of them, I had to modify the tradelist quantity on the line that showed the cards I already have, because the system reduced that number by one.  It gets really annoying, especially when entering hundreds of new cards (as I will be doing this weekend).

Examples (assumes adding one card and making no edits to quantities):

Count before import (inventory/tradelist): 4/0
Count after adding one card: 5/0 - OK (I can specify the new card for trade, if desired)

Count before import (inventory/tradelist): 5/1
Count after adding one card: 6/1 - OK (this is what I expect, I can specify the new card for trade, if desired)

Count before import (inventory/tradelist): 6/2
Count after adding one card: 7/2 - NOT OK. The system defaults to bringing in the new card line as 1/1. While the end quantity is mathematically correct, the system reduces the count of those cards I had already listed for trade by one. It assumes I want to trade the new card, and that I no longer want to trade one of the others.  It creates unnecessary manual inputs.

If I'm entering more than one of a new card, here's what I have to do:

Count before import (inventory/tradelist): 6/2

1) I enter the name of a card and hit Tab or Enter card: the system creates a new line with 1/1 and sets the second line to 6/1.

2) I change the count on the first line. I'm entering two cards, and plan to trade both. I enter 2 (inventory), then tab over and enter 2 (tradelist).

3) I tab twice more to get to the tradelist count on the next line, and modify the tradelist count to 2. This assumes I only have those two lines (all a single edition).

[If I have multiple editions, I have to correct the tradelist count for whatever edition was used to enter the card, in addition to setting the proper edition for the card that was added.]

4) I hit <Enter> or click Apply.

If I don't do Step 3, my count comes out as 8/3 when it should be 8/4.

I also like the mouseover feature, and it has been part of the site since I joined some years ago. I do not want to see it go away. I use AutocardAnywhere to show me cards and values, and I've just added specific addresses from this site where I don't want it to be active. Is that the tool you are using?

I use these exceptions in AutocardAnywhere:


I like the Sylvan Caryatid idea, but only had one going into this build and I lent it to one of my sons. I just got a second one from the Easter Bunny, though, so I will be making a change.

So far, two Nykthos have worked for me, but I'm open to a third. Even with only two in the deck, I've managed to play and replace a couple of times.

The deck took me to second place this weekend. I came in behind one of my sons, who borrowed a white-weenie-enchantments deck I ran the week before. I definitely will tweak this one before Friday. Overall, it played very well.

They are unique to each type, just as the original creature Nicol Bolas may be on the board next to Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker. You are limited to four of any card (unless otherwise specified on the card). The planeswalker uniqueness rule won't let you keep two planeswalkers with the same subtype (i.e., name) on the board at the same time (so no two Ajani, even if one is Ajani, Caller of the Pride and the other is Ajani Vengeant), but since Xenagos, God of Revels does not share its type or subtype with Xenagos, the Reveler, both may be on the field at the same time.

This is my first attempt at making a Gruul deck.  The idea is to get the Elvish Mystic out T1, and then one or more Burning-Tree Emissary on T2, possibly with Signal the Clans (pulling Xenagos, God of Revels; Polukranos, World Eater; and Stormbreath Dragon {Polis Crusher if facing enchantment creatures}). T3 will be either a walker (if opponent offense is weak) or a Fanatic of Xenagos.

My deck: Gruuling Effort

If I cannot win simply on beefy creatures, I hope to use Xenagod to make them bigger and beefier. Polis Crusher  (though immune to Xenagod's ability) seems to be underrated, so I'm betting it will be useful in god-defense (and getting past defending gods).


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Those sound like perfect scenarios to report in the BTR forum, especially if you've already tried resolving the issue.