Topic: standard legal Junk Constellation

hey i was hoping for some feedback on my semi budget list for junk constellation. some of the mechanics of the deck is drain and gain life from underworld coin smith, nyx-fleece, grim guardian. Hand disruption from the brain maggot. Eidolon for the card draw, and doomwake for the wrath ability. all these cards give these great effects while being an enchantment. The other non-enchantment creatures are some of the win conditions. after seeing this deck preform it lacks finishing power and so i have supplemented this by adding the Ajani's chosen in the hopes to flood the board with cats cause cats. Blood baron because the card is too darn good its practically un-killable and is a great finisher for the deck. Elspeth also fits our finisher role because Elspeth is one of the best closer in standard. Other cards in the include ultimate price which will eventually get replaced by heroes downfalls, which are just plain old removal. banishing light as another semi-removal spell that also triggers our constellation. Mana bloom is a very powerful card in the deck this card basically reed pay one green do everything. It can draw cards, gain life, give -1/-1,  etc. Underworld connections is for when you don't have eidolon out and you need cards. A general review of the deck drain/ gain life early move into drawing excessive cards with underworld and eidolon land a threat and win. If my budget wasn't so limited the obvious improvement would be probably add a second Elspeth and have all of the lands. Please leave all comments and criticism

heres the link to the deck

Last edited by MAJESTIKEAGLE (2014-06-05 00:33:11)

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Re: standard legal Junk Constellation

It does look like you need something a little better to close out a game.  Even if you draw a lot of cards you don't have a great way to finish besides Blood Baron.  Adding two more Grim Guardians would help deal some more damage.  I would think that you could cut one or two of the Underworld Coinsmiths to make room.  Adding Eidolon of Countless Battles or Ethereal Armor would also give you some legitimate threats, or even adding Spear of Heliod would let you attack better with the little guys.

Re: standard legal Junk Constellation

you've got an elspeth and a manaconfluence in your inventory that merit inclusion.  You're playing without shocks so you need every edge on mana you can muster.   I'd also say that without courser and some of the other card draw you should run 1-2 more lands anyway.

Elspeth is a bomb and can close the game very well.  Now she's not an enchant on her own and won't synergy with some of the other effects, but it doesn't really matter.  Trust me.

You've got some stormbreaths, i'm a fan of you trading these for some courser's and trying to polish up this list some more.  you've also got boon satyr which is a strong card and fleecemane lion.  Both of these would be strong additions to the deck.  The trick is not to synergize everything, but to just have enough so that the eidelon draw engine works.

Re: standard legal Junk Constellation

the deck does feature both Elspeth and the boon satyr if you check the list. I had two coursers and traded them away i feel like they are a good card but they do have a big down side in revealing your draws. Im currently working out several trades in order to get 2 blood barons and others to assemble the lesser pieces of the deck. The mana confluence is not in the deck because i would much rather have the temple that it and right now im trying to unload the confluence. as for adding the ethereal armors and the eidolon of countless battles i think there good ideas. i not in love with the ethereal armor but i might play testwith the eidolons in place of the boon satyrs and see which i like best

Re: standard legal Junk Constellation

you're seriously undervaluing courser's power.  especially in this style of deck.  I'd try to get them back. 

I'd swear on a stack of black lotuses i didn't see those cards in the list when I opened it to look.  I could have overlooked them though *shrug*. 

ethereal armors and the eidolon of countless battles

not a good idea imo, you're opening yourself up to a 2/1 scenario.  I'd rather see a couple golgari charm/selesnya charm if anything.  heroe's downfall would be ideal, but you said you're on a budget currently.

edit: another thought on courser, here's the thing. courser does the same thing as the ram, and underworld connections for 3 mana instead of 5 and in one card instead of 2.   Courser draws you cards, not by actually drawing them, but making sure you don't draw land.  It gains you life when you play a land which is about every turn/ever other turn, which evens out to be the same as gaining a life with the ram and losing one with UWC.   It is the premiere value card in the format and will see play until it rotates.  It will be in multiple top decks and will (has already started) to break into modern.

Last edited by elpablo (2014-06-05 18:31:52)

Re: standard legal Junk Constellation

For what it's worth, the version available here: (with a few tweaks) is actually REALLY powerful. 

Now, mind you, I've found that you just outright lose to Stormbreath Dragon (hence why I'd go so far as to add the full sets of both Thoughtseize and Brain Maggot), but otherwise, you can really just go off.  Getting 2-3 constellation things on the board is REALLY amusing and you end up drawing 4-6 cards per turn off Eidolon of Blossoms, gaining 4-5 life from Courser and Coinsmith, and crapping out the cat tokens via Ajani's Chosen is just gravy.  I personally like having 3x Doomwake Giant as having 2x on the field essentially translates into a repeat board-wipe EVERY TURN, but that's just me.

The slightly adjusted list I've been tinkering with is here:  Feel free to take any of it if you like.

Good luck!  Hopefully this helps.