looking to trade standard for legacy staples or higher cost items for my commander ((2)griselbrand,Sinkhole*,Fulminator mage,(1-2)LoTV*,Damnation, (1-2)All Hallow's Eve*, (2-3) Yargmoth's Will*, (4)Demonic tutor, (2) Sorin Markov*, Goryo's Vengeance, (4) Reanimate***,(4) Deathrite Shaman*)
(1-2)Maze of Ith*
(2)Horizon Canopy
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth*
(4)Bloodstained mire
(4)Verdant Catacombs*
(2)Cavern of Souls
(3)Twilight Mire*
open to all fetches

*= highest Wants

this is mainly stuff for commander but my commander may turn in a legacy deck from the looks of it lol

im open to most trades if u have something not listed purpose a trade

interested in most fetchs/staples, need a LoTV, looking for a playset of Snapcasters (total not all at once), and playset of Deathrites

interested in most fetchs/staples, need a LoTV, looking for a playset of Snapcasters (total not all at once), and playset of Deathrites


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

new today, offering up a Chandra, Pyromaster smile pack fresh smile)

im interested in Snapcasters/deathrites/LoTV/Grisel/standard cards too

so get some trades going !


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

i actually picked up some of that lol looking for cabal atm
ive been looking at the other high mana cost BAM (big *** monster), i cast him pretty frequently, the card draw is good but iver seen others i could use for a mana or two less hes just what i had atm
but today i picked up:
Mind shatter
hecatomb*White Border fancy lol
midnight banshee
drana, Kalastria bloodchief
painful quandary
life's finale
Hero's demise
diabolic revelation
bad moon *was borrowing but traded for my own
animate dead *white border 1 more mana and a -1 for another copy of reanimate ok lol
gilded lotus*own copy
hypnotic specter
harvester of souls
exquisite blood*my own copy
Mikaeus, the unhollowed*own copy
Grave Pact
Nirkana reverant*excited about this one
abyssal persecutor*own copy
Liliana vess

but yeah still missing somethings but idk if all of these will make it in but a good % of them will espec, lili animate and nirk
Born of the Gods card coming in will be Drown in sorrow(probably replace my infest), eater of hope(for the undying part seems ok not amazing but ok), FATED RETURN will definately be coming in high cost spell but griselbrand indestructible lol but along with this ill be running Champion of Stray Souls(sac undying creatures gain giant creatures plus beefed up creatures?, Gild,  gorgons head or springleaf is a maybe

the tnn is either a staple for ur deck or a trade to get u everything else u need lol
but the sun titan and just alot of the commander cards are good so i voted w/b


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

* is high priority ** highest Priority
1 Mutavault
2 Polukranos
1 MoW
1 Kalonian Hydra
1 nykthos
1 scooze (promo or non)
Sylvan Cary
phantasmal image
warleader helix promo
Prophet of Krupix
Temporal Mastery
Rootbound Crag
Godless Shrine
Shadowborn Apostle x 5
Multani's Harmony (Promo)
plus others

Ajani, Caller of the Pride
2 Mizzium Mortars**
Mikaeus, the Unhollwed**
3 Exquisite Blood*
3 Reanimate*
Xenagos, the Reveler
Lotus Petal*
Nirkana Revenant
Kokusho, the Evening Star
Sheoldred (nonpromo)*
4 Deathrite Shaman***
Abyssal Persecutor**
Lifebane Zombie*
Demon of Death's Gate**
Vampire Nocturnus*
pretty much any modern Staple im open to any and all suggestions (verdant,marsh flats,Urborg, horizon canopy, kitchen finks... etc)
im open to just about anything if value is right id rather not trade a $35 card for a $10, and a bunch of $1-5 cards
http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showpost … ostcount=7
the G/r cards are for my standard deck
the rest is to get a start in modern/commander
open to any number of these w/e u can find trades for


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

yeah he'll be in it once i can get one, these are cards i had an friends are letting me borrow/trading for
yeah the loop he has in nice smile


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

yeah i keep forgetting bile blight is gonna ruin rats
but the tome scour is if all else fails its a U and makes C.A 5 bigger, thats my thought on it
the only downside to ashiok is she exiles so doesnt feed ca
the trama is probably a bad way to go, like u said wall of frost+phenax mill 7 each turn, beef up C.A tap C.A
its slow so maybe more walls or dare i say burnished hart lol no i dont lol outside of standard sure but 3 then 3 next turn for 2 tapped kinda hurts the flow
idk i like the idea of mill but its so hard to mill in tournment lol


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

* is high priority ** highest Priority
1 Mutavault
2 Polukranos
1 MoW
1 Kalonian Hydra
1 nykthos
1 scooze (promo or non)
Sylvan Cary
phantasmal image
warleader helix promo
Prophet of Krupix
Temporal Mastery
Rootbound Crag
Godless Shrine
Shadowborn Apostle x 5
Multani's Harmony (Promo)
plus others

Ajani, Caller of the Pride
2 Mizzium Mortars**
Mikaeus, the Unhollwed**
3 Exquisite Blood*
3 Reanimate*
Xenagos, the Reveler
Lotus Petal*
Nirkana Revenant
Kokusho, the Evening Star
Sheoldred (nonpromo)*
4 Deathrite Shaman***
Abyssal Persecutor**
Lifebane Zombie*
Demon of Death's Gate**
Vampire Nocturnus*
pretty much any modern Staple im open to any and all suggestions (verdant,marsh flats,Urborg, horizon canopy, kitchen finks... etc)
im open to just about anything if value is right id rather not trade a $35 card for a $10, and a bunch of $1-5 cards
http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showpost … ostcount=7
the G/r cards are for my standard deck
the rest is to get a start in modern/commander
open to any number of these w/e u can find trades for


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

my dimir is kinda mono-black splashed blue, bc i want a backup plan lol
pretty much pack rat, des. demon, consumming aberation, ashiok, jace, shadow ally denizen, mutavaults, phenax, tome scour, nightveils and tramatize

pretty much play like normal T1 thoughtseize/tome scour, t2 pack rat, t3 rat/nightveil/tome scour another packrat , t4 demon, t5 C.A t6 phenax, t7 tramatize and tap C.A (mills the other half due to phenax's ability)

also kinda stack hero's downfall/doomblade's to help survive, use jace memory adept to help mill, ashiok for creature advantage/mill


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

my friend wanted me to play commander so i threw something together starttedlooking for a commander and i found mikaeus the unhollowed, thought hmm this might be fun...
and so here we are
lemme know what u think

looking to get slightly into commander cant decide between the two so figured id pick up which ever i could get... leaning towards mika though the undying would be nice plus the +1+1 but sheold giving me creatures and them sacing is nice

also interested in a
death baron

yay another idea i had was a rakdos deck
w/ master of cruelties

play master
play shadow alley denizen, and shadow alley denizen(whenever a creature enters the battlefield target creature gains intimidate)
so off of the 2nd SAD trigger u make master unblockable well most likely unblockable

http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/attachme … 1390280595

u trama get what 24 cards into the GY
CA becomes a 24/24 atleast
phenax allows u to tap a creature and u mil whatever the creatures toughtness is
so trama gets cast a second time for just tapping a creature

idk if b/u will be a thing but i wouldnt be surprised to see it
im pretty sure imma see a few more g/r, and some b/r minos, black will be around im sure, i think blue might die off a little bit
mono white might be a thing due to the new mythic

game 2 against monoblack sucks lol
hmm... o ur playing g/r ok well 2 duress, pithing needle, 2 doom blade, and o what the hell 2 pharika's cure
then just imma cast duress t1 take ur domri or xen
t2 rat
t3 underworld or rat token
t4 duress/thoughtseize o and doom blade ur stormbreath or poluk
t5 u know i dont like those mystics hanging around cure them then sac a guy please o and rat token activate mutavault and swing for 16

All i have to say is...
Traumatize+ consumming aberration + phenax woot i win
Trama them half deck gone
CA become really big number/really big.number
Play phenax tap CA for the other half
Just need wright of precinct six nighthowler and packrats to fill in mid game probably doom blade heros downfall thoughtseize. Tome scour maybe any other suggestions

yeah stepping back from it 4 does seem a bit much but like u said 2of is good enough to toss out plus itd keep poluk+bow combo alive
other than the fanatic and xenagos idk how much g/r will change lol
coursermight be okay just to take out some of the land draws but also revels to ur opponent ur hand especially monoblack thoughtseize u then u play courser pretty much just o ok ill take this game lol


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

im also interested in
2-3 Spear of heliod
4 Heliod God of the Sun

i like the jund idea but if im going jund or even jundish im going all out tongue

yeha imma play test with this well something like this

*edit* looking for an opinion!
ok so what do you think the weakest creature/card is in the deck?

to be honest i think its the scoozes. Why bc i draw them more often than not i bring them out and usually theres nothing to eat but spells every 2-3 games i can eat a few creatures but not to the point where im surviving solely on them. So im looking into Born of the gods i think the first and foremost change wil be xenagos, god of revels
hes just insane.(period) im thinking drop the scoozes and possibly garruk or w/ my current build the bow and toss in 4 of these my mana might warp some maybe toss in another cary to help with my ramp
so im at
+4 Xenagos, god
- 3 flesh blood?
+2-3 Fall of the Hammer
+1 Fated conflag
(?)+Flame Wreathed Phoenix
+Scouring Sands
+Unravel the Æther
- Fade into ant.

Maybe (?)
+Scourge of Skola Vale
+Mortal's Resolve
+Aspect of the Hydra
+Hero of Leina Tower
+Fanatic of Xenagos

just ideas idk probably everything in maybe is more monogreen besides fanatic i think he'll make main but idk need to test smile


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

i have anything outta my tradelist
i have a few lower priority needs

1x Xenagos, the reveler
1x Mutavault

open to trading somethings outta my mono-blue devo for a domri or a mutavault just lemme know what u need, id rather trade from tradelist but really want to finish this deck hmm

Headed to fnm with gr monsters minus a donri and a stormbreath hoping to pickup stornbreath while im there the only thing i dont like is garruk... i run extra mizzium and an extra fleshblood and most the time i hit land and those spells lol i do however like chandra so was thinking of running 3domri 3 xenagos and 2 chandra main board any thoughts


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

these are the last 2 main board items i need
willing to trade anything out of tradelist
a mutavault if u have both (domri+stormbreath for 1mutavault)

im looking for
1 Mizzium Mortars(SB)
1 Xenagos(just for an extra)
1-2 Garruk CoB

willing to add small amount of money in if need be but not going 100% cash
if u have anything send me a trade smile, (Xenagos and Garruk are lower priority so if u and someone who has a domri wants the same card domri wins sry smile)


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

i would be willing to part w/ 1 AoT and a memory adept as well if u needed that one too
otherwise startup a trade can nego further