Started discussion

I have a FoW for sale for $50 and a Misty for $40 if you are interested in buying.

Hi guys, I have a few cards for sale. Happy Thanksgiving!
Few rules:
1. Shipping is NOT free and is $2 for a bubble mailer + tracking. We will need to discuss insurance options for orders >$100
2. Payment - paypal gift or you cover all associated fees (goods & services, or credit card payment)

Important: Only cards listed below are available!!! - I can't edit the Imgur gallery

Pictures of cards are listed in front/back Order - tried to do the best I could with my smart potato:

Here are the cards I have listed in the pictures:
Wasteland - $50
Foil Griselbrand (can supply pics, he is NM) - $75
Foil Deathbringer Leige - $15
Foil Baneslayer Angel - $28
Foil Akroma, Angel of Wrath (Leg) - $24
Angus Mackenzie - $60
Foil Yawgmoth's Bargian - $18
Boros Reckoner - $8
Hallowed Burial - $5
Vindicate - $18
Foil Master of the Wild Hunt - $16
Crucible of Worlds - $17
Foil Obzedat - $18
Rasputin Dreamweaver - $33
Foil Mindbreak Trap - $20
Foil Remand (Rav) - $20
Fetid Heath - $12
Wooded Bastion - $7
Fire-Lit Thicket - $5
Korean Coat of Arms (Weatherlight) - $6
Foil Sliver Overlord (Scourge) - $9
Foil Teysa (Guildpact) - $24
Foil Advent of the Wurm - $4
Marrow Gnawer - $8

Don't like the prices? Make an offer.


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I second this idea


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Have a couple duals I'd like to turn into foil fetches.  Let me know if you have any (other than verdant catacombs).  Have a ton of other stuff in my tradelist too.


Started trade discussion

Looking for a good mix of all basic land types - around 10 of each.  Will trade for these @ 0.75 each, straight across for anything in my tradelist.  Foil basics should be in NM condition (or very lightly played with no fogging).

Make offers if you don't like the values I've posted.  We can probably work something out, especially if you have any of the more desirable arts such as Masques Forest #350, Masques Plains #334, Masques Swamp #339

Thanks for looking

Which Foil Zen Fetches do you have?

I have a foil LOTV (unlisted), but would only be interested in trading it for foil ONS fetches.  Let me know if you have any.


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Opened a trade.

I have a ton of stuff.  Let me know what you're looking for  - I have a lot of unlisted stuff.

I have a Tundra I'm looking to trade for a foil fetchland, let me know if you have any if we can work something out.

Bump, sold some things & removed them from the list.


Here are pics of the duals: … amp;page=1   

Prices for the duals:
Badlands - $50
Plateau - $35

Pics of the rest of the cards:  You can see condition in cards. Images of cards are listed in order, fronts then backs.

Prices: Workshop - $320
Nether Void (English) - $135
Island of Wak-Wak - $27
Foil Ravnica Remand - $25
Foil Obzedat, Ghost Council - $21
LED - $60
Foil Morningtide Vendilion Clique - $80

Make offers if you like the card but not the price - we can probably work something out.

Will also trade the above cards for foil fetches.  Have Zen fetches to trade back for foil fetches, if needed.  Thanks for looking.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

There are decklists with primers, lists of staples, card discussion, archetype discussion, all sorts of good stuff there.


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

A lot of great responses in there.  The only thing I'd add is that getting the trades you want often requires a bit of leg-work.  You need to do your best to make sure the greatest number of people see your tradelist and your wants.  The weekly reddit trade thread works well for that, as does posting here.  Be persistent and good luck.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Check out my list for the foil Minamo, thanks


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Figured I'd ask anyway, but only sales, no trades?  Interested in Zen Foil Lands if trading.

mtgtradingthread wrote:
grossoggodeckbox wrote:

I have a Tabernacle I'd be interested in trading for FBB duals.  Let me know if you'd like to see pics.

sorry i should have been more specific. Looking for modern modo staples

Ha, no worries, thanks for your response.

I have a Tabernacle I'd be interested in trading for FBB duals.  Let me know if you'd like to see pics.

Started a discussion

I have a Garruk, Caller of Beasts.  Interested in Foil Thassa, Foil Bloodmoon primarily.  What elves are you looking for?  See anything else I have on my tradelist that you're interested in?  Some things in inventory could be traded as well.  Thanks

Shoot me a trade if you think we can work something out.