Forgive me for my uninformed inquiries, but do you know if all these blister packs you speak of are a) still on the market and b) available in Canada? Our first targets opened about 6 months ago, and while I have seen magic stuff there both in the US and Canada, I've never encountered anything but the regular duel decks and such, and even if they did contain crap cards, for 99 cents, it'd be worth it. I know Dollarama (Canadian chain) carries packs of outdated commons and uncommons, but I got a full set of Urza Lands from there (don't remember which set, but they were worth 2-4 bucks).
Ehh... Good pulls are not my forte. I got an Indestructibility and a foil Indestructibility, but the card is worth 30 cents, so not much good. I got Chandra as a first pick in a draft. That was nice. Then I came dead last regardless.