Bump. Still looking for the last few things
127 2016-05-13 01:24:48
Re: W: cards to finish a deck (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have a Fulminator Mage. Looking at your Emrakul plus some stuff
128 2016-05-12 02:33:48
Re: MODERN B/U HORROR (HELP) (6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Any ideas for a sideboard?
Hmmm, well without playing the deck it is hard to say. Duress to help with combo, Mana Leak for more counter spells. Move the Phyrexian Revokers I cut to SB. Go for the Thought for more creature removal
129 2016-05-11 03:21:38
Re: MODERN B/U HORROR (HELP) (6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Ok let me preface this by saying that alternative cards will really lower the power level as there is a reason they are expensive.
Now, first off Wash Out is not Modern legal, so take those out. Also, you have 12 fetchland but only 4 lands you can find with these so we are going to readjust the mana base. We are going to use the 3 slots that Wash Out gave us and move that to lands for a total of 23. I would only run 8 fetches, 4 Polluted Delta and 4 Bloodstained Mires. 4 Watery Graves is fine. I would also drop the Drowned Catacombs as you can not fetch for them and we need basics in case Blood Moon. So since we have Phyrexian Obliterator we need 4 Swamps and to round out the basic lets just do 2 Islands. Add 2 Sunken Ruins just to help with filtering. Also, just in case I would run a single Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to help with the quadruple black. So that is 21 lands. The last two can be any variaty of utility lands possibly? Or just add whatever U/B lands you want.
Now, I think you have too many sorcery speed spells. I get what you are trying to to do, but theoretically you are trying to flip your Thing in the Ice ASAP. Once you do that you wont need unblockable. I honestly say remove the Artful Dodge, and Distortion Strike. and add a mixture of Thoughtseize and/or Inquisition of Kozilek. Maybe a 2/2 split. I would also think of adding in Thought Scour for some extra card draw at instant speed.
I am ok with your instants.
As for your creatures, I have to ask, what is Phyrexian Revoker in here for for besides being a Horror? What will you be naming with him? I would be removing him honestly..... Actually scratch that, I would take out the Hunted Horror. If you play him and then your opponent Paths him, you just gave him 6 power for 1 mana. Yes I know you said over $30 was expensive, but there really is no replacing Snapcaster Mage in this. He is that good.
This is all I really have off the top of my head. https://deckbox.org/sets/1409894 This is what I have changed. I am two cards short since I am unsure of the last two lands.
130 2016-05-10 14:09:04
Re: More wantss (9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Bump. Still looking for two Emrakuls and one Nahiri.
I got hooked up with a City of Traitors. Thanks
131 2016-05-09 18:10:30
Re: MODERN B/U HORROR (HELP) (6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I really like the feel of this deck. Have done no play testing yet, just seems good. Any input on some help would be awesome. I know Snapcaster would be an awesome addition to the deck as well as maybe a Jace or 2. https://deckbox.org/sets/1408049
OK, so we need a few questions answered before we can help you. How competitive are you wanting to make this. What format are you wanting to play and finally, how budget friendly does this need to be.
134 2016-05-05 19:59:16
Topic: More wantss (9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I am looking to get some more cards for Sneak and Show. Looking for:
1x Gitaxian Probe
1x Misdirection
1x Sensei's Divining Top
I have plenty of stuff on my TL
135 2016-04-23 23:19:57
Topic: Not needed (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey all, so I was able to get what I need. Nothing to see here
136 2016-04-19 03:14:48
Re: Selling my Legacy cards (2 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
Hey, just so you know, you are probably going to get tagged for trying to sell without a sellers account
137 2016-04-14 19:45:11
Re: Etiquette question (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
That was exactly the kind of response I was looking for. Thanks much. Another quick question: is there a way to view my profile as another user would, so I could address any formatting issues?
Not that I am aware of. There might be a way but I cant think of it.
138 2016-04-14 19:25:04
Re: Etiquette question (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hey guys,
I traded on Pucatrade for a while before abandoning it due to rampant inflation etc. Can you guys tell me what the proper etiquette is around here for rescinding trade proposals? Is it fair for me to propose trades to say 3 different people all for maybe a Chrome Mox and cancel 2 when the first trade is finalized, or is that poor form? Additionally, how long does it take you guys to get to the mailing stage of trades? Maybe I'm impatient, but I seem to be having some slow moving traders or as one user suggested maybe they are letting my trade proposals rot instead of declining them? Any insight is welcome. Thanks!
There are a few things you can do. I would state on your profile that you will be doing this. Just make sure that you have it somewhere that this is how you trade. I personally do not think it is bad for. You are throwing the trades out but if someone does not respond in time than that is on them. In the end you got what you wanted and had a positive experience with the actual trade partner.
As for how long it takes, it honestly varies. I have had trades take literally 5 minutes but I have had some last days of negotiation. Make sure you check their profile though and see if they says something. My profile states I do not trade much on weekends, so if you send me a request at 3pm on a Friday, most likely I will not respond till Monday as I do all my trading at work so I can spend time with my family. Also, always put something in chat so they get an icon. Personally, I give someone 2 days to respond and after that I will send them another message. After that, I am done.
I hope this all helps!
139 2016-04-13 21:38:32
Re: Scammer Alert (8 replies, posted in Trading Post)
valdor wrote:STLCards wrote:I opened trades with each of SinfulKayla's potential victims to warn them as well, just in case they aren't reading the forums. I've been scammed before and it sucks, hopefully these people avoid it!
This is why I think if someone reports your account for scamming, the account needs to instantly be frozen to prevent others from getting scammed
Well it's tricky because it lends itself to abuse (lets say you have a contentious trade negotation and someone leaves feeling angry, they can report an account just to freeze them out for a few days while admins investigate). Maybe if only certain users with like 100+ feedback could do this it might work, but low accounts with low feedback (and I say this as a person with single digit feedback so far) are too easy to re-create for the purposes of trolling.
Yeah, I totally agree that it is ripe for abuse. I know there is not an elegant solution that wont be abusable, I just fear that if does this scam, in the couple of days that Sebi is investigating, they might have 4 other people send then scam them. Depending on the value (and I doubt it will be a small trade) the scammer will come out ahead and it all be worth it to them.
140 2016-04-13 21:30:41
Re: Scammer Alert (8 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I opened trades with each of SinfulKayla's potential victims to warn them as well, just in case they aren't reading the forums. I've been scammed before and it sucks, hopefully these people avoid it!
This is why I think if someone reports your account for scamming, the account needs to instantly be frozen to prevent others from getting scammed
141 2016-04-13 21:26:38
Re: Scammer Alert (8 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I also reported the other accounts. Great catch!
142 2016-04-12 22:28:18
Re: Want: Mox Opal and other WL (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Bump. I can really use the Moxes. I have fetchlands I can put towards this. Verdant Catacombs and Arid Mesa
143 2016-04-12 17:53:02
Re: Site down? (5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I am not having an issue (Chrome). It could just be a hiccup from Sebi changing the site.
144 2016-04-12 17:51:47
Re: WTT: SOI stuff for 2 Arlinn Kord (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
You are correct that this is not the place to argue or discuss this, so I will delete my original response.
145 2016-04-12 16:36:03
Re: Reporting suspicious users. Feedback resets. Wave of suspensions. (16 replies, posted in Announcements)
I need to learn to read better. Question was answered in post. Thanks Zyron
146 2016-04-12 13:17:49
Re: Fake Cards (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Well I fucked up and left feedback without inspecting the cards first. I received a voice and 2 spellskites. When I went to sleeve the cards I noticed the voice looked off like way too bright and shitty printing. The cards passed the bend test but failed the light test. I then took them to my LGS for inspection and they verified the font on the spellskites was off.
Nevermind. I just found the trade and the quy is already banned as a scammer. I am sorry it happened to you. Just file mail fraiud. Not much else you can do unfortunately.
147 2016-04-12 01:36:57
Re: Fake Cards (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
how would you know if its fake? other than the obvious tell of the work and effort, as far as I know, there's a method that requires u to rip the card to see if there is a blue lair at the core. otherwise if obvious, tell him to send back or give him negative feedback I would say
I am not sure what you are trying to say... but there are many ways to tell if a cards is fake or not. Early generation fakes fail the bend test, water test and light test. Mid Gens fail the light test. New generations you need a jewelers loupe and to inspect the lines on the card. So plenty of ways to tell a fake.
148 2016-04-11 17:54:38
Re: Want: Mox Opal and other WL (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
149 2016-04-11 15:21:34
Re: User Des R. (doctorgraim) is a scammer (54 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I was (still am?) part of the Mod-Team that handled the BTRs before the change to current system that happened sometime ago. The problem with having free Mods was the power that could be given to us. My power (in general) is limited to really just closing and locking threads. This is no fault of Sebi or Deckbox because how much power can you expect give to a volunteer who could have access to personal or finicial information about hundreds of other users? That's a security flaw and liability that Deckbox doesnt need to worry about. More power to do things like lock accounts and ban people would require people who need to work for Deckbox in some capacity in order to cover that. I agree that Sebi does great work and could use some more help but its not as cut an dry as people would like it to be.
Hey, thanks for responding! Glad to know that there was at least someone that was trusted to help out as I think that was needed. I totally understand the liability of all of that and to an extent, I agree with this. The part of me also sees that there needs to be a balance. Do you have a liability of giving people you dont know access to sensitive information? Or,do you deal with the liability that you may be harboring an environment that scammers may take advantage of?
As for modding people, in no way am I saying to give power to random people, there would need to be some sort of interview process, which I have no problem giving Sebi info about myself to prove I am not trying to be malicious. I would be glad to share certain things with you guys.
I was just trying to find ways to maybe improve the community and help mitigate the potential scammers.
150 2016-04-11 15:03:10
Re: User Des R. (doctorgraim) is a scammer (54 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
valdor wrote:asrttyoxo wrote:In the past, Sebi has declined users who offered to help for free as moderators, and is one of the reasons that there is a current Premium option.
Which in my opinion is absolutely useless. Yes, your problem will be addressed first but that still does nothing when you have already been scammed and there is no way to let others really know unless they make a post, which most might not read. So it is not solving any issues.
Also the scammer is targeting new member, who most likely have not gotten Premium since they are just testing the site out and giving it a trial run. So there is nothing in place to protect them.
I have never been affected by a scammer, but if a site does nothing to help protect new users, even turning down free help, well it is a site that I might not want to be a part of.
Perhaps there needs to be some sort of "flag" system if there is an open report about a user that appears next to their name similar to the green checkmark of premium users. Like a small "Red Flag" if there is a recent report or complaint in regards to said scammer to help draw attention? Mod team can then investigate the flags.
Yeah exactly something like that. I mentioned my own idea above that is the same thing kinda.