Ty, will fix.
1,527 2014-06-08 10:13:19
Re: Conspiracy (6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Fixed rarities, thanks!
1,528 2014-06-07 16:33:32
Topic: Conspiracy & other Database imports (2 replies, posted in Announcements)
Imported the Conspiracy edition: http://deckbox.org/editions/177-conspiracy
Also missing were the following promos:
Eidolon of Blossoms
Dictate of the Twin Gods
Hall of Triumph
Dictate of Kruphix
Squelching Leeches
Tormented Hero
1,529 2014-06-04 16:38:09
Re: v3.4: Db updates (Judge Promos, JOU Pre, Modern Event), fixes (13 replies, posted in Announcements)
I encountered a problem. This morning, I tried to add a variety of cards to my shopping cart. I clicked on the order, and saw that I'd added 15 of a single card, which happens to be the first card on the list of cards on my wishlist that the seller has available. I did not actually attempt to add that card to my cart.
Sorry for that, it was a bug on our side, please try again now.
1,530 2014-06-04 16:12:23
Re: Price issues (389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
It is indeed a bit too reliant on the fluctuations of current market listings, and should be based more on historical values.
I will tweak the formula.
1,531 2014-06-03 19:30:24
Re: iDeckbox v1.0 for iPhone and iPad is AVAILABLE :-) (113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
gmabber, a temporary solution that might help you get the app running again:
It does not list private inventories and decks yet, but you can use it as a quick solution until the proper API is coming.
1,532 2014-06-03 19:25:37
Re: Feature suggestion: No vacationed users in search results (by default) (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I keep seeing the same several vacationed users pop up at the top of my trade results lists, and I'd like a way to remove them from my search results if possible.
The "days since logged in" filter sometimes works, but if the vacationed user logs in at all, then they're back to the top of my results list
Fixed in 3.4 http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=20716
1,533 2014-06-03 19:24:26
Re: Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards (853 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Added some of the reporting missing cards. Details here: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=90248#p90248
Arena league lands are still missing.
1,534 2014-06-03 19:23:16
Re: Modern Event Deck (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
1,535 2014-06-03 19:22:32
Topic: v3.4: Db updates (Judge Promos, JOU Pre, Modern Event), fixes (13 replies, posted in Announcements)
A small release to start the week:
We've got a new editions page, for when you want to see cards from specific editions, ordered by their collectors number: http://deckbox.org/editions
You cannot yet add cards to your inventory from there, but it's planned for an upcoming release.
New cards in the database:
* The Modern Event Deck
* 2014 Judge Gift Promos
* Journey Into Nyx Prerelease Promos
* Missing promo schemes
* Tember City
Other fixes:
* seller listings on card pages now show shipping prices - like here
* cards are now sorted by name in trades and orders
* fixed escaping issues with trade names
* users that are on vacation or flagged as involved in BTRs or suspended do not appear in trading opportunites anymore
* card dialog is not used anymore on smaller resolutions and mobile devices. The link just navigates to the card page.
1,537 2014-06-01 08:13:27
Re: iDeckbox v1.0 for iPhone and iPad is AVAILABLE :-) (113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Not a normal browser, no. Cross-domain is not an issue.
Then you can just make a get request to the csv export url and parse it with something like https://github.com/wdavidw/node-csv . But I'll add a json one too in the API at some point.
I get a page of gibberish at that link.
Yeah, the mime type is set to html by the cacher, old bug. That's a valid jpg image of the card though if you save it and open it.
1,538 2014-06-01 07:50:23
Re: Price issues (389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Foil Abundance is priced at over $10K seems a little out of line.
http://sales.starcitygames.com/carddisp duct=46269
http://www.abugames.com/card161672-2946 -Card.html
Fixed, thanks.
1,539 2014-05-31 14:08:46
Re: Feature request: modify inventory tab order (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Also, can we edit the wishlist column like the inventory and tradelist column? Right now it opens another window and adds more clicks to the process. Ideally, I could just tab to it and type in the number I want.
The problem is that when you have 1 M12 Ponder and 3 LP Foil M11 Ponder, if you edit a wishlist count for the row with the LP Foil M11 one, does that mean that you want one with exactly those properties?
1,540 2014-05-31 13:36:41
Re: Bring back the static search box (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
There is an icon in the site header on all pages actually, that opens the card dialog. Does that solve this issue for you?
BTW, I know the dialog is a bit off on mobile and will try to fix that next.
1,541 2014-05-31 13:22:23
Re: Enchantment Creatures sorting into the wrong section (15 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Artifact Lands and Creature lands are now listed in the Lands section.
1,542 2014-05-31 12:53:38
Re: Join the Mtg Competitive Events community to follow this forum (1 replies, posted in Competitive Events)
The community page now also lists recently finished events, with their top 8 standings.
1,543 2014-05-31 12:11:58
Re: Deck-building tools? (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
It was mistakenly removed, will be coming back!
1,544 2014-05-31 12:09:13
Re: iDeckbox v1.0 for iPhone and iPad is AVAILABLE :-) (113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
sebi wrote:We already have a CSV export available for sets.
Yeah, but how do I grab and trim that with js?
Also, will we be able to fetch card images easily?
You mean with js from a browser? I assume you can't do that easily because of cross-domain issues. You can't do it easily with normal JSON apis either, you need to do it serverside.
For card images, right now you can get them for ex with:
Support for separate printings to come later.
1,545 2014-05-30 08:11:44
Re: Feature Suggestion: Escrow (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Yep, we've thought of similar sistems, and I'm pretty sure escrow would solve a lot of trust issues. The problem is that escrow systems are complicated, from a legal / regulation standpoint, and carry a lot of added risk.
Paypal and other payment providers all have special rules when it comes to escrow, and we do not yet have the resources to properly investigate this. (if something goes wrong and paypal blocks our escrow account with 50.000$ of other people's money, that is not a situation I wish to be in without the confidence that I can solve it smoothly ).
So we're not ruling it out, but it's not on our radar right now.
1,546 2014-05-30 08:09:28
Re: PITA: Adding cards to inventory changes tradelist counts (7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Next release is going to be inventory system improvements, with also will slightly change and improve the add widget, this will be solved then.
Are you runnig into this issue a lot?
1,547 2014-05-28 19:15:54
Re: Bring back the static search box (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I did put it back on the card pages in the title bar, but not on the card database title bar. Will do.
1,548 2014-05-28 08:33:39
Re: Problems with Paypal? (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
When are you getting this error? When you try to purchase cards from a seller here? Most of the google searches I did mention this error in connection with shipping labels.
1,549 2014-05-27 09:18:11
Re: Grand Prix Atlanta - 25 May (1 replies, posted in Competitive Events)
Top 8 standings and deck lists are posted on the event page.
Congrats to Jon Stern for winning, with a drafted blue-green deck!