hi, check out my list if you like. Really need an elspeth

Interested in elspeth. Have purphoros. Check out my list if you like.

I have a foil promo wurm (not on my list currently). Let me know if you see anything else on my list. I'm interested in Jace

do you have any hero's downfall? If so check my tradelist

Is the elspeth up for grabs?

Hi! On the high end I'm looking for Elspeth, Jace, and Sphinx's revelation. On the lower end I'm looking for things like scry lands, hero's downfall, and detention sphere.

Check out my wishlist and tradelist, and let me know if you see anything, thanks!

Have a look at my lists and let me know if you are interested in anything, thanks.

I too am interested in the dragon. Check out my list and let me know if you see anything, thanks.

Looks like I may have some things you need. Feel free to check out my tradelist and propose something

Opening a box tomorrow. If I pull a thoughseize you will be hearing from me

Is it mint? How about a marsh flats?

I doubt I have enough to get me to a Xenagos, but feel free to check out my tradelist.

I have a heliod which I would be happy to trade, but that's not going to get me close to a stormbreath. Feel free to check out my tradelist.