(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

souls are a guarenteed in.  im going to make room for them asap first


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

alright so im going to play with olivia for sure (my fave card ever) but theres no way i can afford obzedats and cavern of souls.  i need 2 reckoners as it is which sucks trying to find them.  i think i may toss in my 1 sorin i have but like i said.  im reeeeelly low on cash right now


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

ive seen how the sire can completely destroy people but now people are actually targeting the hell out of him cuz i was the only one doing it.  i wanna change it up and run master plans smile keeps them from netdecking into a victory  what are your thoughts on puting high priest of pennance in the doll's spot?


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

hmmm that gives me plenty to think about actually.  i want to stay on the master plan for sure.   do see LOADS of control at my local FNM..matter of fact its either american control dark nya reanimator or jund midrange that i see there and thats all.  i think i might swap up the deck a lil.  thanks for the feedback it is highly welcome


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So i've Been dying to make a mid-range Dega deck since i started my magic career and with the release of return to ravnica block i did just that.  it took a long time to get a solid game plan down.  is there any reason it wouldn't work?  Let me know please



(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

so i'm on a mad hunt for boros reckoners...who has them for trade?  i know i can at least get 1 trade in!!!


just looking to fill out a post rotation deck starting it with some hard to grabs


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

i have a few actually.  im not sure if they are near mint or lightly played but i have a couple if youre interested

just looking to build a new come at me deck! big_smile start up a trade please?  yes i know the reckoner is expensive!


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

The deck looks amusing enough.  I can't help but think you might enjoy adding Contagion Clasp and/or Contagion Engine for the repeat proliferate triggers.  Perhaps replace 2x Scar and 2x Virulent Wound with 3x Clasps and 1x Engine?

Honestly i would consider that if it weren't so expensive to play i thought about it before but after playtesting it bogged down my mana. im going for a more beat-em-up style deck but a more controlled deck would definitely see your suggestion in a heartbeat! haha but hey, thanks a lot for the look ^.^


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

so i started with this idea my girlsfriend had (she's really into cinders) and i wanted to make it a nice lil modern deck to take to my local card shop on mondays for modern MNM (monday night magic).  how does it look?

also.  if anyone has any of these cards, im accepting trade offers big_smile

the deck: http://deckbox.org/sets/391844


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

namartia wrote:

Would you trade for a dissension blood crypt?

I would if i must.  it's a little pricey but i can surely try if you're interested.  start up a trade and we'll see what we can work out. ^.^


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

looking to put some final touches on a deck.  just need this stuff.  i have some boros shocks but i dont exactly want to trade them but will if i must



(0 replies, posted in General Discussion)

so I just wanted to put this out there for anyone to check out my new little group "Small Time Traders"  It's a small group more centered around those with smaller tradelists or more casual trading.  come check us out.  anyone welcome big_smile

i actually have this lil box i bought from Walmart for about 5 bucks it came with enough space for my deck and sideboard then i used the divider that came with my commander box to keep the sideboard seperate.  works very well for me.  ive had it a good lil minute and its still in great condition.  try there?

so im looking for these cards but in NM or M condition theyre very expensive soooo...im willing to acquire them at any condition as long as its good enough to play at FNM.  i dont care if theyre bent faded messed up, ill take em for half trading price. need

3 Falkenraths
2 Thundermaws

mattcow12 wrote:

I have a Blood Crypt but nothing on your trade list is worthy of it.... do you not have anything of value or interest.. if so contact me and I will trade for things that interest me.

I have what i have. What value cards i do have are currently in the deck being as im not out buying loads of packs or sitting on value cards from years past.  please read my description on my profile for any further confusion

bumpity bumpity bump


(18 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sure I'll consider it send me a list?


(18 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

the sets range mostly from the innistrad block all the way back to zendikar with a few older sets ive randomly found around as well.  i dont think ill put land in there as that doesnt seem fair but ill sort through them tonight.  expect a report afterwards smile im thinking 15-20 bucks for it.  i dont know how much shippng will cost but ill charge 12 if i can get away sending it through the small "if it fits it ships" box.


(18 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

ill count 'em all out tonight and put it up on here for anyone who's curious


(18 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

yeah i see where you're coming from haha.  i guess i can sort 'em out and see what i got later.  might do it for as low as 15 for the whole dang thing plus shipping.  i think thats a much more fair price, yea?


(18 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

probally true.  like i said im not even sure i would wanna do it.  probally not 10 if i did. 1000 cards is still 1000 cards ya know?  meh judging on the poll im better off just horading a playset of what i can and tossing the rest haha