I'm looking for some Angels of Serenity (3x) and Armada Wurms (4x).
I've got a bunch of EDH/Legacy/Modern staples/goodstuff I can offer for these.

Here's a link to my tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/78423?s=i&o=d

PS: I'm still looking for Legacy zombies promos/foils.

I'm interested in your Top and Rainforest. LMK if I have anything you like.


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump. I'm still looking for the promos/foils listed above.

And a foil unhinged plains. Need this to finish my foil unhinged basics cycle.

I likely have everything you need, as I just disassembled my RDW deck. (I don't need 3 Legacy Decks)


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Got the Goblin Bombardaments and 3/4 Gravecrawlers.

Still looking for most things (especially the Cabal Therapies and Carrion Feeders).

TCG Pricing uses only Lightly Played or better conditions. It also doesn't use foiled cards when pricing. It's mid price is also average price for all cards on sale, not median as some people believe, which is yet again why I like TCG Low prices when trading.

If you're talking about average price, that's because someone probably forgot some decimal places while posting cards for sale on TCGplayer.com. This is also why I like TCGLow prices, they're more stable.


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

scurveymobile wrote:

I have 4x buy a box grave crawlers, 1x Tidehollow Sculler (FNM) and a Tragic Slip.  What do you value these at and is this enough to trade from your inventory?

I also may have an extra FNM Go for the Throat but I would have to check on that.

I am also the one with the Jap foil vindicate if you really wanna talk

Ok, I'm now I'm tempted. Let's talk.


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

When I picked up my normal Bobs at the last GP, I had the option to trade for the Promo versions instead, but decided against it thinking "Function over form". If I decide to promo these, they'll be the last things I do it to. (Even though Vindicate is my favorite card, flavor-wise, and I know there's a Japanese pack foil Vindicate floating around the Reddit Trading Group somewhere that I'm tempted to trade for.)

But yeah, you should totally help me pimp this deck out.

Having mostly completed Sam Black's Zombie List, I've noticed that it's possible to find 24/40 of the mainboard cards as Promos (28/40 if Lingering Souls gets a Promo). So I've decided to go nearly full-derp and try to promo/foil it out (Except for the manabase and Sideboard Vindicate/Bobs).

So if you have any of these cards, I'd like to trade for them. Some I can (and sometimes would like to) provide the non-promo versions as a part of the trade. I already have the Goblin Bombardaments.

Feel free to browse my inventory if you have a considerable amount of these.

1x Grave Crawler (Buy-A-Box)
4x Carrion Feeder (FNM/Pack Foil)
3x Tidehollow Sculler (FNM)
1x Cabal Therapy (FNM)
3x Faithless Looting (Pack Foil)
2x Bitterblossom (Judge Promo, offering Normal + Something)
3x Blood Artist (Foil)
3x Bloodghast (Foil)
1x Tragic Slip (Foil, and low priority)
2x Disenchant (FNM)
1x Darkblast (Foil)
2x Go For The Throat (FNM)

Well, feel free to poke through my inventory; interested in the Cradle.


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I've got a few cards you're looking for, and maybe a few others you'd like too. I sent you a trade.


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

They're the last cards I need for a legacy Zombies list (and 2 Goblin Bombardaments).

Most things in my Inventory are fair game, as is the Legacy RDW deck I have listed in my profile as a whole (It has served me well, but now I'd like to try something new).

Sent you a trade request.

Well, I'd like to trade for your Thragtusk and Ground Seal.

Here's my tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/78423

I've got 4 snapcaster mages in addition to anything in my Inventory.


(0 replies, posted in Case Western MTG Club)

Hey, since I asked the admins so nicely, we've got forums now!

This would be a good place for:

  • general card/deck discussion

  • Borrowing/lending cards

  • Organizing trades

  • Publicly Posting events

  • Finding a ride to various events

  • Anything that doesn't quite belong on the mailing list

I'm looking for several Restoration Angels and any foil Mirrodin Cards I don't have.

Here's a of what foils I'm still looking for in Mirrodin: http://deckbox.org/sets/153462

And here's my tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/78423?s=i&o=d

You can also browse my inventory, but I reserve the right to refuse trading anything in that list.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a foil 10th ed Ornithopter and a foil Springleaf drum, in addition to some number of other common staples if you're interested.

I've got a regular Thrun and a Foil one (I'm pretty sure the foiling is what actually deflects countermagic), and could use a 4th Wasteland to finish my playset.