Added Fulminator Mages to my wishlist.

EDIT: Added Fulminator Mage to my wants. Need 3 more to complete my playset.

And thanks for all the offers so far! I'm considering all trades at the moment.

Looking to finish my playset of Deathrite Shamans, need just 1 more!


And if you don't have a Shaman but see something else you'd like from me, feel free to offer a trade!


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Do you have a non-foil Abrupt Decay? Or just a foil one? And is your Temple Garden from RTR?

If your Temple is RTR and the Decay is non-foil, I want both. If Temple is RTR but Decay is foil, I'll just take the Temple, and vise versa.

In addition to what's on my tradelist (Tibalt, Vexing Devil, Bloodline Keepers, Stromkirk Nobles, etc), I have Promo Despise (1), Savage Lands (2), and Strangleroot Geist (2).

Let's work something out!

EDIT: I'd also like your Detention Sphere. I'll set up a preliminary trade.


I absolutely love this site, and even more so after these new changes. But I must say, it's still quite difficult to use the "Trading Opportunities" section. There are too many inactive people on there that makes finding someone who a) has a card you want, b) wants a card you have, and c) is an active trader, a fruitless endeavor.

Similarly, on the individual card pages, the part that shows people who have that card in their Trade/Wishlist is sorted only by proximity. This seems silly for someone who exclusively trades through the mail, and it's equally as frustrating to find someone who is active when it's sorted this way.

I would like to see these sections updated so you can sort by more features, such as date last active and number of trades made (or feedback score). 

Thank your for your hard work on this site!


Are you looking for foil versions of all the things on your wantlist? Or are the foils just for the Angel Pod stuff?


(41 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Proposal sent.

What are you valuing Land Tax at?

EDIT: 4th Edition

I just need 1 Tooth and Nail to complete my Modern TaN deck. I know there's got to be someone here who has one for trade.

I've got tons of great stuff for trade ( so let's get something going!



(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I don't have any GP Lotus Cobras, but I am interested in your normal Lotus Cobras if you'd be willing to trade them for something else.

Trade offer sent!


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I've got 3 4th Editions for trade!

Two of them are in NM condition. I acquired them both last Christmas in gifts: one was from a complete set and the other I opened in a booster pack.

The other is moderately-to-heavily played . No creases or rips, but the border is a bit dirty and the back is scratched pretty badly.

I can take pictures if anyone requests them.

I'm not willing to trade these for Standard cards. Preferrably Modern stuff, but I'll take be willing to look at offers for Legacy stuff as well.

Trade proposal sent!

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I see the error in my ways to begin with, as I simply assumed that an online/electronic version of the game would track your cards automatically.

I'm with mbknight on this, just go get the real cards (going outside and actually seeing other people is good for you wink ).

It does track your cards but it doesn't tell you the value and it's extremely difficult to find people to trade with (at least when there are specific cards you're looking for).

I never said I only play online (not sure where you guys got that idea). I play paper too and have a decent collection of paper cards for trade on here ( I was just saying I'd like to have the same convenience for trading online cards as we have for paper cards. I guess I made the mistake in assuming many others on here play IRL and online like me and would enjoy this feature just as much.

mbknight wrote:

just make a 2nd account that only has your MTGO cards.   maybe have something in the name to distinguish it so whenever anyone finds it they can easily distinguish it from the regular card one.

My point wasn't just to track my collection, as that is easily done on MTGO itself. The point is to track the value of cards you have and find others to trade with. It's very hard to do those as it stands.

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I'm not seeing where what you've proposed isn't already incorporated into this site.  You can enter your inventory here, make decks, search for cards, prices are already pulled from tgcplayer, you can setup trades, and then when agreed trade through the site (it even changes your inventory automatically when the trade is finished).

So what exactly does your " online" do that isn't already here?

A few problems... first, prices for cards online are vastly different than paper prices. For example, Snapcaster on MTGO is a $7 card. There are some commons such as Hymn to Tourach that are $5 cards.

Also, people will be offering you paper trades for your online cards not realizing they are your online cards unless they visit your profile page (where I assume you'd make the disclaimer). This could cause a lot of confusion and wasted time.

Another problem would be finding other people who have uploaded their online collection to make trades with.

It could easily be incorporated into this site by making a few simple changes (change the settings to list either TCG or MTGOtraders prices, and make it easy to search for other people with online inventories), but as it stands it would not work.

I just thought of this and I have no idea why it doesn't exist yet. I'd love a place that is nearly identical to this site, but you upload your MTGO collection instead. You could make decks and search for cards just like here, and prices would be pulled from Then people couldalso trade just like here. Send out a proposal and once an offer is accepted you both just log into your mtgo account and set up a trade!

I wish I could send this to whoever is in charge of Deckbox but I couldn't find a "contact" link anywhere. If anyone out there can do anything about this, I would be more than happy for you to take my idea and run with it. I ask for nothing in return other than a great site for MTGO collection tracking and trading smile


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

mpinsky wrote:

I can't get past that "random" discard for the +1. Could make you miss a land drop, etc. I'm working on an RDW standard deck and am going with Koth instead.

If there is a card in your hand you absolutely need, don't use his ability until you've cast/played that card. Desperate Ravings has seen a lot of success even though it has a random discard.

One thing I think people are doing wrong is running Tibalt out on turn 2. Just because he only costs 2 doesn't mean he should be played on turn 2. Wait until you have an ok board presence to protect him or you need to draw a card.

Alright, sorry guys, but I tracked down a Tamiyo here in town and just traded at my LGS. Thanks for the offers though, and feel free to send me an offer for anything else!

cmcmaster0714 wrote:

what condition is your lion's eye diamond in?

It's very close to NM. No visible scratches or dings on the edges. I can take a picture later if anyone requests it.

Here is my tradelist:

Here is my wantlist:

I need a Tamiyo to finish up my Grixis Control deck. My other priorities include Modern stuff like Tooth and Nail and Noble Hierarch, among others.

Notable Haves:

-Sword of War and Peace
-Lion's Eye Diamond
-Scavenging Ooze
-Bonfire of the Damned
-Phyrexian Obliterator
-Elspeth Tirel
-Venser, the Sojourner
-Tezzeret the Seeker
-Angelic Destiny
-Vexing Devil
-Razorverge Thicket
-Sulfur Falls
-Isolated Chapel
-Clifftop Retreat
-Many others!!

Don't be shy! I'll consider any serious offer, even if it's not one of my priorities. The worst that can happen is I say "no."


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Thanks! A good trade even though it's not for my Tooth and Nail deck.

Still looking for the cards listed above.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


I'm looking to finish my modern Tooth and Nail deck and am in need of 2x Tooth and Nail, 1x Flame-Kin Zealot, 1x Oracle of Mul Daya, and 1x Boseiju Who Shelters All.

While these are currently my top priority, I'm always up for any trade even if these aren't a part of it. Check out my wishlist and tradelist!



Channel Fireball is buying them for $20, selling for $35.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Trade sent!