Topic: Sort Trade Opportunities by Number of Cards

Often times, I have some really high value cards in my Wishlist, but they aren't the most important things there.  More often, I'm looking for a large number of relatively lower value cards in order to fill out some decks that constantly get overshadowed by the few large value cards.

It would be great if I could sort the Trade Opportunities page by the number of cards that I can receive, rather than the overall value of those cards.

Re: Sort Trade Opportunities by Number of Cards

Not to hijack your thread, but I believe it would be beneficial to give users control over settings that could have multiple options, like the one you describe.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Sort Trade Opportunities by Number of Cards

Yep, I can see the usecase for this and sounds like a reasonable requirement.

It needs some work on the technical side though... Right now we estimate the trade value by taking into consideration user's first 500 cards in their wishlist sorted by value, since those are the most relevant for this calculation generally. Looking at the possible intersections of uses with very big wishlists (tens of thousands of cards), with the tradelists of all other 60000 users on the website is not an easy query to make.

I do want to solve this problem, but it's not trivial or quick to solve sad. I did pay a freelancer consultant when I implemented the trading oppportunities to help with things, and will possibly do this again, but sadly right now there are no funds nor time. Hopefully in a few months time.