Jeeesus that selesnya mythic!!!
Jesus that azorius mythic
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by TehAuthor
Jeeesus that selesnya mythic!!!
Jesus that azorius mythic
Turn 5: Master of Cruelties
Turn 6: Rogue's Passage + Master of Cruelties + Pillar of Flame
so you want to go grixis
Scorpse wrote:ENTWINE is BAAAAAAAACK !!!!!!
..sweet. fuse e chiar o mecanica foarte faina iar Ral Zarek e balanced in mare parte, mai putin ultima abilitate
Cred ca 1 extra turn e chiar below average (daca nu trebuie sa il sacrific si mai ramane cu min. 1 loyalty counter) iar de la 2 extra turns in sus devine absolut ridicol. Din nefericire vor fi si cateva situatii in care unii nu castiga nici un coin-flip. sad .sad. sad.
Bring rigged coins
Ai uitat de spiders vs birds si de the ultimate good vs evil
in jumate de ora iti zic daca venim si noi
Vreau si eu cartile imprumutate
Andrei, Oscar, Silviu go go go
Benczi si tu dar rezolvam la work
benczi wrote:Dragi prieteni, din saptamana viitoare o sa avem si noi Cube:
What is The Cube?
No one knows who started the cube, why it's called the cube (when it's kept in a nice, long rectangular box), or why it even needs an origin.It's just Magic. Pure. Simple. Incredible.
It takes the 50 best/most powerful concepts of each color, puts them in a big kettle and - say it with me now - stirs. What you have in that pot is what may not be the most objectively best cards. What you have is objectively the greatest draft format of all time.
Why draft the cube and no other format? Because drafting is always different. Drafting means deeper strategies than sealed, drafting means that you can think about archetypes and draft those archetypes.
...Cubeul in sine e lista lui "wtwlf123":
Facut din proxyuri.Acum cum nu o sa fie un eveniment sanctionat, deci ii fara pw puncte, si mai casual, vreti sa avem prizepool pt. castigatori? 5 zile pt. vot. Go.
Eu ajung in tara in 26 martie si sunt interesat de asa ceva, premii (sau fara, cum doreste fiecare). Singura problema e ca voi fi limitat la ziua sau zilele in care voi putea juca in functie de diferite motive persoanale. Daca doriti sa jucati dupa aceasta data...let me know
Yeeees Ovi long time no see
Vreti sa mergeti si in Buc si in MS ?
Eu o sa merg doar in MS
eu am 37 deci plenty to go
Still don't get the number of points, pe season-ul care se termina in Mar 17 2013? i guess so
Trickster wrote:De baga ceva gen time warp in standard, la ce planeswalkeri is eu zic ca-i doable. U/G ramp/control, suna fun.
ar fi deja temporal mastery desi e cam scump. daca baga un card draw selectiv care pune carti back on top of library ar fi mai doable. Ca sa nu para OP in format cu atatea miracole ar trebui sa coste 4-5 mana efectul si sa fie ceva de genul:
2UU - draw 3 cards then put one from your hand on top of your library.
pai este deja Dimir Charm
Ce funny sunt copii
anyone have a pithing needle de imprumutat?
BinaryLatin wrote:Chiar nu are nimeni 4 Mulch ?
Acuma serios, is comune FFS....
cred ca am uit diseara si fac update la postul asta
are cineva niste auguri? :-/
Cred ca mai am unu restul sunt la benczi (jumate din deck-ul lui, jumatea mai ieftina )
Pai da, avand in vedere ca majoritatea cartilor sunt comune in deck-urile alea
Looting iti aducc eu
poate cineva sa-mi aduca 2 harvest pyre pe joi ?
So yeah. Are careva de împrumut pt sâmbătă (eventual chiar şi pentru duminică la MS) 2 bucăţi Liliana of the Veil?
Daca nu o sa le joace benczi ti le dau
I have a Lazav, Dimir Mastermind in play, and the opponents' Spark Trooper was sacced at the end of the turn, it hits the gy, trigger Lazav, care copiaza Trooper-ul. Noah acum intrebarea e de wording, trebuie sa sacrifici Lazav-ul la sfarsitul turei sau nu trebuie din moment ce pe Spark Trooper scrie "sacrifice Spark Trooper" and Lazav retains his name.
Sergiu te ocupi tu de tinerea scorului pentru gameflux or do you need any help?
Facultati, meh o sa le mai dai un drog studentilor, drog pe care nu si-l permit. Cred ca e mai bine daca s-ar pune posterele unde e vad de IT-isti ca noah aia au bani
Cauta "Flux Pavilion - Cracks Begin to Show"
You're so underground you need a shovel to get out of bed every morning. Obscure reference is obscure.
Deckbox Forum » Posts by TehAuthor