(24 replies, posted in Evenimente)

benczi wrote:
singerete wrote:

Pai nu este furt pentru ca le-a primit, iar RG putea sa faca ce dorea cu ele. Asa scrie si in hartiile care vin de la Wizards, ca organizerul poate sa face ce doreste cu ele, dar preferabil sa intre in prizepool. Boosterele de prizepool trebuie platite dupa Pre doar in cazul in care nu au fost atatia oameni cate kit-uri de pre s-au precomandat.

RG a considerat ca asa ar fi cel mai bine sa le foloseasca si nimeni n-ar trebui sa se alarmeze ca nu a pus 2 boostere la prizepool, eventual doar sa fiti dezamagiti (ceea ce probabil ati si fost).

Alex wrote:

Hello Jozsef,

Yes, the stores are required to redistribute any product that Wizards allocates as prizes to participants in the event. According to your original email, the store owner did allocate 28 booster packs for prize support. This is the required amount for a Prerelease event. Additionally, tournament organizers are allowed to set the prices for their events.

Finance Department
Wizards of the Coast
Monday-Friday 9am-6pm PST / 12pm-9pm EST

Am vrut doar sa fiu sigur. Pe scurt, RG vinde 6 boostere si seteaza taxa pentru locatie la 30 de lei, numai ca formuleaza ca ii include in premii ... deci nu ne fura intradevar, ne minte numai.

Benczi, fii mai explicit. Despre care 6 boostere e vorba? Noua nu ne-ai prezentat exact grila de premiere propusa de RG. De la tine inteleg ca taxa de intrare este 80 lei de om si per total sunt doar 6 boostere ca premii. Asta e?


(27 replies, posted in Administrativ)

toranaga wrote:

Cred insa, ca cea mai mare problema e ca nu mai sunt jucatori care sa joace constant magic, care sa inteleaga ca e scump si sa aiba banii sa il joace.

Ovidiu, cam toti inteleg ca e scump jocul. Intradevar, Clujul nu mai are atat de multi doritori ca in perioada 2009-2011 (cand cred ca a fost varful). E trist totusi cand stim ca un booster la noi e mai scump decat in strainatate(sau cel putin la pret egal), desi se stie diferenta intre salariile de la noi si salariile din afara. Daca afara trebuie sa iti permiti sa joci, la noi aproape ca trebuie sa fii 'magnat' ca sa joci.
Cum ai zis si tu, poti lua un box la 85Euro de la un shop din Austria/Franta/Germania etc.
La noi un box se achizitioneaza direct din magazin la pretul de aproximativ 540 lei (care inseamna in jur de 120 Euro). Inteleg ca sunt implicate niste taxe de transport, un adaos cand sunt aduse in tara si un adaos in fiecare shop in parte. Dar oare nemtii/francezii cand vand la 85Euro, nu obtin deloc profit? Sigur si ei cumpara de undeva mai ieftin (poate 50-60Euro un box). Daca ne-am putea lega si noi printr-un distribuitor de genul poate nu am avea niste preturi atat de ridicate. Desigur, nu cunosc toate contractele/intelegerile facute intre furnizori,distribuitori  dar cum am mai zis, suntem un mare zero pe harta Wotc si din cauza asta trebuie sa suportam si preturile acestea.

In fine, am inceput sa vorbesc pe langa. Ideea de baza era ca poate ar fi jucatori/doritori daca ar fi preturi accesibile. Asa din start, avand in vedere mizeriile de salarii de la noi,  lumea nu are timpul si cheful necesar pentru hobbyuri ce necesita investitii serioase.


(27 replies, posted in Administrativ)

Trickster wrote:

Cine joaca modern? Eh? Eh? Nimeni? Ok, scuze, am plecat hmm

Modern-ul inca are probleme destul de serioase in ceea ce priveste "the fun" part. Tocmai tu ziceai ca nu iti place ideea de Combo mult in meta. Modern tinde sa fie 60% combo, 30% aggro si putin control (de obicei incorporeaza un combo).
Wotc inca baneaza anual cateva carti pentru a mentine o balanta dar tot exista niste deckuri care poti spune ca sunt crazy good dar nu prea interactive. Pe langa combo mai exista si acel annoying Fulminator Mage care il vad tot mai des in sideboard-uri. (i-a crescut pretul enorm in ultima vreme, mai ales pe MTGO)

Standard-ul actual mi se pare destul de boring dar sper ca odata cu venirea toamnei, se va schimba putin si meta-ul(intr-un sens pozitiv)


(264 replies, posted in Noutăți)

benczi wrote:

Thassa, God of the Sea 2u
Legendary Enchantment Creature -God M
As long as your devotion to blue is less than five, Thassa isn’t a creature. (Each u in the mana costs of permanents you control adds to your devotion to blue.)
At the beginning of your upkeep, scry 1.
1u: Target creature you control can’t be blocked this turn.

Citeste mai sus...am zis deja.

Va arata ceva de genu(asta e doar un mockup):



(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

TehAuthor wrote:
sandorgabor86 wrote:

Chiar asta e. Cartile gasit sunt rare. Si nici nu sunt slabe. De asta intreb.

TehAuthor wrote:

Daca sunt carti din cutia milei sigur nu sunt ale mele, la mine sunt de la rare in sus

Atunci sigur sunt ale cuiva, cel mai probabil al lui Silviu, cand le-ai gasit?

Daca sunt Stomping Ground sau Temple Garden s-ar putea sa fie ale lui Silviu.


(24 replies, posted in Evenimente)

benczi wrote:

Mie imi pare foarte foarte rau ca ati insistat sa mergem la RG. Si chiar nu inteleg chestia asta de eveniment sanctionat. De ce credeti ca merita mai mult sa participam la evenimente sanctionate decat sa avem o comunitate?

Evenimentele sanctionate iti permit sa participi la evenimente precum WMCQ si sa aduni planeswalker points care pot fi utile mai tarziu daca planuiesti sa participi la evenimente mult mai mari. De asemenea, toate orele petrecute jucand MTG in comunitate sunt marcate undeva, pe site la Wizards, si atesta faptul ca esti un jucator activ.

Din pacate, preturile la noi sunt mult prea mari. Mult mai mari decat in state sau in alte tari din Europa unde si acolo se plang toti ca este un joc scump. Noi nu existam pe harta MTG decat de cativa ani incoace si sincer nu cred ca le pasa prea mult de noi. Cati bani aduce Romania la Wotc? Asta e unul din motivele pentru care la noi se practica astfel de preturi. Al doilea este monopolul national despre care cu totii stim cate ceva, macar ca idee. Cum oricine are un astfel de shop are si interesul de a putea continua afacerea pentru ani buni, pretul produselor este destul de ridicat. E putin aberant pentru noi (ca romani zic) sa dam 17 lei pe un booster dar sa putem manca un pranz la restaurant cu 12 lei. In afara, un booster e 4euro in Europa si 4$ in USA, suma ce reprezinta a 3-a parte dintr-o masa de pranz sanatoasa.
Drept urmare, MTG e un 'sport' scump. Multi ar vrea sa se poate tina dar nu au resursele necesare. Cei care au banii nu au cu cine sa joace pentru ca la un numar de 30 oameni (in total, intr-o comunitate), te astepti sa vina regulat maxim 5-8 pe saptamana. Dupa cum in ultima jumatate de an, premiile au scazut substantial, incentivul de a juca a scazut si el. Inainte, mai sperai ca scoti parleala din premii. Acum, si daca castigi, abia mai poti spune ca a meritat.

Exemplu elocvent ar fi formatul Swiss Draft pe MTGO care e preferat de incepatori oarecum fiindca au premii pentru fiecare match castigat, dar pentru un jucator care chiar spera sa poata progresa in colectie nu se merita deoarece daca nu deschide nici o carte scumpa si castiga absolut toate meciurile - TOT iese pe minus. Cei mai multi isi incearca norocul si skill-ul la 8-4 unde doar 2 persoane castiga, dar macar au sanse sa castige destul de mult (aproximativ dublu cat au bagat)

Poate gresesc, dar ce m-a atras pe mine, si cred ca ar atrage pe multi altii sa vina sa participe a fost pasiunea si devotamentul pe care l-au prezentat membrii comunitatii in momentul in care am inceput sa joc. Nu uit nici acum cum Sergiu, din orice eveniment, oricat de insignifiant ar fi fost el pe harta WOTC, facea ceva senzational si ne premia pe fiecare dupa merite intr-un mod placut. Tin minte cum avea cateva carti promo foarte dorite (Path to Exile, resturi de la Release/Pre-release) si le punea la bataie la fiecare din evenimentele urmatoare. Era inca un incentiv de a juca, pe langa faptul ca toti stiau ca un loc bun obtinut le-ar aduce foarte multe boostere/produse mtg. 

Noi ne-am invatat poate mai prost (desi eu cred ca aceea era modalitatea de a aduna cat mai multi oameni). Ne-am chinuit prin cafenele si tot veneau mai multi oameni. Care sa fi fost motivul? Unul e desigur faptul ca organizatorul era si liderul comunitatii si stia jocul destul de bine si chiar ii placea. Din pacate nu mai dispun de un organizator care sa fie si player. Nu este vina nimanui, nu poti impune cuiva sa joace ceva, dar pentru comunitate, acel lucru conta foarte mult. Desigur, s-a propagat ideea de a se face unul lider pentru comunitate si sa lucreze impreuna cu RG pentru prosperitate. Personal, am fost foarte ocupat cu sfarsitul facultatii si cu examenele ce au urmat dar chiar daca as fi avut timpul necesar nu cred ca m-as fi implicat avand in vedere conditiile propuse. Mi se pare mie urat sa chem oamenii la evenimente care au preturi mult mai ridicate decat in strainatate si premii mult mai putine. Niciodata nu am fost cu adevarat multumit de noua structura de organizare. Singurul lucru care m-a mai uns pe suflet a fost faptul ca aveam un loc al nostru sa jucam. Dar si asta nu a fost chiar bine deoarece trebuia sa grabim eventurile de seara, sa platim intrari ca sa putem juca un casual. Sincer, decat sa las 10 lei pe intrare prefer oricand sa iau 2 sucuri cu banii aceia. Nu cred ca sunt singurul care gandeste asa.
Un alt motiv era faptul ca puteai macar spera ca daca castigi, iti asiguri macar o sansa reala de a creste colectia. Nu e de mirare ca multi comandau carti din afara. Daca pana si acolo cartile sunt mult mai ieftine, normal ca se merita sa le comanzi. Nu suntem idioti sa platim mai mult cand stim ca se poate mai putin. Si nu ar fi ajutat comunitatea cu adevarat, poate doar shopul.

Anul asta am avut ocazia sa jucam cu  Vlad PL sau Slawomir Widor (sper ca nu am scris gresit). A ramas perplex cand a auzit ce preturi se practica la noi. Polonia o duce mult mai bine ca noi, un booster la ei nu depaseste 10 RON si tot i se parea un joc foarte scump. Cred ca odata cu extinderea MTG-ului si la noi, va exista competitie si la nivel de distributie si preturile vor scadea considerabil. Jocul este acum la cel mai inalt punct worldwide, comunitatea internationala si triplat numarul de jucatori numai in ultimii 2 ani. Cu putin timp si cu oameni cu mintea putin mai deschisa si spre cultura fantasy, va evolua frumos si in Romania. Cineva cu bani si cu multa pasiune pentru joc va reinvigora situatia si in Romania. Nu poti spera sa obtii profit din prima, dar poti merge o perioada pe 0 cu afacerea pana cand incepi sa te ridici. Iar daca gasesti destui pretendenti pentru MTG, poti spune ca ai nimerit Jackpotul. In 2-3 ani poti construi o comunitate din nimic si poti obtine profit fara a practica preturi extraordinar de mari. Poate e doar imaginatia mea, poate romanii inca nu inteleg de ce ar arunca cineva banii pe cartonase colorate, dar cand simti ca ai castigat efectiv cateva ore din viata (jucand un FNM de exemplu) abia atunci intelegi rostul cartonaselor.

Magic nu e numai o competitie. Magic e un loc unde sa te intalnesti cu prietenii, unde descoperi noi interactiuni despre care nu iti puteai imagina ca un 'simplu' joc poate avea. Un loc unde castigi timp, nu il pierzi. Cultura Hobby e scazuta la noi, fiindca nu sunt bani, fiindca stresul e prea mare de pe o zi pe alta. In Bucuresti lucrurile merg mult mai bine, dar asta si datorita ratei scazute de somaj si a salariile mult mai ridicate. Cand cei de la RG au venit in Cluj s-au asteptat ca cei din Cluj sa isi permita la fel de bine ca si cei din Bucuresti. Ei, nu e chiar asa. In capitala sunt preturi mult mai mari dar sunt si bani mult mai multi. De ce toate produsele de la mancare la haine pot avea preturi mai scazute in restul tarii dar MTG nu...
din nou, pentru ca e monopol si pentru ca ramane vazut ca 'sport' de lux.

Chiar mi-ar place sa putem sa ne intelegem cu cei de la RG si sa facem sa prospere si in Cluj mtg-ul dar daca nu se poate ajunge la o intelegere serioasa (fara a se invoca de fiecare data vesnicele motive ale chiriei si ale muncii de caritate - care sa fim sinceri nu exista, totul se plateste, doar ca nu in cantitati industriale) asta este, mergem mai departe. Ideea de Academie de Magic chiar imi place, sigur se pot gasi doritori, mai ales cum totul este oferit gratis sau aproximativ gratis. Eu unul as fi dispus sa vin o data pe saptamana sa le explic incepatorilor cateva din tainele MTG-ului. Cand am inceput eu sa joc, daca nu ar fi fost persoane ca Gabi Orban (care m-a invatat putin istoric MTG), Vlad Ferariu (care mi-a prezentat putin din lore-ul jocului) , Rares Dadarlat (de la care am invatat care sunt cele mai bune decizii cand joci agresiv sau cand incerci sa castigi printr-un combo) sau Sergiu Singeorzan (care a dedicat bani/timp/pasiune jocului si evolutiei sale in Romania si m-a invatat ca uneori poti veni cu idei diferite de deckuri si sa castigi). Poate am omis pe careva dar sunt multe persoane de la care am invatat jocul si le voi ramane recunoscator.

Voi continua sa joc indiferent unde si cum. Chiar de voi face pauze, voi reveni cu drag. Nu am ratat aproape niciun prerelease (fiindca sunt FUN in adevaratul sens) si am participat aproape la toate Drafturile organizate (mai putin in ultimele 2 luni). Limited is my thing, i guess. In Romania, sa joci limited e mult mai ieftin decat constructed. In multe alte parti din lume, constructedul e mult mai ieftin si mai accesibil. Asta spune multe despre Magicul de la noi. Sa dai 60 lei pe un draft si sa ti se para cea mai ieftina varianta de a juca MTG este cu adevarat trist. Daca comunitatea se disipa voi continua pe MTGO (loc din ce in ce mai frecvantat de jucatori MTG din toata lumea) si voi astepta renasterea unei comunitati in viitorul apropiat sau indepartat.

Ar mai fi foarte multe de spus dar cred ca deja e destul de lung post-ul. Sper doar ca si anul acesta sa ne mai strangem pe undeva (fie cafenea, fie RG,  fie la cineva acasa) si sa mai jucam un Cube draft/ un draft normal sau de ce nu, si putin constructed. Sa ramanem noi, jucatorii ce mai au timp/chef si sa continuam a juca MTG in Cluj, chiar daca in cantitati mult mai mici. Cube draftul e gratuit si e fun si ii asteptam si pe cei care inca nu l-au incercat inca. Chiar pleci acasa cu 2-3 ore castigate.

Pe curand!


(264 replies, posted in Noutăți)

http://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/Card/ … eid=130691

Exista, intradevar.

Nu poate da +1 la Goyf deoarece nu e un supertype nou...si creature si enchantment exista deja.

Posibila carte pentru Thasa, God of the Sea (cel putin ceva asemanator):

Legendary Enchantment Creature -God M
As long as your devotion to blue is less than five, Thassa isn’t a creature. (Each {oU} in the mana costs of permanents you control adds to your devotion to blue.)
At the beginning of your upkeep, scry 1.
1U: Target creature you control can’t be blocked this turn.

Asta ar implica faptul ca Scry este a 5-a mecanica a setului. (si ultima - deoarece stim de ceva vreme ca sunt 5 in total dintre care una e returning si una e retweaked - Devotion e un retweak la Chroma)


(264 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Nu toate cartile sunt pentru standard, modern, legacy etc. (constructed competitive)
De obicei, rarele din intro pack sunt 0.5$ pentru ca nu sunt competitive, insa, sunt perfecte pentru kitchen table magic si pentru limited. Gatecrash a fost o mare greseala ca format(sursa - Mark Rosewater http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/A … ily/mm/262) motiv pentru care si MaRo a recunoscut ca l-a facut mult prea rapid. In mod normal, o bomba de 6-7 mana ar trebui sa fie cel putin jucabila.
Toate aceste carti prezentate sunt foarte bune in limited. Chiar daca le joci ca vanilla in prima faza( 6/6 pentru 6 mana in blue si 4/5 pentru 4 mana in red )  zic ca merita. Unele carti precum krakenul sau archonul sunt bombe si asta datorita efectului devastator pe late game al krakenului si faptului ca archonul poate functiona ca un 4/4 flying first strike si dupa ce creatura pe care e folosit enchantmentul este distrusa.
Also, se pare ca folosind bestow nu trebui sa iti faci griji ca adversarul are removal instant pentru creatura pe care vrei sa o enchantuiesti. Daca are removal si il foloseste, enchantul tau va intra ca si creatura pe masa(sursa, matt tabak https://twitter.com/TabakRules/status/3 … 6903556098)


(264 replies, posted in Noutăți)

se pare ca nu e varianta finala la polukranos. Varianta finala va avea fight/sau o forma de fight pe ea, dar nu se stie exact daca egal cu nr de countere sau cu powerul hydrei. Cred ca ar fi op cu powerul creaturii...deci cel mai probabil you can fight any number of target creatured equal to the number pf +1/+1 counters on it.

In other news: abilitatea de pe legendara de boros este chiar o noua mecanica - HEROIC - Whenever cardname becomes the target of a spell you control do x.
Merge foarte bine cu enchantment theme-ul blockului(vor si multe aure bune).

Also, dedus din spusele lui Sam Stoddard, Theros va avea un ciclu nou nout de dual landuri(10 la numar) care nu vor fi la fel de bune cu shocklands cum au fost landurile din M10 -M13.
Si...tot el promite ca in Theros vor fi enchantmenturi foarte puternice care se vor juca in standard, cel putin.

Despre abilitatea de a da trample in alb, rosu nu e chiar atat de exagerat. Rosu e secondary in trample, iar alb e tertiary.(thraben something din innistrad avea trample)
first strike, double strike sau flying ar fi fost mult mai on-color dar si muuult mai puternic.


(264 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Toate sunt facute dupa niste modele din kamigawa, mai ales erebos care e copie dupa myojinul negru.
Intre timp chiar au fost confirmate doua carti reale, polukranos si un legendary in culorile Boros.

Polukranos 2GG

Monstrosity - XXG: put X +1/+1 counters on Polukranos and deal damage equal to counters put onto Polukranos this way divided as you choose... You may use this ability only once. (ability word like domain, what matters is the only once clause, the effect should change from card to card.)

Some Boros guy 1RW

first strike, vigilance
Whenever cardname is the target of a spell you control, creeatures you control get +1/+1, and gain trample until end of turn.


(54 replies, posted in Evenimente)


Haideti la un ultim cube draft inainte de a pleca prin concedii, vacante etc.
E gratis (daca nu jucam la RG) sau aproape gratis(daca  jucam la RG si achitam taxa de fnm - dar jucam pe premii) si cu adevarat fun.
Va astept in numar cat mai mare sa va inscrieti la event. (daca suntem minim 6 e perfect)
Draftul se va tine luni seara de la orele 18:00.

Pe curand!


(9 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Card advantage on a stick for red(sort of). I'll take it.
Prima abilitate este destul de buna. Partea cu 'that creature can't block this turn' e cea mai buna. 
Ma astept sa fie foarte buna intr-un RDW clasic fara prea multe creaturi.


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

VladPL wrote:

I remember that you passed me one Reckoner. You wanted to give me two Reckoners, but I've borrowed you only one so I fairly refused tongue As for now I have only three Crags, I miss one. Please, check this ;/

Ok. I'll check tonight. Either way, I'll give you a rootbound crag if I find one in my binder. I can only come saturday morning at an event because friday morning I have to go to an important exam.


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

VladPL wrote:

Hey guys !

I've checked my cards, and it appears that I'm missing few:

1x Rootbound Crag (Tudor, I remeber that you gave me back Reckoner, but Crag? Can you check it?)
1x Garruk, Primal Hunter (I had two, now I have only one. I remember that no one here had that Garruk, so please check guys if you have it somewhere)
4x Mutilate (Doru, I have your cards tongue Should I leave them in RG, or something?)

Please, check guys if you maybe have my cards somewhere. I'm leaving Cluj in two-three weeks, and I would like to have them back.

Yep, I handed it to you when silviu came and brought the binder. I'm 100% sure of it.
Btw, I passed DTH surprisingly...thanks for the offer to help me though.


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Rog pe cel care a fost ieri la event si a luat din greseala 2 Cavern of Souls in sleeve-uri mov sa le returneze asap. Multumesc!


(25 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Ok, tot flavor-wise se poate gasi un argument contra. Sa zicem ca avanseaza asa tare tehnologia incat ne putem clona. In momentul cand te intalnesti cu clona ta explodati amandoi? Stiu ca sunt multe discutii dar exista argumente. De asemenea, inainte de kamigawa, regula la legendary era diferita(nu aveai voie sa castezi alta cu acelasi nume) si au schimbat ca sa functioneze mai bine blockul acela, deci regula asta nu era de la inceputuri ci de prin 2005.


(25 replies, posted in GameFlux)

De acord cu gabi aici. E  o oportunitate buna sa diversifice legendarele si planeswalkerii si sa nu mai castige cel care casteazs primul planeswalkerul. Plus, asta deschide calea la carti precum Faith's featters din nou.

Also, nu e decizia lui MaRo. Ci a unei intregi echipe care au gandit si testat treaba asta.


(54 replies, posted in Evenimente)

Ar fi fain sa facem unul, in joia inainte de release, saptamana viitoare.


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

benczi wrote:
TudorGrigoroaia wrote:

forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php? … st10113012

Da, e o greseala pe Gatherer. Parea ciudat pentru o carte UR. Au fost indusi in eroare pentru ca landurile nu se casteaza.

Da, dar pana o fixeasa, poti sa zici ca asta-i regula, afterall gatherer e pagina officiala, nu?

nu chiar. exista DGM FAQ. Acolo scrie tot ce face Melek. Asa ca nu poti juca cu Melek ca si cu Oracle of Mull Daya.


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php? … st10113012

Da, e o greseala pe Gatherer. Parea ciudat pentru o carte UR. Au fost indusi in eroare pentru ca landurile nu se casteaza.


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

benczi wrote:

PS: Melek, Izzet Paragon - If the top card of your library is a land, you can play it if you could play a land.

wut?wut? wut?


(25 replies, posted in Taverna)

benczi wrote:

Very nice post.

In limited the commons/uncommons are what make the game, yet I will adress some of the rares/mithics of the set.

Jelenn Sphinx - 4.0 flying, 1/5 flying vigilance, other attacking creatures get +1/1. it is that good, i would spalsh one of its colors for this card.
Blood Baron of Vizkopa - 4.5/5.0 - lifelink + protection.
Debt to the Deathless - think fireball with a +.
Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts - 4.5/5.0 - lifelink + protection.
Tithe Drinker - 3.5
Pontiff of Blight - 4 - yes, it is that good, but it does need a ton of manna.
Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker - 5.0.
Deadbridge Chant - 4/5?? the biggest drawback of this card is the self-mill for 10; otherwise its pure value. an extra card or creature each turn is no small matter.
Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch - 4.0/4.5 - 4/4 first striker for 4 that hits the same turn you play it.
Spike Jester - 3.0/3.5 - impressed and scared.
Skylasher - 4.0 - flash+reach+protection, 1G. will always play it.
Voice of Resurgence - 4.5 - I would attack with it just so you block and kill it so i can get the token and populate.

You're giving high grades too easy.
Jelenn Sphinx is an Uncommon, not worth 4.0 since without other creatures is just a wall that ping for 1(there's already an 0/4 in RTR that does that).
Tithe Drinker is good but not 3.5 for a common that has a restrictive cost and dies to pingers. It will be pretty hard to play Orzhov with extort in the new format, be it Sealed or Draft. The pool has too little extort as a whole.
Mirko is not that awesome. He can mill for 4 but the format has enough flyers or reach guys to keep him from attacking and I'm not sure Milling is viable. Since it's a slow format it might be more than in GTC but not sure if it's that much viable. Plus, he has to get in with damage which, as I said before, it is pretty hard, not even mentioning the large array of removal that can kill it. Even stab wound makes it a 0/2 that does not mill anymore.
Spike Jester is good but not in a slow format. Here we will be just ok.
Skylasher you will always play it but never feel like it is worth 4.0. Against blue decks it is fantastic, against others mostly just a 2/2 for 2.
Voice is good with populate but let's not get ahead of ourselves. How much populate have you seen in DGM? Not that much and not good one on commons or uncommons. Only RTR populaters in a Draft or Sealed won't be enough. I suggest taking this into account, not only the best possible situations. That's why all these card lack what they need to pass 4.0 barrier.
Debt to the Deathless is pretty mediocre just because it costs minimum 5 just to get going, but you will never be amazed by it at 5 mana. You will want to play it for 9-10 to be really effective and you can't compare it to Fireball since it does not deal with creatures. Not to mention that Fireball can deal with multiple creatures.

On Blood Baron of Vizkopa you might be right about the 4.5. He is a beast with double protection and lifelink. The extra words on it are just for casual fun mostly.


(25 replies, posted in Taverna)

sandorgabor86 wrote:

Are there no comments on the Planeswalker dude?

Ral Zarek


4.5 - Planeswalkers have always been above 4.0(except Tibalt, but that's another story). Why is that, you ask? Well, since in Limited it is pretty hard to deal with them on an even board or even when you're slightly behind, players will always squeeze them in their 23 played card, even if it's in different colors. Ral Zarek actually makes a good splash for decks that play either blue or red(because he is not intensive on one color - 2UU, or 2RR) and he will usually be played for the ability toLightning Bolt repeatedly. Reusable removal is very powerful in limited and because it can to go to the face it makes it even more powerful. I'd normally play with -2 first, then use his +1 for holding up a blocker or something, and then repeat. The more -2's you can get out of him, the better. His +1 is almost irrelevant in limited, except for giving your creatures pseudo-vigilance by untapping them after the attack phase. Getting to the ultimate sounds pretty nice but I would stick to the -2's as often as possible.
I only give him 4.5 because his +1 is not good enough to make it 5.0 (for example Gideon Jura was a definite 5.0 - he protected you against lethal attacks, he could kill things and help you win the game very fast by attacking)


(25 replies, posted in Taverna)

vikirosen wrote:

I just stopped reading. Period. First of all, you're not sticking to the grading system you selected (I'm not going to detail why, just look at the cards you gave 2 grades to and you will see). Secondly, you give unclear explanations, mix up terms, straight out fumble in some cases, and above all else, your post is FULL of typos and grammar mistakes. Lastly, the style is so boring, since most of the time you just say what the card does, as if the rest of us couldn't read. The initiative is nice, but that's pretty much the only commendable thing.

Sorry for my bad english mr. knowitall. You are just being an Ass, as usual, but that's fine. it's hard to stick to what the grades say when you have to grade 156 and you want to do that fast. Also, this might be full of grammar mistakes but that's not the point of the article. And some reviews are boring but you should have read the originals (from Lsv, conley). They're the same style. Just their opinion on cards as they see them. Research is not needed when you do this. And you said that you cand read the cards. Try reading Blaze Commando again. It seems you need help with reading some cards.
This is clearly intended for those who have not played a lot of limited before and need an assessment on some effects.


(25 replies, posted in Taverna)

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Asta e ultimul post din Seria - Limited Review DGM.


Battering Krasis


2.0.-2.5?– Nice artwork, great evolver, not a a great evolve trigger. I would play it in any green based deck I play but I would be more happy with Shambleshark which for 1 mana less is almost the same creature. Trample is relevant in the late game and I can see situations where this will be a 4/3, even 5/4 but I’d still go for the Shambleshark between these 2.

Kraul Warrior


2.0    – A bear is a bear. Be it any format a bear that can have a potential upside and has a cost that is not very mana intensive I would definitely not feel that bad with it in the deck. It’s ability isn’t something that you’ll use often but when you do, you’ll possibly end the game or trade with a X/5 creature which is not bad.

Maze Behemoth


2.5 - 3.0.? - 5/4 for 6 with trample. Trample is a very powerful form of evasion. It does not have the obvious power of flying or unblockable but it is usually posted on big creatures that can take over quickly. This 5/4 is not something to be made fun of and the fact that it will give evasion to other possible monsters you have makes me give it a 3.0.

Mending Touch


1.0.    – Decent trick, not more to say. It will see play but it will be as good as Stave off was back in the day. I’d even rate it worse than Stave off since it cannot act as an evasion form but just as a ‘save target creature’. I personally, would not maindeck this ever.

Mutant’s Prey


0.5 (normally)
2.0(Simic, Golgari)
- This card fluctuates in power a lot. In any non-simic, non-golgari deck is unplayable but if you put it in an aforedmentioned deck, it can be as good as Pit Fight. Of course, even in those decks I’d still take Pit Fight over this one, just because it can make non-evolved, non-scavenged creatures fight. It is a decent removal for the decks that need it and a totally dead card for other decks. Therefore, it should table a lot more than Pit Fight in drafts.



0.5 -1.0.? – This is such a bad common. If it would have been an instant and costed 2G it would have been a great adition to green decks. This way, it is very bad since a sorcery pumper let’s your opponent know your plan too well, not to play around it. I’m sure it can cause some hits when the coast is clear and your 2/2 can attack, but I would keep this thing in the sideboard all the time, if possible. Also, there are good bloodrush creatures that can be activated at instant speed and mess with combat.

Renegade Krasis


3.0. – This evolver is quite nice. 3 power for 3 mana is already a good start. Combine that with evolve and another ability which can be amazing in Simic or Golgari decks in limited and you’ve got yourself a superstar. This can even be a 3.5 in the right deck, just sayin’…

Saruli Gatekeepers


2.0.    – The body is what this creatures brings as its most important stats. It can gain you occasionally 7 life, which is not something bad at all, but when compared with the other bodies that gain you card advantage, I wouldn’t call [img]Heroes Reunion[/img] an actual card. It is more like half a card. I wouldn’t dismiss this in a 5-color control deck that is base green and tries to stabilize and take over with monsters. There, it will surely gain you 7 life since you’ll be playing a lot of guildgates and it can act as a survival method to get to the fatties. Then he might be a 2.5.



2.5.-3.0? – This bear is not a joke. Against any blue based deck it can block indefinitely and cannot be the target of blue magic. I would play it in any green deck, just for the chance to surprise a blue player with this blocker, but it is fine on its own as a 2/2 for 1G with reach and flash. Not sure if it deserves to go to 3.5, but I can see it being a 3.0 most of the time, even in a slower format.

Thrashing Mossdog


2.5. – 3.0 – Again, another creature with reach, that has added value as the game goes long, I’m not sure if this fits at 3.0, it might be more a 2.5, but it can be good on offense and defense so I’ll surely try it in my green decks.


Armed // Dangerous


3.0.– 3.5?– The dangerous part is where its power lies. It basically says that you can allure on creatures on the other side to block your 1/1 while you go for the victory. If you can fuse it, you can give your 4/5 deathtouch a +1/+1 and first strike, and clear your opponent’s board. Of course, that is the ideal case, but mostly you will be able to make favorable trade. I can be a 3.5. since it does not come in the form of a creature so that the opponent expects it and plays around it, like with Prized Unicorn.

Feral Animist


3.0    – I don’t think this guy should be underestimated. He is a good beater and left unblocked with 6 mana open means that it can hit for 8 on its own. It requires blocking almost immediately, and with bloodrushers in the format he can be a much bigger surprise, than usually. I’d actually pick him pretty high if I planned on going Gruul.

Gruul War Chant


3.5. – Giving +1/+0 to your attackers is not amazing but making them be blocked by 2 or more creatures is a lot of power. On a 4 mana enchantment, this effect should normally stick for a long part of the game and could help you win out of nowhere. Imagine that you have 4 creatures on the board, your opponent has also 4 creatures and you have a bloodrusher in hand that can seal the deal on the game. With this enchantment out, you can basically get through with 2 of you 4 guys and even if one eats removal, you will still have the other one to bloodrush something on it. I’m not saying it will usually win you the game, but at least most of the time it will do so.

Ruric Thar, the Unbowed


3.5 - 4.0.?    – If this ain’t a bomb, I’m not sure what is. There might not be a lot of noncreature spells cast in limited but even 1-2 spells cast can be ridiculous with this guy out. Taking 6 out of nowhere is pretty crazy and trying to block him with creatures can be the only way to get rid of it. It can’t be a 4.5., just because he has to attack each turn and I’m sure that your opponent will gladly trade 2 or even 3 guys for this to die. You cannot actually control how much he stands on the battlefield, except for when you have some bloodrushers. This combination can win you many games.

Savageborn Hydra


4.0    – Another bomby creature. This can come in at any time, as soon as turn 3, and can grow even after it was cast. Imagine making it huge in the late game and then giving it trample with any bloodrush/spell. It says ‘removal or die’. Blocking this can be really really hard.

Scab-Clan Giant


3.0.-3.5?– Why do you choose at random, bro? Again, random is bad in limited. Even worse than in constructed. Still, it says that it fights target random creature an opponent controls which means that most of the time it will get rid of something on the other side. It has 5 toughness which can resist through a lot and it can get rid of many creatures with its 4 power.

Zhur-Taa Ancient


3.5. – What a beast. For 5 you get 7 power. That’s actually really nice in limited. Its second ability won’t hurt you as much as in constructed. Getting flooded or having access to a lot of mana in limited isn’t something many decks can take advantage of.  Unless they run the Orzhov card that has XWWBB as its cost, you are almost safe from any crazy spell (well, except mythics like Aurelia’s Fury, Rakdos’s Return or even Sphinx’s Revelation). Also, you can bring your own toys to play, like Clan Defiance.

Zhur-Taa Druid


3.0    – Ramping in limited with creatures has always been nice and this one has the added value of not being a dead card in the late game. It can ping your opponent pretty hard, and all that while giving you more mana to play with.


Advent of the Wurm


3.5.-4.0? – There’s not a lot to say about this card. What it does, is amazing from limited point of view. With a few populaters in the deck this can end the game quickly. Running this at the end of the 4th turn and Eyes in the skies or Rootborn Defenses in response to removal on the subsequent turn it won’t be something rarely met when playing this card. It is pretty close to a game-winning bomb. All you need are some populate spells that you will already be playing in your Selesnya deck. The only bad thing about it that I can see is the mana cost which is a bit restrictive, not much.

Alive // Well


3.0– The Well part will gain you a lot of life in Selesnyan build but the Alive part is the one I am more eager to talk about. Giving you something good to populate on the next turn is great and it will see a lot of play in limited. Add in the possible lifegain and it is an awesome card, limitedwise.

Armored Wolf-Rider


2.5. – 3.0? – I can see there are a good number of cards for Selesnya. They follow the trend from RTR and they do not disappoint. While Emara might be the most boring Selesnya card, This vanilla dude is also kinda boring. It is a good body and will see play as a consequence but I am not very fond of him in a Selesnya deck. He does not help with the theme at all.

Bronzebeak Moa


3.0    – Great bird for the Selesnyan’s. With the populate mechanic even at instant speed, the bird can grow mid-combat and kill almost anything in sight. I feel it will even be worthy of a 3.5 mark once I play with/against it. I’m giving it a 3.0 for now just because it does not help with populating, it is actually helped by populating.

Emmara Tandris


2.5 (normally)
4.5(with enough tokens & populate effects) – What an amazing card! Well, not quite. It does have a lot of power in Limited, even though seeing this delicate lady at 5/7 still bugs me. With just a bunch of tokens out, it reads tokens are indestructible in combat. Well, isn’t that nice. Also, good luck using your explosive impact on my 5/5 wurm with trample. No, seriously, she is amazing in token strategies. She may deserve a 4.5 there but what happens if the populate machine does not work efficiently? You play your 5/7 girl on turn 7 and expect to build your army from there? She is hard to evaluate just because she does not make a good splash and because she can be bad even in Selesnya from time to time. I guess I’ll always maindeck it with enough populate in my deck.

Trostani’s Summoner


3.5 – 4.0?

This card gives a lot of toys. A 1/1 for 7 will clearly come with a lot of power unless  it’s that Morph dude that costs 8 and is a 1/1.  This card puts a 2/2 with vigilance, a 3/3 centaur and a 4/4 with trample along with the 1/1 body. What’s not to like about it? The lack of cloudshift and restoration angels in the set, that’s what. Well, we still have populate, and actually a lot of good populate spells which will see play in DGM limited. Expect this guy to be played and actually be the cause of many victories. What a great 1/1 to have.

Unflinching Courage


3.0– I’m giving a lot of good grades to these Selesnyan cards. Not sure if I’m being to generous or this guild is actually so good. I fail to see bad cards in this guild and it scares me since I’m not going Selesnya at the Prerelease and I don’t plan on switching to it. Given that it was the best guild in RTR and now makes a comeback with other awesome cards, I think it will win a lot of limited events in the upcoming months. Even this ‘reprinted’ enchantment (Armadillo Cloak) will cause a lot of pain to opponents because of its amazing power boost for just 3 mana. It breaks aggro in 2 and it can also be very good against controlish strategies. Good job Wizards, you’ve decided who won the Maze, and that by giving a lot of power to one guild. And the best is yet to come. With only one card left to discuss in Selesnya, how much power can that have on it? Well…a lot.

Voice of Resurgence


3.5. – In limited it is a bear with a small upside. It will usually lead to leave a creature on the board after it dies. That’s about it. In constructed it will tear the format if flash decks can’t do their thing. But since we’re talking about limited, I have to say that even as a 2/2 that leaves behind a creature with power and toughness equal to the number of creatures you control it can cause a lot of problems. In Selesnya decks you usually build towards a stalemate. Therefore, you might have at least 5-6 creatures by the turn this dude dies. Well a 2 mana spell that pooped a 5-6 power one is amazing. I’m not even going to mention a few mistakes from your opponents that will give you free creature tokens out of nowhere, by playing instant speed stuff on your turn. And with such few mass removal spells in the format, Selesnya will gladly take over. Well, it can be dealt with, but only if the opponent can deal fast with those early tokens on the board. That’s why I think it is ok to waste a good removal spell on a 3/3 centaur.


I’d rate them all at 2.0 since they are gonna see play but no one will love to have them. They are necessary color fixers and ramp. I personally love drawing cards when I’m being flooded with lands and there’s no more need for the artifact fixer. I know that many like the Keyrunes more for they’re creature turning abilities but I personally prefer the card drawing.


Beck // Call


3.0 – Awesome enabler for combo elves in modern, sweet card in limited as well but mostly when fused. Making 4 birds and drawing 4 for 8 mana is pretty decent in limited. I would play most of the time since those colors already tend to go for the mid-long game. The Beck side on its own is not so great in limited, for clear reasons. You cannot go off with it and no other combo pieces.

Ready // Willing


3.0 – This gold split is also pretty awesome for making your army either indestructible, or giving them lifelink and deathtouch, but when you combine these two you get vault of the archangel + indestructibility on only one card. This can be a blowout in limited but I am sure people will learn to play around it after a few weeks. It is just as Aetherize, good when people less expect it. This one is a rare and it won’t come that often.

Breaking // Entering


3.0 -3.5.? – If  I would open this in pack 1 I would definitely try pushing GRIXIS mill. It sounds like an awesome archetype that uses black and red cards mostly for removal and some of the blue and black cards for milling. This card has immense potential with Breaking being a serious milling machine in limited getting rid of basically 1 / 4 of your opponent’s deck (since after drawing 7 he will still have 33 in his library), and it can take his bomb if it’s in his graveyard and use it as a blocker or even as an attacker as it comes on the battlefield because it has haste. I would play both sides of the card. I wasn’t that happy to have a Mind Sculpt in M13 limited but I believe that milling is more viable in a slower format like DGR is supposed to be. I actually can’t wait to try it out. There are also so nice mill cards in RTR waiting to be played for quite a while.

Catch // Release


2.0 – for 3 mana, Catch Is definitely good and it will probably make more waves in constructed since in limited it will mostly steal creatures, as Act of Treason does. At 9 mana you can cast the fuse card in order to get rid of the stolen creature and some other creature on your opponent’s board. I am not that thrilled playing this card at its fused card, mostly because the effect isn’t something that I feel should cost 9. At 7 in total it should have been decent enough. It remains mostly an Act of Treason in limited, that’s for sure.

Flesh // Blood


3.0 – I really like the Blood part on the card. It is a much better ability than Fight and can even hit the player. It is versatile and it only costs 2. By using the Flesh part you can Scavenge non-scavengeable creatures from your graveyard or from your opponent’s graveyard which means you will get to choose the biggest monster in a graveyard and put all its power onto one of your creatures. These two effects combined can be really threating and can even hit the opponent himself for 7-8+ damage and leave you with a huge body in play. The only bad part, and pretty important one is that a single instant removal spell from your opponent can mess with your entire effect. Just be careful when you cast this for the coast to be clear. You don’t want your entire plan to foil to a Grisly Spectacle or other good instant removal.