Damn! De ce trebuie sa ia negrul cele mai faine imagini?
128 2010-10-04 12:52:40
Re: Infect (16 replies, posted in GameFlux)
... dar realitatea e ca trebuie sa dai doar jumatate din damage-ul normal si nu exista nimic contra infect in momentul de fata.
Si din cate se pare nici nu o sa fie nimic impotriva. Cred ca asta, si dat doar jumatate din damage pentru o crima, o sa faca Infectul candidat major de Standard. Sa spun drept ma face sa fiu tentat sa joc negru .
129 2010-10-04 11:04:12
Re: Infect (16 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Hmmmm, mda.
Deci sunt mai multe carti... Si presupun ca ponderea inspre Infect o sa fie si mai mare in urmatoarea editie, cand conflictul o sa fie probabil mai pe scara larga.
Cum a fost insa la Release, cu lectiile invatate din Pre? A jucat careva Infect?
130 2010-10-04 11:01:55
Re: [Event] Release Scars of Mirrodin (41 replies, posted in GameFlux)
No, thank you dear lady,
. Very, very much.
131 2010-10-04 10:08:32
Re: [Event] Release Scars of Mirrodin (41 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Ryu wrote:Hey ho! Congratulations!
Mda, inspiratia e ceva magic
Si mie mi s-a parut ciudat, dar am zis sa las, vedem ce iese . A iesit ceva...
P.S.: OK, dupa clarificari majore ale slangului, m-am lamurit si eu... Nici o aluzie intentionata oameni buni, totul e ok, puteti merge mai departe.
132 2010-10-04 09:00:05
Re: [Event] Release Scars of Mirrodin (41 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Hey ho! Congratulations!
133 2010-10-04 08:57:48
Re: Infect (16 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Poti gandi si in felul urmator: ai juca cu "Infect" daca ar fi relativ usor de scapat de el?
Problema la mecanicile de genul asta exact asta e: scapi prea usor de ele si nu pot deveni competitive. Desi adevarul e ca nu imi vin in minte exemple .
Cei care ati jucat cu "Poison", cum era, si de ce zice lumea ca nu a functionat?
134 2010-09-30 15:34:14
Re: Gathering Forces (comic) (16 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Sa spun drept asta imi place. Perspective diferite asupra aceluiasi lucru.
Eu ce astept acum e sa imi povesteasca careva ce se intampla mai departe .
135 2010-09-30 13:39:38
Re: Gathering Forces (comic) (16 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Asa. Uite concluzia.
136 2010-09-29 14:48:06
Re: Grats on 2,000 Members! (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
As I see it, we're not quite there yet. But close, indeed.
What I'd like to see though is the country repartition, as the vast majority is listed as being from an "Unknown" location.
137 2010-09-24 11:52:06
Re: [Event] Pre-Release Scars of Mirrodin (42 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Atunci ce te vaieti? I-ati deckul sub brat si da-i bataie!
138 2010-09-24 09:58:25
Re: Gathering Forces (comic) (16 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Damn, cool guy. Desi un pic zapacit.
Deci il cauta pe Karn.
Ar fi fain sa il si gaseasca .
139 2010-09-24 09:53:00
Re: [Event] Pre-Release Scars of Mirrodin (42 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Daca ai destule carti pentru un deck de standard, ai destule si pentru un extended.
In cel mai rau caz, in cel mai rau!, merita pentru practica. Dar in plus ai o gramada de oameni faini acolo, distractie, o bere rece, plus premii pentru toti care au un pic de Spike in ei. S.a.m.d.
Daca ar fi asa cum ziceti voi eu nici nu am ce cauta la un standard momentan, cu deck-urile care le aveti. Si ghici ce? Si cu alea care le am, tot v-am batut (ain't that right mister Trickster
140 2010-09-24 08:05:48
Re: Gathering Forces (comic) (16 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Mai degraba ce se intampla e urmatorul lucru: e doar un grup mic de persoane care se ocupa cu asa ceva, o parte din echipa de set design. Sunt ei buni la slujba de zi, dar pana acum au sa dovedeasca ca stiu si scrie. Da-ti doar o cautare la numele scriitorului, sau direct pe site-ul Magic.
In cazul comic-urilor, majoritatea au fost scrise de aceeasi persoana, cea care a scris si curentul.
Oricum, cei mai multi par sa aiba diplome mai aproape de programare si tehnica decat scris.
141 2010-09-24 07:31:50
Re: Gathering Forces (comic) (16 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Mda, din pacate. Parca se chinuie sa gaseasca idei pentru povesti. Probabil ca e chiar greu cand ai la dispozitie un univers asa de mare si variat...
143 2010-09-24 07:11:37
Re: Gathering Forces (comic) (16 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Te doare mintea ce pustiu e pe aici.
Oricum, partea a doua pentru cei curiosi.
Grafic e mut mai bine realizat decat primul, mult mai AD&D. Desi poate e doar o parere asupra stilului.
144 2010-09-24 07:09:42
Re: [Event] Pre-Release Scars of Mirrodin (42 replies, posted in GameFlux)
As long as that bitch ain't in standard, i don't give a rat's ass about her
Language people, language...
And standard ain't the only thing out there. Just try it out, just a little bit. And you'll discover a world of possibilities .
145 2010-09-23 14:26:52
Re: [Event] Pre-Release Scars of Mirrodin (42 replies, posted in GameFlux)
De ce se plan unii.
Mai Ioane, ai asa de multe sub mana incat sa te vaieti de Elspeth? Stiu ca te-a dezamagit (Singerete ma refer ), si pe mine, dar inca nu cred ca suntem acolo incat sa zicem nu si la asta.
146 2010-09-23 13:15:58
Re: [Event] Pre-Release Scars of Mirrodin (42 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Ce carte ti-ai gasit si tu sa pui ...
147 2010-09-23 08:59:44
Re: Scars of Mirrodin is 100% Spoiled! (5 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Honestly, I don't even give standard a thought when I see new sets anymore. I really only play limited, extended, legacy, Pauper, Planechase, Archenemy, Emperor or EDH. Looks like a whole bunch of cards for EDH to me, and the return of some awful affinity deck for standard. To be a little blunt, standard decks are "built" by Wizards design, and there is little if any room for unique ideas.
OK, that's also true. These days it's actually more fun to play extended, pauper, EDH and so on (love Planechase ).
And yeah, Wizards has a tendency to control the standard decks. But that's exactly why I'm hoping that some guys somewhere will find some new ideas (which usually happens ).
Thing is that I like to see Standard strong because most new guys are usually into that, and as "standard" as it is, it still makes for a fun gameplay (especially in trying to make new decks, or beat the top ones). And it can also give you the resources to stay in Magic .
148 2010-09-22 14:41:49
Re: Budget Deck Listing ($200 or less) (12 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Uau, nice.
And a good idea also for all to try and make something like this. Set a limited amount of cash, then start building. There are too many cards these days that get "love" simply because they play well in tournaments. While others obviously get avoided because they are not "Baneslayers".
Hmmm, let's see how it turns out with the Scars shining their metal.
I hope others will share a bit of their competitive low budget non-high-profile (peculiar if possible) decks.
149 2010-09-22 14:31:28
Re: Scars of Mirrodin is 100% Spoiled! (5 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hmmm, not that impressed. And why so soon? Sometimes it's nice to keep a little bit of anticipation. It makes for more excitement during draft .
As for the set, really not that impressed. Although with infect set to get a bigger contribution with the next sets, that might change.
What I'm actually curios about is how the exit of Alara will affect Standard... Let's see new ideas coming people!
150 2010-09-22 13:40:17
Re: [Discutii] Scars of Mirrodin (257 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Well "shit"!
OK, sorry about that.
Dar Flobo are dreptate. Exceptand vreo 5 carti, setul ma lasa rece. Ca metalul...
Poate dupa ce o sa apara partea a doua o sa fiu mai atras de el. Sa fie mai mult "infect", incat sa faca diferenta in joc. "Metalcraft" momentan pentru mine e doar o mecanica care trebuie invinsa, ceea ce nu e rau ca idee, dar nici impresionat nu sunt. Sunt curios ce o sa iasa insa de acolo. Probabil ca iar o sa gaseasca careva ceva bucla infinita cu artefacte...
Sau poate nu o sa-mi placa artefactele niciodata... DAMN YOU TRICKSTER FOR SPOILING THIS!