(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebastiansmagiccards wrote:

Is it possible for users to add the series to the database here?

Unfortunately, there's no system in place to allow community submissions of cards, like there is on TappedOut. It's definitely been requested before, but it doesn't seem to be something the devs want to consider.

The best we can do is link to complete and accurate lists of any missing cards, in order to facilitate swift additions. That said, I think nowadays Sebi just imports data from Scryfall, or perhaps the MTGjson project that's also backing Scryfall.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I 100% agree. This is the sole reason that I use EchoMTG in addition to Deckbox currently, the ability to add sealed product to inventory, as well as the ability to track Acquired Price and see growth/decline of my collection. I wish Deckbox would add these features, as then I wouldn't have to keep two different inventories updated.

I wholeheartedly agree! +1 I've been wanting this for a while, just haven't bothered posting about it. Haha


(7 replies, posted in Announcements)

CSVs are now available for the Kaldheim commander decks. Sorry for the delay! Thanks to another user for reminding me to get it posted.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

theshaner wrote:

No Kaldheim precons yet?

Oh my goodness! Thank you for reminding me. I got the CSVs created a couple nights ago, but it was super late so I decided to update the webpage later. Totally forgot to do so, as I'd sort of mentally checked off the Kaldheim decks. LoL

They have been added now.


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

We can't see what you see. If I look at your decks, it shows me a column for how many of each card you have in the deck, and a column for how many *I* have of that card. Maybe post a screenshot pointing out the issue? If you're still needing help that is.


(7 replies, posted in Announcements)

Hey Sebi, another small thing: I noticed that Kaldhrim Commander is currently using the main KHM set symbol rather than the KHC set symbol.


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Malocoran wrote:

I just want to know which ones I'm missing.

You can view them all on TCGPlayer if that helps! I filtered the list to "gold-stamped" just so you wouldn't get double entries (and the non-stamped don't have pics yet).

psrex wrote:

It's not the best solution, but if you add this deck list to your account:


then you can easily check a specific card by clicking on the card and then seeing it listed under "In your decks".

Also, if you go to that "deck", you can sort it by copies in inventory, which at a glance will show you all the reserved list cards you own. However, if you don't have a premium account, then you'll have to look at each card type (enchantment, instant, etc) separately. With a premium account, you can change it to "ungrouped", so they're all at the top.


(7 replies, posted in Announcements)

Small clerical error: On the Spirit // Boar token, the card note for the Spirit face lists #004/008 (KHC) instead of #004/023 (KHM) like it should be. The note is correct on the Bird // Spirit token.

On a more important note, something to maybe address before people actually start adding these cards.... In past commander products with double-faced tokens, you've listed the individual token faces first in the Extras edition (corresponding to their printed collector number), then followed them with the double-faced tokens. I think it would be best to stay consistent and have KHC do the same, especially since you know at some point someone is going to ask for the single sides to be added. But if you add them later, following the double-faced tokens, we're going to have Bird (#001) listed at the #10 spot in the Extras edition, which makes no sense. So I propose you go ahead and add them now, and bump the double-faced tokens up in number.


(6 replies, posted in Announcements)

juzer wrote:

could it be possible to search for snow types?
"type line" filter does not seem to work if i put in snow

Strange.... Works for me! Maybe it's an issue with the new Kaldheim cards? I only have older snow cards from Ice Age and Coldsnap, which show up fine with that filter.


(6 replies, posted in Announcements)

When you get to adding the KHM commander cards and tokens, this time around I don't have to give you a detailed double-sided token list, because WotC has kindly provided all the details! See their Kaldheim token page. In short, there are 8 commander-exclusive token faces (numbered 001-008 out of 008), and these combine with token faces from the main Kaldheim token list to create 9 distinct double-sided combinations that are included in the commander decks. The article lets you see both sides, and the images are high enough resolution that you can make out the collector number.

Also, all 119 cards from KHM commander are up on Gatherer.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

RDPARTY wrote:

I think there is an error with the Above the clouds 3, There is no extra basic island, and there is a Serendib efreet with the windreader sphinx and warden of evos isle

Sounds like you might have an error pack if you had a pack with Serendib Efreet, Warden, AND Windreader. Serendib should only be in Clouds 2, which contains neither Warden nor Windreader. Here's the official decklists that I used to build the CSVs. Check your Above the Clouds pack(s) against those lists and let me know what you find.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

TSpielman wrote:

While that is an option for desktop and laptop at home, my office computers don't allow for Extensions to be installed for any browsers.  Further, I tend to spend a fair amount of time on DeckBox on my phone and that browser doesn't allow extensions, either :-(

Oh dang! That's a bummer your work won't allow it. Guess that keeps you from using the custom Deckbox styles I linked to earlier, too.

One thing you might try, assuming your office computers have accessible USB ports, is to use a portable version of Google Chrome from a thumb drive. That's what I used to do when I was in your work situation. Don't know if the portable apps have been kept up-to-date since I used it, but worth looking into if you'd like that freedom at work.

(I would imagine you might also be able to get IT at your work to install that specific extension n0sk mentioned on the grounds of "accommodations" if you argue that a lot of the computer work you have to do is too bright for your eyes. I've gotten special IT tweaks this way.)

There's also some hacky solutions for phones, too, that I'd found when searching a while back. I never got around to trying them, but supposedly they allowed you to have your own custom user stylesheets for different sites.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I 100% agree! As you might imagine, this has actually been brought up a time or two before.

Although a native Deckbox implementation would be best, in lieu of that you can try the homebrew version I made for myself, which I shared in this thread. If you're comfortable with CSS, then tweak to your heart's content. If you're not, then just copy'n'paste what I use and it should work reasonably well. Feel free to reach out and point out any issues, since as I said in that thread, there's areas of this site that I don't use at all (notably trades). I'll gladly make any tweaks to it.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

It would be easier to assist if we could see the card. I know attaching it to a forum post isn't working right now, but you can upload it to cloud (Dropbox, etc) or an image host (imgur, etc) and paste a link here.

Goliath89 wrote:

Not sure if they're missing, or I just can't find them, but it seems like the Foil Basic Lands from Magic Fest 2020 aren't on there.

They're in the database, but listed under "Grand Prix". For example, here's the Plains: https://deckbox.org/mtg/Plains?fromqs=t … ting=49139

Not quite the same as what you're describing, but you can basically achieve this by going to Inventory > Tools and selecting "Auto mark unused for trade". So then anything that's not in a "built" deck gets added to your tradelist. That obviously means you'll want all your decks added and marked as built first.

You'll have to play with it, though. It's not a feature I've ever used, so no idea if it's persistent (i.e. it'll auto-apply to future cards and it'll auto-remove cards from the tradelist if they become added to built decks later on), or if it's a one-time process that you have to run each time you want to update your tradelist. Hopefully another user sees this thread and can enlighten us.  wink


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

HeyMerlin wrote:

I'm documenting instructions for converting the downloaded .txt files from MTG Wiki to .csv (with an example of using Visual Studio Code, but I can add Excel also).

Yeah, I would definitely add Excel, since that's likely more common for people to have than the former.

HeyMerlin wrote:

1. What is the recommended order of the cards in the .csv file?
* I noticed NamespaceV sorted primary by edition, not sure on the secondary.

With a few exceptions, I always sort by edition first, then by collector number. NamespaceV was just keeping the original sorting I had.

I have found the easiest way of doing this is importing it into a "dummy" inventory (second account), using Deckbox's native sort, then exporting the sorted version (overwriting the original CSV). This also kills two birds with one stone by testing the CSV for errors at the same time.

However, you do then have to edit the export to remove a bunch of extraneous columns. I also reorder the columns, because I like the foil flag right by the card name (makes it easier to see which is foil at a glance), and I like the collector number to the left of the edition name (partly because of how Excel formats numbers vs text (right-aligned vs left) but more because edition is a mostly unchanging value that I can ignore over on the right, whereas I'd rather see the collector number more easily when editing lands).

HeyMerlin wrote:

2. Should there be any spaces (blank rows) in the .csv file?
* Example: if the deck has a sideboard, or extras...

I mostly only did that with decks that have sideboards. I think I also have done that with some of the products that contain two decks (like Duel Decks). That said, I've changed my approach over time and haven't always gone back to update old CSVs to match new conventions.  #lazy

If we're making an official and definitive style guide, then yes, I would like to have any "sections" of the product be clearly delineated. In Excel, it looks best to leave a blank row, then put a section label in all caps in the Name column (second col) after that blank row, and then proceed with the CSV directly after on the next row. Go look at a Challenger Deck such as Cavalcade Charge -- that's the template I'd like to use.

However, let me know if the blank row looks weird or causes issues in other programs. I only ever use Excel to work with CSVs. It would probably be just as effective to not have a blank row, as long as we have an all-caps section label that's easy to pick out. As someone who does a lot of document formatting, I've just grown to appreciate the benefits of white space, hence my inclination to leave a blank line. LoL


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

NamespaceV wrote:

They seemed ok but lands were labelled as 6 M21 and all my packs had 2 of each 3 basic lands from the set
I'd gladly do PR splitting those 6 lands to 3 pairs,
It seems all packs have the same structure so i'd change all decks to have 2 of each basic and later fix if any is proven to be different

Alright, so things are going to be crazy for me until after Christmas, so as a quick fix, I just went ahead and merged your PR so that you can at least start submitting some of these pack changes. I'll go back and reorganize the CSVs later based on my current folder structure.

Feel free to change all the packs that have 6 M21 (non-showcase) basic lands. However, many of the packs have 5 or 7, so I'd like to see examples of those packs to determine if there's a pattern prior to changing all those CSVs.

When you submit the PRs, please indicate which CSVs have been verified. I of course can just reference your above post, but it'll be good to have it in Github as well.

NamespaceV wrote:

And i see no "Faction cards" in deckbox so those didn't import, but it was expected
I assume "Jumpstart Front Cards" is just a placeholder name and will be replaced if/when those cards are added to db

By "faction cards", I assume you mean the cards that say e.g. "Plus One" so you know which theme you have? Those are the Jumpstart Front Cards. They didn't use to be on Deckbox, which is why I left the Count column blank, but all 46 have actually been added now. Apparently I just forgot to update the CSVs!

P.S. Congrats on getting the Phyrexian pack! I've heard that one is hard to get, but that swamp is so awesome.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


1. Spellbook, FTV, etc.

The "Mass Input" tool in Editions is only available to premium users. However, the "Add Card List" tool in Inventory is available to free accounts. Go to your Inventory > Add Cards > Add Card List, then set the Default Values to e.g. From the Vault: Angels, Mint, English, and Foil. Copy'n'paste the list of 15 cards from anywhere on the internet, and voila. Added without issue!

2. Dropbox vs. Github

Alright, you guys have convinced me! I'll work on making my transition to Github. Thank you for the PR; that gets me a headstart. And yes, 440 files is the correct amount.

I do think that Github is complete overkill for the CSVs. Based on everything both of you have written, the main benefit seems to be C) organization, allowing people like you guys who are familiar with Github to just download the entire batch of CSVs at once.

The other semi-benefit is keeping track of who submitted and who marked a CSV as verified, in order to maintain quality control. That has been a non-issue up until now, since almost no one has been contributing CSVs. But perhaps this is the start of a new era.  smile

3. UI

I think you underestimate my knowledge. LoL. I am very familiar with separation of content / layout / styles / behavior, and always try to code in that paradigm. The current hardcoded data is a relic of my training, though. It was drilled into me to always start with a functional page, even for people who have Javascript turned off (and I always thought it was so incredibly stupid that we have to cater to people who don't want to enter the modern age, but anyways.....). So I created the page to look and work fine with or without Javascript. Then I use JS to transform some aspects of the layout onload.

But I agree with you that it's reached a point that I'd rather separate the data and dynamically create the layout. When I first designed the page, it was a much smaller amount of data to wrangle! I'm fluent in using JS/jQuery to create layouts, so I'll be updating my scripts soon to make everything dynamic.

By the way, the only reason I concatenated all the extra info in the script update I gave you was just so it worked in the current table layout you had. I trusted you would be very capable of adapting the code and altering your table layout if you so chose.  smile

4. Cooperation

Thanks again for taking an interest in this project! Before accepting your PR, I have a couple questions:

A. On Github, what is the preferred organization for an extensive repository of CSVs like this? Organize them in multiple subfolders based on precon type, or prepend that info to the filenames while keeping them all in one folder? Currently, my Dropbox has them all in a subfolder hierarchy, so it would be pretty easy for me to just copy that hierarchy to Github.

B. The reason I started using Bitly is because I wanted to see data on how often various products were downloaded, as well as things like whether people were tending to download e.g. individual Commander decks or the bundles like C20 - All 5 Decks. (I also liked that the Bitly links were much shorter and nicer to glance through in the source code than the native Dropbox links. But that would also be true using Github.) If I were to switch away from my Dropbox/Bitly setup, what would be the easiest way to continue this data collection on CSV downloads? I've never used Google Analytics, but from my vague understanding of it, the free account limits how many things you can track, so I definitely wouldn't be able to track all 440 (and growing) links.

5. Jumpstart

Can you think of anything better than the current system I've implemented to figure out what packs you have? In the current setup, it's easy to drill down to the correct color and pack name. Then it's just a matter of figuring out which variant you have. I did this by analyzing all the decklists and determining a unique card (or combination of cards) that makes that variant unique from the others. So if you have the Jumpstart pack in front of you, you look at the card name(s) on the website and see if it's in your pack. If so, that's the correct CSV to download.

For example, say you have an "Above the Clouds" pack. You know it's blue, so you go to Jumpstart > Blue and find the Above the Clouds variants under Common Packs. You notice you have both Inniaz, the Gale Force and Warden of Evos Isle in your pack, so you download the first variant. Now, Clouds 2 also has Inniaz... but it doesn't have Warden. And Clouds 3 also has Warden... but it doesn't have Inniaz. So the only possible pack it could be is Clouds 1, which has both.

I can think of no better system than this, since the Front cards in the packs aren't labeled in any way to let you know which variant you have. And you certainly don't want to look through an ENTIRE pack list! I guess you could start typing in card names in a box, and it would filter to the one you need? But that seems like more work for users than the current system.


@HeyMerlin — I'm curious about this statement you made: "Having the CSVs on github makes it easier for me to browse them rather than downloading them individually." You're either browsing them in an ugly tabular layout on Github or browsing them through categorical dropdowns.... but either way, you're having to browse to find the one you want, correct? And then unless I'm missing something on Github, you have to download the CSVs individually there, too (is there a way to select multiple files and download just those as a ZIP?). Or I guess you can download/clone the entire repo and do all the browsing on your computer. So unless I'm misunderstanding you, it sounds like it has more to do with the browsing experience. You'd rather a table than dropdowns?

As to your other question: A CSV creation guide is a great idea! Thank you for suggesting it. As someone who does it all the time, it didn't occur to me that saying "make a CSV and send it my way" would be a hurdle. But duh, of course it would. Heh.

  1. Honestly, anywhere you trust. I actually use MTG Wiki quite extensively and contribute to it myself, but you could just use info from the mothership. Easiest way to find decklists on Wizards' website is through Google.

  2. I'll create a CSV template for download, though I suspect downloading a filled-in CSV might actually help a person understand it better.

    As to columns, the absolute minimum we need is Count, Name, Card Number (for artwork variants when the card appears more than once in the set, such as basic lands), and Edition. The Foil column is only required for precons with foils in them, and Language isn't strictly necessary, though I made the decision early on to have all CSVs default to English. (Originally I had a Condition column and would set it to Mint, assuming unopened precons, but many people have opened and played with their precons, so I simply removed the condition column entirely and leave it up to the individual to set.)

    As to sections within the CSV: No, it doesn't negatively affect import. As long as nothing is in the Count column, Deckbox will ignore that row entirely. So I started dividing decks, thinking some users might find it useful, such as in the case of Event/Challenger decks that have sideboards — nice to see what the sideboard is supposed to be! But having sections is definitely not necessary, and most of the CSVs are older additions and don't have any sections.

  3. You know? I've never tried it without proper capitalization, but I imagine it would work. The most important guideline for the CSV is simply... does it import without error?

    That said, I personally prefer proper capitalization, and the editor inside of me will probably feel compelled to go correct everyone's capitalization, so.... for my sake, please.  wink

    I also like the columns to be in the order I have them. The order doesn't technically matter, as it'll import with any column order, but I think keeping a consistent layout is smart, especially considering all the discussion of future migrating/merging/updating.

    You've already identified the only necessary "keyword" and its correct usage. For any of Deckbox's flags (this goes for misprint, altered art, signed, etc), you either leave it blank or include the appropriate word to set the flag to true. If you leave Language or Edition blank, then it'll be imported without that value set. If you leave Card Number blank, Deckbox will choose a card number to set. A blank name will throw an error, and a blank count will mean the row gets ignored, as mentioned above.

  4. Whether or not it's verified is required info. If a CSV is submitted without this being specified, I'll add it as unverified. How it's verified hasn't mattered to me thus far, but once we migrate to Github, there's no reason this info can't be included, as it'll help vet the CSVs. And if it's ever discovered that a supposedly verified CSV is actually not accurate, we'll know who to blame!  wink

    Some examples: Say you opened a commander deck and did nothing to it except replace the basics with full-art lands, throwing all the basics into your basic land box. Since you can now no longer know with 100% certainty which exact lands originally belonged in that deck, you would mark it as unverified. But you can add a note stating that the rest of the contents were verified. What about an old theme deck that's been stored loose in a box next to some other decks / cards? Use your best judgment. If you feel confident none of the cards got separated or mixed up despite being loose, then mark it verified and specify it was verified by your opened copy.

    The verification method I've come to prefer is unboxing videos. Unfortunately a lot of YouTubers will skip past the lands, but I've found a few sources that do a good job showing even the basic lands.

Thank you as well for your interest, and looking forward to your contributions!


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

NamespaceV wrote:

Hi is there an intention to add series like "Signature spellbook", "From the Vault" etc to the list?

Hi! Thanks for taking an interest in this project and suggesting possible improvements!

So we'll start with the easy question above: I had not bothered with those products, since the main purpose of these CSVs is to make importing precons easier than it is using the native tools. A lot of precons contain a mix of card counts / editions / foiling / artwork variations, meaning using the "Add Card List" tool in Inventory or the "Mass Input" tool in Editions isn't ideal. However, products like Spellbooks, FTVs, and the new Commander Collections all contain a single copy of each card, from the same edition, with all cards being either foil or non-foil and with no artwork variations in that edition. They're also only 8 - 15 cards (20 for FTV:20). For these products, it's very easy to use the above-mentioned native tools.

That said, I see no reason not to include them in the list, since creating the CSVs will likewise be super easy. May as well have a complete listing!

NamespaceV wrote:

Also +1 for adding csv to git hub with PR's instead of dropbox. Because the list is only going to grow. And having all SCVs versioned in one place will make them easier to manage. Its big but not Gigabytes big, just a lot of text files. And if they ever need to be e.g. migrated a script + PR will do

oK, so I am unclear on what exactly the benefits are for uploading all the CSVs to Github. But I will admit, I've never used Github for a collaborative project. The only reason I'm using it now is because it was a quick and easy way to get free web hosting! Heh.

For instance, you mention having all the CSVs "versioned". What benefit do you think it'll provide? The only versions they have, at least in my current workflow, is "unverified" (my initial build of the CSV based on card lists and assumptions for basic lands) and "verified" (after some source has confirmed that the CSV is 100% correct). The only "middle" version that ever occurs is when the double-sided tokens aren't available on Deckbox yet, in which case I leave the token counts out of the Count column (so that the CSV can still import without error). I'll then re-add the token counts once Deckbox has caught up. So perhaps "unverified", "incomplete", and "verified" are the three CSV versions? Even so, I don't see the benefit for me or the end user in having the CSVs archived and versioned on Github. Maybe I'm missing something.

The main benefit you and others seem to be pointing to is that Github allows you to submit a PR if you have a CSV you'd like to add. But unless I'm mistaken, you could do that anyways at my current project, and then I can add them to the main list in whatever way works best for me. So if the main benefit is allowing easier collaboration in creating CSVs, isn't that already possible? Again, maybe I'm missing something.  :\

My main concern with moving to Github, as mentioned above, is the time it'll take to reorganize everything on Github. So it's about the sheer quantity of those text files, not the gigabytes. The fact that the list is only going to grow larger doesn't worry me; it's been very easy to manage all the CSVs in my local folder structure that's connected to Dropbox.

Please don't take all of this as me merely arguing with you and not listening. Rather, I'm presenting my understanding of what works and what would be beneficial, and I'm asking you to enlighten me if I'm missing an obvious benefit of transitioning to Github.

NamespaceV wrote:

And maintaining current navigation page with links looks like it requires a lot of work while being sub-optimal UX

Can you please elaborate on that and explain in what ways you think it is sub-optimal? I am totally willing to optimize it, but I can't do so without more specific feedback.

NamespaceV wrote:

A CSV with list of products could be generated instead
And feed as data to UI like https://datatables.net/
Making adding new sets and fixing bugs easier.

I have already considered this for a future upgrade to the page. Currently, it's actually VERY easy and fast to add a new set, and it wouldn't be any easier/faster to do it with a CSV of products. But you are correct that, if there's ever a bug that requires changing the HTML structure of every single list, or if I simply want to change the layout, it would be a lot easier to do it with a dynamically-generated page instead of static content. I have simply not gotten around to this yet. With a job, 6 kids, and another baby on the way, I don't have a ton of time to devote to this. I had actually set up a Kofi page, hoping a few kind souls would donate some money as a way to thank me for my time and effort, but..... pandemic. People aren't really interested in donating money to silly things like this right now!

NamespaceV wrote:

Hmm a bit more work than i thought but i made a POC.

Definitely needs improvements but for initial POC good enough.
At least parents should be added as some names make no sense when i extracted name in box alone.

Default DataTable styling looks bad but i didn't care much for POC.

It works and you can search - this was POC scope.

Yeah, I don't like table styling in general. (Especially on mobile!) That's the reason I went with dropdowns in the first place. Tables are fine for us analytical programmer types who don't mind sifting through a sea of data.... but not as friendly to the average user. Even if I update my UX based on further feedback you give me, I won't be adopting a table layout.

If search functionality is the primary improvement you were hoping to see in my current UX, well.... you're in luck! That's actually the next feature I was working on to be added. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, for your own uses, a couple quick alterations to your JS to help clean up the results you extract:

links = $(".list li a[href]");
function extract(id, a) {
    var a = $(a),
        precon_type = a.closest('.list_wrap').find('h3').find('span').remove().end().text() + ' - ',
        precon_category = a.parent().prevAll('.category').first().text() || a.closest('.list').prevAll('h4').first().text(),
        precon_note = a.children().text(),
        precon_name = a.children().remove().end().text();
    return {
        href: a.attr('href'),
        text: precon_type
            + (precon_category?precon_category+' - ':'')
            + precon_name
            + (precon_note?' ('+precon_note+')':''),
        className: a.attr('class')
extracted = links.map(extract);

I haven't combed through all the data this produces, so there's still probably issues, but it'll be a lot more functional for you, and instead of including that extra data in the "Name" column of your DataTable, you could instead add more columns for this extra data.

I am interested and opened a trade with you.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Would you mind giving some more info, like examples of the ones that are missing?

I'm not seeing any issues in my own inventory. When I filter to tokens and emblems (either using Type of Type Line), it gives me 247 unique results, which is correct (I actually have 807 total tokens, but Deckbox doesn't show that number in the filtered list, unfortunately). My tokens span from recent sets (latest is RIX) all the way back to 10 Ed. / Lorwyn, and include tokens from regular standard sets, masters sets, commander decks, duel decks, and even promos (like the Magic Player Rewards). The filters even catch "tokens" like Checklists and Poison that aren't part of the official token numbering.

Are all your missing tokens part of the same set(s) (especially sets that are more recent than Rivals, which I can't check)? If so, I'm betting those specific editions were just added to the database incorrectly.

Question @Sebi — If this feature becomes an alternate selling option (rather than being rolled into trades, as you suggested), would a proposed sale remove the appropriate quantity of the card(s) from the seller's inventory during negotiations? Or would that only occur upon a finalized sale, meaning multiple buyers would be able to request to buy a given card simultaneously?

In other words, this...

Bob requests 2 out of 5 copies of card X, so 2 copies are removed and inventory only shows 3. Ann would only be able to request 3 copies now. Seller either a) declines Bob's order at which point inventory goes back to 5 available, or b) accepts it and inventory stays as is.

...or this?

Bob requests 2 out of 5 copies of card X, but inventory still shows 5 available. Ann requests 4 copies. Seller accepts Bob's order because it was placed first, then informs Ann her order will be reduced by 1 copy due to available inventory. Ann can accept or decline the revised order.