Check out my tradelist if you have some of these for trade. I mostly have standard so I won't bother putting up Cliques or fetches on the wishlist. Thanks.

The RtR version of Steam Vents is at $10, but it's inflated on deckbox because of the average between the RtR version and dissension version. Here's the link: … mp;s=cname

Would you be willing to do Silverblade Paladin for Steam Vents?

Yep I've had no takers for the two I have, even though I'm willing to trade them for around $10-12, which is well below it's current value.

Let me know if there's any interest. Thanks.

Let me know if anyone's interested. Thanks.

I have a Chinese Hinterland Harbor. Value it at probably $14 or so. Interested in the Abrupt Decay and Detention Sphere. Let me know if you find something to close the value if interested.


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Some dude just traded a bunch of tokens for a mind funeral, so yep, pretty much anything can happen.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

jgmill87 wrote:

@Tizzy: Started a trade discussion

@anubomb: Probably not because I just checked tcgplayer and RTR versions of Steam Vents are only $12.30 where as Tomb is $16.90 so that's almost a $5 dollar difference. If you have something larger to even it up a bit more then maybe we can work something out.

Started a trade.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Would you do RtR steam vents + something small (Moorland Haunt and Beast Within?) for an Overgrown Tomb?

Edit: Also have a Supreme Verdict that I'd be willing to trade towards a Rakdos Return.

bolerodefeu wrote:
Peripheryy wrote:

Someone did this to me a couple days ago. Not much you can do besides be pissed off. It isn't worth it to leave negative feedback unless they did something more serious, in my opinion. My reputation is still tainted after some guy took a month and a half to mail me $15 worth of cards lol.

Same story here. Guy took 6 weeks to deliver my cards. I didn't even give him a -1, just a 0 as he apparently had RL stuff come up. He responded by giving me a 0 even though my cards were there 4 days after I agreed to trade.

Not a fan of this system.

You really need to insist on the other party sending first when trading with people who have low feedback. I had a similar situation happen where the cards took way too long to ship dealing with a new trader. Since then whenever I trade with new guys, I ask them to send first. They're usually fine with it and the ones I've traded with have been exceptionally quick and great to trade with, and your rating serves as security that you'll send after you get them.

scurveymobile wrote:

Since it seems to be unanimous that everyone wants names, the guy in my stories username is JAKElolz.

Is there anyway to start a sticky thread on members who disobeyed the rules or is that going a bit overboard?

Was the trade accepted in your situation as well?

After a trade has been accepted, the trade is set in stone. I'm pretty sure that's one of the strict rules of trading. Please post the username of the person who you did this trade with. Revealing personal information isn't acceptable, but I think it's everyone's responsibility to disclose dishonest and bad trader's username given you have the proof.


(26 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in 3x Mizzium Mortars and 2x Pithing Needle. Let me know if you see something.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

How many do you need? I can send you a bunch for free. Start a trade if you're interested.

Edit: Only have 12. Thought I had a bunch more. Weird.


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

AgainstOne wrote:

this has nothing to do with 5 cards worth less than $9 total.  it has everything to do with making a commitment and honoring that commitment.  it has to do with being able to own up if you decide to break that commitment, instead of just leaving the trade hanging out there and not having the balls to tell the person that you've decided to go back on your word.

the fact of the matter is that you're a liar.  when i confronted you about trading the cards away 3 weeks ago, you lied to me and you left the trade hanging, hoping i would cancel it and no one would find out what you did (and what you're still doing to others).

well, i'm here to make sure that everyone who reads these forums knows what you did and what kind of a person you are.

I'm not sure, but if he accepted the trade and then reneged, you can report him for dishonest trading.

I have a few, but haven't posted it yet. Here are the ones I'm willing to trade:

Grove of the Guardian promo

Palisade Giant

Mercurial Chemister

Pack Rat

2x Chaos Imp


Growing Ranks

Wild Beastmaster

I also opened 12 packs of RtR total, so might have a few commons/uncommons you're looking for.

Value it at around $4 given that's what's it going for around starcity. Start up a trade if interested. Thanks.

Would you do Rakdos' Return + 2 loxodon Smiter for a Steam Vents and something small?

Interested in the Rakdos's Return. Have a Master of the Wild Hunt and a korean Havengul Lich. Let me know if you're interested.


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

4-1-1 with GW and black splash. Got Trostani as my only real money card in the pool. Got 6 packs as my winnings and pulled a Steam Vents and Rakdos's Return from that. So not a bad prerelease. Might go to another on Sunday.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Darktire wrote:

I'm afraid i can't trade the silverblades, they're in my fiancees favorite deck, sorry to be difficult, anything else look interesting?

Garruk Wildspeaker + Olivia?


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Darktire wrote:

Interested in your Trostani, I have an Olivia Voldaren but that seems to be all I have on your wishlist, care to take a look through to see if anything strikes your fancy?

Interested in 2x Silverblade Paladins + Olivia from your wishlist. Do you see anything to close the gap on that?


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Trostani has found a new home.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I plan on building maverick eventually. My plan is to not build a billion standard decks this season and stick with a couple very good ones. This way I can funnel any winnings I get towards that deck. Gonna start slow with the cheaper stuff (Knight, Dryad Arbor, Green Sun's etc.) and move up. If I'm halfway through the duals by the end of the season, I'm happy.

They seem to be worth $20-30 each. In that case, you should be able to get all of them + the Sword for a bit more than one dual.