yeah, me too. Started playing again a couple years ago when RTR first hit the shelf, after 10+years away. It's been much more entertaining. I find that since I understand the game better I play better.
201 2014-06-10 12:35:29
Re: Maggots for Thought (Standard) Help?¿? (7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
202 2014-06-09 21:42:35
Re: Maggots for Thought (Standard) Help?¿? (7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
you have to get over the fact that their life total matters, because it doesn't. The deck you're playing (even before changes) is a control deck and life totals are irrelevant in control matches. As soon as you own the game, they can't do anything and you just kill them. Trust me
if you use erebos it alos limits their ability to gain life while you can have a whip in play to gain your own life too.
203 2014-06-09 21:14:15
Re: Enchantment Creatures sorting into the wrong section (15 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
It was annoying when the enchantment creatures came out they were all listed as enchantments. I don't mind with the gods as much because it takes more to turn them on.
Glad that's all fixed.
204 2014-06-09 20:54:25
Re: Maggots for Thought (Standard) Help?¿? (7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
No... no... i don't like ethereal armor, that's for aggro decks which you are most definitely not. Here's my suggestions. You're not far off a BW midrange, but you're lacking some of the bomb cards. I might go heavier black and lean towards a mono-black devotion since you appear to have some of the important removal. Cutting some of the white really makes the deck more consistent since you don't really have a lot of "power" cards that are in white like Blood Baron or obzedat. I'd like to see underworld connections if you had them for additional card draw, but I tried to stick with what was in your inventory already or common/uncommon.
Lands, go up to at least 25 lands, with more black than white. Obviously BW shocks would be ideal. Mutavaults would be nice, but again, you said budget. Cut it back to about 2-4 plains and the rest swamps keep your temples/gates
4 Orzhov Guildgate
8 Plains
8 Swamp
4 Temple of Silence
4 Orzhov Guildgate
2 Plains
15 Swamp
4 Temple of Silence
Creatures need to provide some amount of devotion. i think fate unraveler is just cute and not doing that much for you, the ram as well. I would cut those. Athreos can be neat i suppose. But you need a better outlet to abuse him. also drop heliod. You can't really support the mana dump or turn him on consistently.
Find 4 Gray Merchants and put those in. Master of feast might be okay since you're picking apart your opponents hand some.
4 Brain Maggot
4 Nyx-Fleece Ram
4 Underworld Coinsmith
2 Athreos, God of Passage
4 Grim Guardian
1 Erebos, God of the Dead
2 Fate Unraveler
1 Heliod, God of the Sun
4 Brain Maggot
2 Athreos, God of Passage (could also be replaced with lifebane zombie or something similar perhaps maindeck sincollectors, if control is a problem)
4 Grim Guardian ( I don't really like these, you're mising a solid 4 drop, like desecration demon, if you can find some I'd highly recomend using them. )
1 Erebos, God of the Dead
3 Master of feast (kind of taking the place of desecration demon and underworld connections)
4 Gray Merchant of Asphodel
The hard removal is good, but the board whips don't play well with your plan all that much. The discard plan works. To take care of that. More removal belongs here imo.
4 Banishing Light
4 Hero's Downfall
3 Master of the Feast
4 Thoughtseize
2 Whip of Erebos
2 Dictate of Erebos
2 Extinguish All Hope
1 Merciless Eviction
4 Doom Blade
4 Hero's Downfall
4 Thoughtseize
1 Whip of Erebos
3 Devour Flesh (hex proof killers, very good, go up to 4 if MD if you need)
1 Deicide
Plug up some holes in the mainbaord. with more hand disruption. Drown in sorry, is a concession to aggro decks. Bile blight might also work here.
1 Dark Betrayal
3 Aegis of the Gods
1 Blind Obedience
3 Deicide
2 Spirit of the Labyrinth
1 Eidolon of Rhetoric
1 Erebos, God of the Dead
1 Heliod, God of the Sun
1 Doomwake Giant
1 Fated Retribution
1 Erebos, God of the Dead
4 Duress
2 Deicide
1 Whip of Erebos
2 Dark Betrayal
2 Sin Collector
3 Drown in Sorrow
Overall I feel some changes like this will make the deck more consistent. If you haven't read the article about how to thoughtseize and how best to use it suggest you give it a read. e-You.html
Mono black can do well against hexproof, if you lean on thoughtseize and devour flesh. Typically the deck has good game against control if played right. Without the ability to go all in packrat you're lacking some pressure so. I think the gods are good here if you can get the devotion to turn them on obviously, erebos stops life gain and getting your creatures back with athreos is good. You can devour flesh your own dudes and bounce them with Athreos. Gain life and recast them if needed. A good way to recycle gray merchants for extra life loss.
205 2014-06-09 18:34:36
Re: [STD] BWR Constellation [Opinions] [Improvements] (6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I think I agree with timber about the red.
The Junk version has a lot to offer, for a couple reasons. Golgari charm is huge against those removal heavy decks with the regenerate mode. Abrupt decay answers detention sphere and a lot of other 3 mana problems. It gives you access to one of the best value orient cards in standard atm, in courser and the eidelon of blossoms combo isn't too shabby either.
206 2014-06-09 18:28:09
Re: Standard GR Land Destruction (16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
that's the point I was making. Different strokes for different folks and all that. Also, there are people like me that work fulltime, kids, wife, etc... I just don't have time to eat sleep and breath magic the way I'd like to really be competitive so I have to do like the fantasy football guys do and "draft" a deck played by my favorite pros.
Sometimes decks work for them because their pros and falls flat for me (see the amulet of vigor deck). Sometimes it works because the cards are "good" and provide consistent value (standard esper) and usually it's a little of both for them.
207 2014-06-09 17:26:34
Re: (Modern) Merfolk (13 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
ideally you're using aethervial to put your dudes out right? So i feel like the sure thing in mana leak is good as it can stop some of the combos if you catch them without mana to pay... heck even making them pay the 3 mana might mean they can't finish the combo that turn.
I like MOW because lots of answers for him in modern are red,IE: bolt, electrolyze, galvanic blast, etc... they have to path him or use something like terror/doomblade. Limits the answers they can have.
208 2014-06-09 16:39:22
Re: (Modern) Merfolk (13 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Looks okay, I'm not a modern expert or a merfolk expert, but I've seen similar lists around. The last version I played against had master of waves in it. Have tried that? It seemed good.
here's a similar list.
209 2014-06-09 16:20:48
Re: Standard GR Land Destruction (16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
My feeling is if you just want to play a deck someone else created then perhaps there are better games for you to be playing. I think developing your own deck is the best part of magic and encountering other peoples ideas is a lot of the fun of playing. So when I sit down and after 3 turns and almost know what's in your hand because I've played against it a number of times it takes away the fun for me. Are the tier 1 decks good? Yes. Do I find them infuriating? Definitely. They are part of the game, so I try to come up with decks like this to at least give them a mild run.
By the way I got 4th at a small FNM with it. Only lost to a tier one black devotion deck.
About brewing decks, sure coming up with decks is part of the fun, a friend and I always talk about strategies and work on building decks with new cards and testing them out. Sometimes we get pretty close with an idea before someone really breaks it, other times we're just chasing squirrels. But we're always looking at it from a competitive perspective.
As for the rest of your post, your tone leaves a little to be desired imo. Implying that you're way of doing things is the "right" way. SO let me respond in kind. Following the competitive scene and playing a strong deck in the format is what it's all about for me. That's how I have always played the game after I really got into FNMs and will probably be how I always play. Sorry if that bothers you. Maybe if people emulating the best players in the world is an issue for you there are better games for you to be playing.
BTW, i got 3rd with my version of esper against all the other tier one decks I faced at a small/medium-ish sized FNM (15 people i think?)
210 2014-06-09 14:46:58
Re: Maggots for Thought (Standard) Help?¿? (7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
how about some more information?
have you played many games? what gives you trouble? What's your FNM like?
211 2014-06-09 14:43:22
Re: Standard GR Land Destruction (16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
It's not the strategy so much as playing the EXACT SAME list. Seriously people, innovate at least a little bit. Take a shot at a Rakdos control list or something else with some creativity. But trying to fight through the net decked U/W control over-and-over is not my idea of a good time. At a PTQ, GP, or SCGO... go for it... but at FNM? C'mon, we all know it's a good deck...
Perhaps. and I can see where you're coming from. playing against other top tier decks though if you're not playing something equally good then you're doing yourself a disservice. when in Rome and all that.
At FNM this week, i ran esper and faced 3 tier 1 junk lists and the mirror. Rakdos control might catch some people off guard at FNM and there's always rogue deck of the week, but i just can't justify spending the limited time i have to play magic playing things that I feel won't give me my best shot at doing well.
Mines a little different but, the shell itself takes up 12-20 cards depending on how much you decide to run.
212 2014-06-06 13:04:58
Re: Standard GR Land Destruction (16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I think the blue is pushing it too far. You'll have too many lands that come in to play tapped and could push first cast of land destruction back a turn. Your goal should be to have a bramblecrush or something go off turn 3 ever time and I think 3 color makes that a little too difficult. If you let a control deck get to 3 mana before you start putting threats down you're going to have a hard time beating them if they can start countering your destruction spells.
that being said, You'll still have some tough matchups and depending on how competitive you're FNM is I wouldn't expect it to go more than 2-2 unless RNGesus is looking over your shoulder.
@ ty, kind of harsh calling people dicks for playing control. It hurt a little
213 2014-06-05 20:45:05
Re: H: Sphinx Revy (and more) W: Nykthos (1 replies, posted in Trading Post)
wtf is that?
214 2014-06-05 18:27:38
Re: standard legal Junk Constellation (5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
you're seriously undervaluing courser's power. especially in this style of deck. I'd try to get them back.
I'd swear on a stack of black lotuses i didn't see those cards in the list when I opened it to look. I could have overlooked them though *shrug*.
ethereal armors and the eidolon of countless battles
not a good idea imo, you're opening yourself up to a 2/1 scenario. I'd rather see a couple golgari charm/selesnya charm if anything. heroe's downfall would be ideal, but you said you're on a budget currently.
edit: another thought on courser, here's the thing. courser does the same thing as the ram, and underworld connections for 3 mana instead of 5 and in one card instead of 2. Courser draws you cards, not by actually drawing them, but making sure you don't draw land. It gains you life when you play a land which is about every turn/ever other turn, which evens out to be the same as gaining a life with the ram and losing one with UWC. It is the premiere value card in the format and will see play until it rotates. It will be in multiple top decks and will (has already started) to break into modern.
215 2014-06-05 14:57:17
Re: Selesnya Hexproof build (6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I think you can drop the presence, tactics and the aspect. For now selesnya charm is a better alternative. Makes dudes, buffs, hard removal against big creatures (IE desecration demon).
It's curious to me that you would trade for a voice over a fleecemane for this style of deck. Seems like that's a better direction to go. I don't hate voice though. It's good in the deck against control. Just probably not a priority for me to pick up first.
Obviously more lands would be great shocks/temple of plenty/confluence.
Loxodon is solid, but not where I'd want to be with this deck. More aggro seems better like, soldier of the pantheon perhaps. The new ajani might be good here too as a bomb/draw engine.
Looking at your inventory you have a couple fiend slayer paladins, as a lot of removal out there is black/red he's very nearly hexproof and you can't discount the lifelink/first strike. I'd drop a couple loxodon for this guy.
skylashers is a definite sideboard card.
edit: also, instant speed buffs are okay, but really with hexproof you're looking to suit a dude up with enchants and go to town with a guy they can't kill. if mana wasn't an issue I might suggest splashing red for boros charm/madcap skills.
216 2014-06-05 14:45:54
Re: standard legal Junk Constellation (5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
you've got an elspeth and a manaconfluence in your inventory that merit inclusion. You're playing without shocks so you need every edge on mana you can muster. I'd also say that without courser and some of the other card draw you should run 1-2 more lands anyway.
Elspeth is a bomb and can close the game very well. Now she's not an enchant on her own and won't synergy with some of the other effects, but it doesn't really matter. Trust me.
You've got some stormbreaths, i'm a fan of you trading these for some courser's and trying to polish up this list some more. you've also got boon satyr which is a strong card and fleecemane lion. Both of these would be strong additions to the deck. The trick is not to synergize everything, but to just have enough so that the eidelon draw engine works.
217 2014-06-03 16:02:46
Re: Black/Red Feast and Fate (6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
when it comes to sideboarding. don't think of your deck as a 60 card deck think of it as a 75 card deck. Most people will know what they're facing in the meta to know what to include to be deck xyz. Since you're starting fresh again, you need to look at what's available and think about what you would need to beat the mirror? aggro? control? heavy removal decks? heavy creature decks. Include as much as you can while sticking to the the theme of the deck. Then cut 15 cards from the deck that are to beat a given archetype/s.
with your deck specifically. you're an aggro deck and you need some reach IE: burn. Some lightning strikes definitely need to come in and i'd like to see some skullcracks in the sideboard.
218 2014-05-28 21:47:20
Re: (Modern) UWr Midrange (1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I haven't seen too many UWR modern decks run the resto angel. Not that it's bad it's not and it synergies with snapcaster well.
It really depends on your meta. I do think I like a couple of sphinx's rev in the deck if possible.
219 2014-04-04 12:46:31
Re: Site-wide card pricing changes (197 replies, posted in Announcements)
Sebi and company, rather than letting the site sit with no price information, worked hard to get something in place right away--Amazon pricing. It may not be ideal, but it was also not intended to be a permanent replacement. They've invested far too much thus far (time, money, nights, weekends, and holidays) to walk away (though I'm sure they've been tempted). It's going to take time to get things fixed with a new price source--work that needs to get done in Sebi's spare time (outside his other responsibilities in life).
First off, i like deckbox, since i started playing MTG again I've been using the service non-stop. I'd like the option to buy from people on here and the option to sell. Right now i sell locally or on ebay when I can. A "one stop shop" would be ideal.
I get the time investment, this is their baby, and I don't think anyone can deny the work that's been put into the site.
Here's the issues.
1. Amazon prices are crap, they're unstable at best (tcg prices were a bit unstable to begin with but workable). Honestly, nothing would have been preferable to the mess we currently have. We've got to look up other more stable prices right now already, zeros would have at least let everyone know you can' trust the prices there are people that don't read the forums. Bottom line, The prices are completely unusable and a waste of their development time.
2. I get the money angle, i get the need to make the site independent. No one is faulting them for that. IT's the _execution_ that is the issue here. The problem is 2 fold. 1) The market place going online before they had stable workable prices of their own or made an agreement with another 3rd party to outsource the data. So bad choice #1. 2) No communication, we are customers (paid or unpaid doesn't matter) using a service they provide. There was no warning, no heads up, it took everyone by surprise and people don't like that. They have a pretty solid devoted base of people here and blind siding them shakes their confidence. Bad choice # 2
Visibility, reliability, consistency, and accountability. The nature of the internet makes it so, you can provide a good service with a minimal staff (which they have been). but you still have to run it like every other business.
Hypothetically, If I owned a store and was a high volume trader potentially a high volume seller using deckbox because I loved the service. How should I feel now? Can i trust them to be consistent in the future? What if something goes wrong during a sell? Can they be held accountable? This transition has been shaky, will they be reliable in the future? They've been consistent in the past, but now i have to wait and see what happens... which hurts my business as well as theirs. To me a lot of this seems uncertain.
Honestly letting this discussion be an open forum was a mistake. Take a tip from some of the bigger cats on the internet. It should have been a single post, with an apology and a list of things they're working on to fix it. Wasting time holding everyone's hand is just that... wasting time.
220 2014-04-02 14:49:04
Re: Site-wide card pricing changes (197 replies, posted in Announcements)
Website is nearly unusable as is...
This is the most overreactive statement Ive seen. The fact that all your cards and decks are still listed and stored in once place means nothing? Trading didnt stop. Is it really that much extra work to have an extra browser window open next to deckbox to TCG or SCG or ebay or mtgprice or wherever to do a quick search of the current price of a card? Sure this is an extra step in the process but honestly, if you are that concerned about having the most current price of a card when completing a trade/sale, this should be something done regardless if a price generated automatically or an idea in your head on how much its worth.
Im honestly shocked by the amount of negativity and the lack of patience some people have.
It's all perspective man. You go ahead and put in all the extra effort you want... I traded within deckbox exclusively because of ease of use. I don't have time to mess with everything you're suggesting and will not be trading online until deckbox fixes their stuff or i find another website that's equally as useful.
There are high volume traders on here that will feel the same way, i guarantee it. And judging by the comments to your post most people already do.
Edit: And as I said in response to Sebi's response. I"ll be back and I'm rooting for them, but I just don't have time to waste using a site that doesn't provide the features I'm looking for. I was fine trading with people in person before. I'll go back to that as a primary source for trading.
Bottom, line deckbox had a customer base built in that respected them and the service they provided. This hiccup is a major over-site because it sends a message. If they can't handle a transaction to a market place based system that uses their own information how will they mange the market place when it's in full force? Consumer confidence is important to this type of business.
221 2014-04-02 13:39:35
Re: Site-wide card pricing changes (197 replies, posted in Announcements)
elpablo wrote:Website is nearly unusable as is... I realize the website is provided as a "free" service, but ads to provide a form of revenue and i think that will drop sharply after this.
There are no ads anymore, for a week now.
Fair enough... seems you guys have a bit of a mess to work on though. I appreciate the response. Sorry this happened to you guys and I hope you can recover.
I'm not usually an optimist but I'm rooting for you.
222 2014-04-02 13:31:52
Re: Site-wide card pricing changes (197 replies, posted in Announcements)
Website is nearly unusable as is... I realize the website is provided as a "free" service, but ads to provide a form of revenue and i think that will drop sharply after this.
From a business prospective this isn't a shocker, starcity and others have already handed out CNDs to others. Seems like all of this was poorly executed. This is surely a result of the market place announcement and that should have been withheld until a suitable replacement was in effect. It puts you in direct competition with TCG player how could you think it wouldn't be an issue?
I'm not going to stop using deck box and I may even take part int he market place once everything is finalized, but I can't justify using the site in it's current state.
GLHF until then.
223 2014-03-17 14:37:19
Re: Biggest Pet Peeve on Deckbox (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I check their activity and how many trades they have open... if it's too many i usually don't' even offer. You'll notice that some people on here are pretty high traffic traders.
224 2014-03-17 12:22:46
Re: mono black help (7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
obviously you'd want the other muta's and another template. I liked running a 1 of nykthos, but a lot of lists don't run it at all anymore, so i guess it's personal taste.
it should be either lifebanes or herald's really, but not both, at least not in those qty's. You might try a 2/2 split or something, but the removal is just to important. Drop the herald's and come up an underworld connections and 2 devours or a devour/ultimate price.
225 2014-03-14 20:15:30
Re: mono black help (7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
if you don't have access to nightveils then lifebane zombe is a good choice for the deck, herald after that, it's still a 3/3 for three, but lifebane just fights the plan better.
what's your list look like now?
make sure you have extra lands... most people don't think about it, but underworld connections takes up one of your lands to draw so it basically reads pay B, and 1 life to draw a card. Also, with mutavaults you have to make sure you hit at least double black since you're not playing specter.
I tried 25 for a long time and basically settled on 26 because of this.