Deci eu sunt sigur ca orice ce zice until end of turn, expira la sfarsitul turei, indiferent cum "s-a produs" acel sfarsit. Deci Act of Aggression pe tura adversarului nu te ajuta cu mult.
niste referinte:
Q: Can I take a creature permanently with Act of Treason and Sundial of the Infinite?
A: That would make Sundial of the Infinite Possibilities even crazier! But no, you can't do that. Act of Treason doesn't have an end step trigger like unearth does; it has a continuous effect that expires during the cleanup step. It's one of those "until end of turn" effects that Sundial's reminder text mentions; ending the turn skips straight over to the cleanup step when Act's effect will expire.
Q: Can I give Skinshifter flying on my opponent's turn, then make it 4/4 on my turn to swing for 4 in the air?
A: Nope. Skinshifter's skin shifting wears off during the cleanup step – you can tell because it says "until end of turn." You're confusing this with "at the beginning of the end step" triggers, which are very, very different and can be finagled to not trigger until the following turn, but there is no way at all in black-bordered Magic to get an "until end of turn" effect to last to the next turn.
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