(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

9700377 wrote:

I don't think so, because I think it's less-reasonable to expect the OP to maintain thousands of price listings than it is to maintain one.

Of course it's less reasonable, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. People are lazy. If OP wasn't using the mass price tool and was manually entering the prices for his cards than I have 0 sympathy for him. In that case it's 100% his fault for not updating earlier or temporarily putting his account on vacation mode.

On mass pricing: You can't just mass price your entire collection and expect to be covered if one of the cards spikes in value. You listed the card at that price so you have to be ok with that price. If you're not on top of updating the price that's your fault, not Deckbox's. I will concede that the mass pricing tool isn't perfect, but for listing all of your bulk it's super convenient and I believe that's what the original intention for the tool was.


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Of course it's risky. People can't just expect that the mass price tool will take out all of the work involved in maintaining appropriate pricing for all of their cards. That's ludicrous. But that doesn't even matter. OP could have had 1 card listed and we would be having this same conversation.


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

9700377 wrote:

No other online marketplace encourages users to both maintain and mass-price their inventory in the way that Deckbox does.

Ebay and TCGPlayer do. You list something for sale on ebay, price spikes, someone buys it for the price for which you listed it, you're sol. That's just the way it works. If you list an item for sale and someone buys it for that price, you can't be mad about it.

It's common knowledge that price spikes routinely occur around major tournaments. Set your account to vacation mode until the tournament is done and the spikes have happened, then adjust your prices and turn your account back on.

You can't be lazy about adjusting your prices AND expect to be protected from price spikes. You get one or the other.


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I disagree with this. No other online marketplace uses a feature like this and I don't think Deckbox should either. You are responsible for keeping the prices for your cards up to date.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

swordfischer wrote:

Doesn't look like they're on gatherer yet. Usually when they are, they get here as well.

This. The deckbox database gets updated with Gatherer.

This looks great, thanks! smile

See attached.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Not at the moment.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

You don't need to add a 4th color. In fact, my suggestion would be to run mono-B, maybe W/B if OP really want's to keep Mom. It's a reanimator deck, if you're not reanimating stuff you're going to lose. You're never going to expect to hard cast any of these big fatties.

Edit: The main reason that Griselbrand is so good in reanimator decks is that you can use the draw 7 ability in response to removal, which is the main weakness of this archetype.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

My opinions:
1) The deck has a bunch of cards that don't fit the reanimator theme: Fleecemane Lion, Loxodon Smiter, Sylvan Caryatid, Brimaz, even (to a lesser extent) Vorinclex. Mom is probably fine. Elvish Piper always seems too slow to me. Lotleth Troll certainly works, but needs at least 1 fatty in your hand, whereas Entomb and Buried Alive don't.
2) Reanimator really needs to be all-in. Cut the non-creatures that don't help you get there: Undying Evil, Dromoka's Command, Sorin, Ajani, Spirit Mantle.
3) Add more reanimation and reanimation enablers: Entomb, Reanimate, Cabal Therapy (targeting yourself) a 4th Exhume, a 4th Buried Alive, maybe Dark Rituals.
4) Griselbrand is the best, Sphinx otSW is great, Jin-Gitaxias is great, Iona is great. Sheoldred certainly fits the theme.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I guarantee you Griselbrand is a better reanimator target than any other except for Iona against certain decks.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

This deck needs more Griselbrand.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I would bet that was from the second print run of Revised. First print run was black bordered (as that was the first printing in Italian), second was white bordered.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

No, there isn't, but it should be added. Sebi, add it to the list please! smile


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hmm, still works ok for me. What browser are you using? Maybe there was a browser update that messed something up.


(19 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I believe so, yes.


(19 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

9700377 wrote:

Although I'm not sure what you'd display if the user doesn't specify a rate that a single card can be sold at..

I can't imagine this would come up much, but if it did it could just be displayed similar to sellers that don't ship to your country. Like what I see when I run into my own listed cards, see attachment.


(19 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Correct. Perhaps the solution would be to implement a minimum order size in addition to the current maximum order size?


(19 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

9700377 wrote:

Now it's $2.04.

That confirms it takes country into account. Thanks for the help smile


(19 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

9700377 wrote:

Still the same.

Ok, it looks like it's just taking the minimum shipping cost regardless of where it is in the shipping options list. Mind checking just one more time?


(19 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

d72B wrote:


Thanks. How about now?


(19 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Out of curiosity, what does it say is my (Andrew Quist) shipping cost here?


(25 replies, posted in Announcements)

mrsfrost71 wrote:

Cntl+I  - the little box thing that the top does not work the same

This works just fine for me. What behavior are you seeing?


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)



(19 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

thalaric wrote:

the default shipping shown should be "minimum price to purchase solely this item".

Yes, this.