Here's to hoping. Now need 3x Cavern, and have 3x Snapcasters.

I have a playset of Snaps I've been holding on to, but Cavern is too good for my human's deck to pass up.

Coyote1023 wrote:
Zenthazar wrote:

I had the same problem with a guy from the Reddit trade thread. I sent a message to the mods just to make them aware, but I knew they had no real power... sucks being out 25 bucks in cards.

You have his address, why not file mail fraud?

Not really worth the effort. I'm more annoyed that I didn't receive my Angelic Destiny then giving away cards for free. I needed it for weeks and didn't want to pick it up (finally did) somewhere else.

I had the same problem with a guy from the Reddit trade thread. I sent a message to the mods just to make them aware, but I knew they had no real power... sucks being out 25 bucks in cards.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You should anyways. Great place to meet people, trade, and all around fun.

Yeah, basically with an address and name people can come cut you if you jip them. Plus who would want to loose such a valuable resource by ganking out on some < 20 trade (anything more and Deliver Confirm should be involved).


(16 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Return address from Hades?

My friend was looking to trade his sorin for some Traft + other goodies. I'll let him know what your tradestock is and get back to you.

EDIT, Texted him, sent you a trade offer.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Some vendors sell it for as low as 13 on You're going to have to match or undercut them to find someone willing to purchase those.


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Exactly as Kol said. So long as the Seller sets the terms for what he wants and the minimum bid as well. If the bid is met the seller shouldn't back out. If you're afraid then don't sell that particular item via the bid system. Same goes with the Buyer, if they put in a bid they can't back out else they get boned too.

As for how to stop people from ignoring the rules, just don't allow anyone to make bids/sell unless one of two things. They have 10+ successful trades with Redditors, or get sponsored by someone who has 10+ successful trades. The sponsor using his good credit for a RL friend for instance.


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

My take would be that once the auction is started so long as the minimum bid is made the seller has no choice in trading it away (since it did meet the minimum bid).