funny you should mention it.  he canceled after I asked for a pic, he claimed he couldnt send any and scoffed when i said he should mail first.   maybe instead of a rude trader i just dodged a bullet. 

As a question to you all.   If you ask someone if their cards are NM and make it clear condition of card matters. . and then you get a card that is HP and they claim 'its listed with the star rating' that its fair or right? obviously they were misleading me but is it a violation of the trade?

and i fully understand what Null is talking about.  Been trading since last year and way too many cards to update condition and set every time.  honestly just glad if they are all listed, i find cards i hae in my trade binder that isnt listed on deckbox for some reason. . very weird at times.

love this thread, and talking about having a trade canceled without any real explanation. finalized a trade and discussing shipping and they up and canceled without any sort of reason.   seems someone made them a better offer after they confirmed address's with me but instead of giving me a chance to counter offer they up and traded with the other guy even though ours was final.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

got a fair amount of what you need, started a trade

interested in the urza lands and foil blinkmoth


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

have two big ones you need. sent a trade


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

could use the two godless shrines, started a trade


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Need some of the smaller planes walkers to complete my set.

could we get a scan?

I need it for my demon collection but dont have anything significant you want. how much you want for it?

have some of what you are looking for, started a trade

master of etherium's are not chump cards,  very important in the modern affinity deck.   He has won me many matches so i gotta stand up for him!


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

and anything else on my wishlist. some DD planeswalkers, small stuff and big. 

Open to all offers but keep them reasonable.

weren't you selling JTMS a few weeks ago?


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

sent a trade offer yesterday


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

you want fetch lands, full art basic, or really basic land?

scalding tarns are 34 tcg avg.  fyi

i dont have any russian cards but have other stuff on your wishlist if interested, sent a trade

interested in your mana leak

It is my understanding that wizards has stated there will be no fetches or shocks in modern masters.  its from 8th ed. up to alara, so no zendikar fetches either.   filter lands are highly likely (but not confirmed) and my lgs owner told me the above so I am trusting it at this time.

just FYI


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

a friendly suggestion

lots and lots of grey silver bordered cards. . . they are so damn funny, unhinged and unglued.  if you are going to look through sets I would start there.  i know its not specific cards but the whole damn set has so many one liners.....

what are you actually valueing your cryptic command at?


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

i have several blocks as well, odyssey (3 books), kamigawa (3), lorwyn four books, arena, ravnica block (3), onslaught block (3), the gathering dark, invasion block (3), mercadian masques block (3),  mirrodin block (3),   a few more.   willing to trade but want to do it as sets (no point in breaking up a trilogy).

can list each title and condition but i keep my books in good condition and there wont be any heavey dog ears or destroyed covers.  to give you an idea you might see creeses on the spine but that would be the worst of any damage and even those fairly light.  pics can be made later

do you only need one of each? pretty sure i have plenty of sevearl

they are listed in my wishlist.  got all the regular ones and my OCD has kicked in so i need the Duel deck ones now.  open a trade if you have the ones i need

started a discussion