(18 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

so i had this idea.  i have like....thousands of commons sitting around in a box i will very likely never use.  so my question for you guys is.  who would buy a whole holiday promo box full of random assorted commons?  i honestly dont know whats all in there but hey if i did sell, would 40 be too much to ask?  seeing as id be providing shipping and tracking and all that?  i dont know.  this is just a question not quite sure if i wanna do it yet

that all depends on what youre looking to touch lol some stuff is going to go in a deck either now or near future but if ive forgotten to move it to the trade binder, then yeah ill probally trade it


Need to finish up on this deck, can anyone help me out? i got lots of random crap so feel free to look!


Priority Wants:

1 Blood Crypt
1 Dreadbore
3 Played or warped Falkenrath Aristocrats
2 Played or warped Thundermaw Hellkites

I understand i don't have the high end cards enough to trade up to the falkenrath or Thundermaw Hellkite but if anyone out there has a warped condition of one of those and would like to trade, let me know i'll take em smile

so how is this guys?  i don't venture into modern often but i love how this deck playtests.  would it stand up at all to a legit modern deck?  i'm clueless at this format nowadays

link:  http://deckbox.org/sets/360492


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

building up my friday night magic deck, who can help me?


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

need some stuff to compete at FNM, got some randome awsome and stuff smile


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

just looking for stuff for my std fnm baby smile

so i was play A LOT of control!  i wanted to make my deck faster and go more aggro on the side of midrange.  am i missing anything?

link: http://deckbox.org/sets/320329


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

how do you link your tradelist and wishlist into your signiture? i tried reading the help forum stillconfused though.  someone help a newb?

HikingStickquote wrote:

It sounds like you tried to alert him of the additional value.  That was the right thing to do.  I've willingly parted with cards for less than their value when helping out new players or friends.  So long as the seller knew what he was doing, just try to return the favor if you ever do business again.

oh trust me ive straight given cards of extreme value to friends who needed them badly enough

HikingStick wrote:

Oh, that sucks (someone taking advantage).  I parted with a few full art Unhinged lands for under a dollar each before I learned what they were worth.

Sadly, i ended up buying a misty rainforest from a guy who didnt really play magic at all once.  i told him it was worth a few good bucks but all he wanted was a dollar!

i only hope that somone out there finds it informative nd helpful smile any thoughts about what i should write about next? or any changes i should make to this article?

i'd have to say my best pull was at the Dark Ascension pre-release party where i pulled both an Olivia voldaren, Snapcaster mage, and a Clifftop retreat from my 3 packs of cards followed by both a Geralf's Messenger and a gravecralwer from my dark ascension packs. too bad i had no idea of the value at the time.  i just thought, hey random cards i wont use.  they were swindled out of me :c ahh, such as life haha

i tried to keep it as brief and explanative as i can.  Not many shops around where i live run a lot of commander or other formats so i stuc to the most basic ones.  besides, its more of an explanation to new deck builders.  wouldn't want to confuse anyone with too many formats to explain but i think youre right about the commander.  i cant beleive i left that one one out! its one of my favorite game types! haha thanks for the look and the help smile

Welcome To my little article on competetive deckbuilding! This was written in reply to the many questions I have recieved from friends with plenty of expierence in casual play but none in Frieday Night Magic Tournement. I hope you find this helpfiul!

First off, you want to take a look at which format you're aiming for, how much time/money you're willing to invest, and what cards you currently have in your collection to begin with.

Formats to Consider:
• Standard : Usually about 5-8 Usable "Sets" (Or Expansions to the game) available. Newest cards but subject to change every couple of months as new expansions are added.

• Modern : Massive Usable list with only a short list of cards that are "banned" from being used. Cards in this format will never "cycle-out" or become un-usable. "Banned" list is subject to occasional change so check periodically. Some cards in this format can be very pricey.

• Legacy : All Sets usuable with exception to it's own "banned" list, different from modern so also check periodically. Cards in this format are generally the most expensive and most varying. Reccomended only for seasoned players.

Now that you've chosen which format you'd like to play in, it's time to do some research.

You'll want to explore the sets of cards you have to work with and even perhaps take a look at other competetive decks out there to get an idea of what you want your deck to do. Take note not to copy these decks.

Remeber, you want your own idea to shine!

(A Sidenote: If playing standard, be aware that new sets of cards are added periodically. Plan on spoiler lists often such as ( http://www.wizards.com/magic/tcg/Articl … lproducts)

Once that's done, you are now ready to choose a strategy. Each format offers hundreds of individual strategys. Too many to name in this article but most fall into these basic categories:
• Aggro : Generally the fastest paced decks focused on doing heavy damage as soon as possible and ending the game early.

• Midrange : Mid-paced decks focused on out-living the opponents resources. This deck type tries to out live aggro decks while finishing off Control decks before they gather enough steam.

• Control : The slowest deck out there. These decks like to make te game last as long as possible while gathering enough resources for a big finish or until the opponent is out of steam.

Take a while to consider each deck pace. Practice with user-made online decks until you find a deck style that suits you!

Next up, Find the cards that support your strategy. Go through and look up card effects and abilities until you find what you desire. By now you should have an idea of:

•What Format to compete in
•What pace to move at
•What type of deck to make ( IE. Artifact, creat-base, mill ect...)
•What color(s) you want to use

With all of this, you're readt to build your deck. Here's a few tips while you build
• Keep your deck at exactly 60 cards. This ensures the best resaults in the draw.

• Keep your deck tight and organized. this means go with 3's and 4's of cards you need the most and want to see every game if you can, 2's of any card that you want to see less often but still could help lead to victory, and try to avoid any single copies of a card unless you find it to be absolutly needed.

A Few Tips for the sideboard (Must be exactly 15 cards) : First off, a sideboard is a small deck to the side you can use to replace cards in your main deck with to improve your chances of winning the game.

• Try to use cards that will protect or your deck for other deck types in your format (a little research will be required)

• Use 2's and 3's of each card as needed, Single copies too if need be.

• Know what cards you plan to switch out before hand. This lowers the tension and confusion during gameplay.

That's all i have for you today. I hope you enjoyed my article on competitive deck building. If you have an questions, comments, or suggestions, drop me a line here or at



Or at my deckbox profile

on second thought, ill just replace the field of souls with ogre slumlord to keep it modern

as for what is does, it abuses the hell out of the persist mechanic with sacrifice and melira to do one of a few combos

1) mill with Thoughpicker witch

2) have unlimited creatures by saci-ng the goblin and pinging himself unlimited times with field of souls out

3) gaining unlimted life with sutures priest/kitchen finks

4) sapping life with the blood artist

heres a link:  http://deckbox.org/sets/360492

tr to keep it semi cheap please but i need a sideboard with this i think smile help me?


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hey thanks.  ill be sure to keep that in mind


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

looking to trade my temporal Mastery And/or Armarda Wurm for:

2x Black Sun's Zenith
2x Reaper Of The Abyss
1x Tribute To Hunger
1x Sheoldred, The Whispering One
1x Tragic Slip

Willing to negotiate other cards into it but i'd like to get all these cards in one trade if possible if not at least most of them smile


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hey thanks!  i think i may wait a lil while until my life is on track to do any serious card buying but when i start ill surely keep all of this awsome advice in mind smile it's great to see that people are willing to throw advice on a younger player!

the only shockland is a watery grave which a friend is using in his deck :x


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

so bassically i need to take a hiatus from buying cards smile ah well such as life.  ill keep playing with my decks and see what i can do as far as getting good trades with what i got and saving extra on the side

what about a Lightmine field?