(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I can give you a Godless Shrine for a Sacred Foundry, I also have a Hallowed Fountain (I really need 2 Foundries)

bump, Someone has to want this stuff!

I've got 2 D-spheres, I think we can work something out (I want a lot of your fun EDH cards, UG specifically)

bump neutral


imsully2 wrote:

I'm interested in the Emblem if you want to work something out for it

Would you trade a Terra Stomper and an Experiment Kraj for it?

come on, no one wants to trade overpriced reprinted shocks for fetches during modern season? lol

I've got 4 Crags, I'll send you a trade


I have a Gideon, a Marsh Flats, a Hallowed Fountain(RTR), 4x Glacial Fortress, a Sulfur Falls, and some other stuff. I need 3x Boros Charm, and 3x Sacred Foundry (GTC) Let me know if you would like to work something out!

I also have the Boros and Gruul pre-release promos, as well as some other GTC commons/uncommons/rares (2x Dimir Charm, Angelic Skirmisher, Mind Grind)

I'll trade Gideon below value ($20 for standard, lower for eternal stuff)

interested in Chaos Warp, oversized Karrthus, and possibly the card sleeves depending on what you value them at.

I'm looking for an FTV Necropotence, see if you can find anything on my tradelist.

Asuran wrote:
Deathtopia wrote:

I really really need a set of Goyfs.  I have some Legacy stuff, some Modern stuff, and a whole lot of Standard stuff.  I know that people don't usually trade them but I am willing to give plenty of value if you are willing to part with them.  Please start up a trade!!

Just wait till June. 2013 when modern masters comes out, you know they are reprinting goyfs and the price should drop!

The price of FUT goyfs won't drop, but you'll be able to get MM ones for a bit less

Acquired the Momir Avatar. Still want tix.

I want MTGO tix, and some EDH cards in paper.

I value the Fetches at around $20, current SCG price. If you want to talk with me on MTGO, my username is nsongster123.

here's my tradelist http://deckbox.org/sets/199173?s=i&o=d

and here's my paper wantlist http://deckbox.org/sets/199174?s=i&o=d

the paper chain lightnings are pretty low priority, I don't foresee myself needing a complete paper legacy deck anytime soon

Talk of a modern unbanning has been generating hype.

I'm interested in your Sword(s), primarily F&F and W&P.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

do you have pictures of the condition of the revised Demonic Tutor? I'm interested. I've got an overgrown tomb.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

what do you value it at? could be fun for EDH.

Interested in AVR land pack(s?) and golgari/selesnya/azorius spindowns, and possibly a couple of cardboard deck boxes.


I'm trying to build a UW humans standard deck. GoST might be out of my price range, but I'm looking to get one more Silverblade Paladin

Another bump.


sent you a trade for 1x Lotleth