so i'm going to be at gp san antonio in a few weeks and i would like to have my binder chock full of standard cards. i would like to keep at least a playset of things but would not really care if that doesn't exactly work out. since i'm looking for standard cards i'd much rather start trading out of the non-standard cards i have listed first. some of them will have a premium but most won't.

please do not go by what is on my wishlist as it is not close to up-to-date. so, what cards am i specifically targeting?

4 geist of saint traft
4 thragtusk
4 snapcaster mage
1 hallowed fountain
3 sublime archangel
3 temple garden
3 silverblade paladin
4 angel of serenity
4 restoration angel
4 sphinx's revelation
4 supreme verdict
1 huntmaster of the fells
4 olivia voldaren
4 garruk, primal hunter
4 thundermaw hellkite
4 liliana of the veil
4 jace, architect of thought
3 sorin, lord of innistrad
4 tamiyo, the moon sage
4 thalia, guardian of thraben
4 terminus
3 vexing devil
3 loxodon smiter
3 entreat the angels
3 garruk relentless

i realize i won't come anywhere close to finishing this before the gp but everyone has to start somewhere, right?

like title says, looking to trade these cards down into standard cards. would prefer to trade them all at once, not individually, and you must understand there will be a premium required to pick these cards up. to give you an idea of some of the cards i'm looking for:

high priority:
1 overgrown tomb
2 steam vents
4 temple garden
2 blood crypt
3 hallowed fountain
4 gesit of saint traft
3 thragtusk
4 olivia voldaren
4 angel of serenity

low priority:
4 liliana of the veil
4 garruk relentless
4 garruk, primal hunter
4 thalia, guardian of thraben
4 terminus
2 tamiyo, the moon sage
4 restoration angel
4 silverblade paladin
4 loxodon smiter

Zuul36 wrote:

You guys do understand there was a HUGE draw at GP Philly this same weekend, right?  I mean you can't have close to 2,000 people attend an event without it affecting other major tournaments in other regions of the continent.

i'm not saying the gp didn't affect the attendance of the open in new orleans but there have been other open events that were scheduled on american gp weekends that had a more impressive showing than new orleans.

Avenged492 wrote:
hanker307 wrote:

I can confirm that at GP Philly the SCG buyers were also going around and buying up stacks of Tarns and Mistys from other dealers.  At one point I saw the main SCG buyer with a stack of about 500 fetches.

Here's the logic: At SCGOpen legacy events, everyone always goes to the booth to buy Polluted Delta's and Flooded Strand, and SCG is always out of stock on them, so the customers settle for the 'next best thing' in blue fetch lands, which is Tarn/Rainforest.

So why not hike the price up?


My suspicions are that they are preparing to announce Modern Opens in place of Legacy Opens. They then buy up all the fetches they can find and the charge a premium once they announce the open change. Its smart business wise but unethical. With Legacy only bringing in 91 players this past weekend I have a feeling we are not going to be seeing Legacy sticking around for long. … c-finance/

jonathan medina talks about it in his article here. many people are speculating that scg is planning to announce modern opens but tweets, and comments made in the comment section, by ben bleiweiss state scg has no intention of changing the format of their opens for the rest of 2012 or the whole of 2013. can they change their minds? sure but i don't expect them to.

if you want my opinion on the change then i'll say that this price point was bound to happen but i believe scg caused a huge spike over night and started a frenzy. why do i say the current price point was bound to happen? the zen fetches are legal and staples of modern, best mana fixing in the format. the zen fetches are legal and great cheap alternatives in legacy, e.g. you can run wooded foothills(a cheap onslaught fetch) and a blue touching zen fetches and still get every dual land in rug delver. scg couldn't just increase the price, which imo is warranted on something so useful, because the supply was always there to keep the price down. after buying up each stores inventory they now get to set the price benchmark. there's a graphic in the medina article that i believe is playing out. so things should level off after a while imo.

as for the new orleans open.. i was there and pretty disappointed in the turn out. to only get 230 something for standard and 90 something for legacy was pitiful and i was sad to see such a lousy showing. being located in the south region i knew we didn't have as strong of a community as some areas but i was hoping the city, it's geographic location(not unreasonable for the texas, atlanta, florida crews to just drive there), not to mention the relative high ev of scg opens would be a big enough draw to get a reasonable crowd. didn't happen. maybe we'll get another chance and i hope we make up for it if we do.

tl;dr i believe the current price of blue zen fetches was inevitable. scg has no immediate plans to move to modern. scgno was a disappointment as far as attendance but i hope we get another chance to "make it up" to scg.

i have some extra revised savannahs i'm looking to trade down for a bunch of standard cards. i'm looking to get about $115-120 in value or trading based on buylist prices. i can provide scans on request. would like to get a deal done before thursday afternoon.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

i'd feel a bit iffy on it depending on how the trop looked but would probably not care too much as liliana's are pretty easy to come by.

are you trying to gain 20% value and valuing our cards at tcgmin vs yours at tcgmid, or valuing both cards at tcgmin?

i have used the chat box as well. it reflects the information of the emails sent.

flaminbagofpoop wrote:

Can I assume you've reasonable tried to solve the dispute between the two of you?

it's been a month and a half since addresses were exchanged. march 1st is the last correspondence he's sent. i have sent multiple emails to him already with no reply and his deckbox profile shows he hasn't been online since the 10th of march.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

so how am i supposed to open a dispute about not receiving my cards?


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

is it possible we can get a button or option in our settings for when we're out of town or on vacation? i'm not exactly sure how you would want to handle it exactly but it would just be nice to have an automated response for these situations when someone wants to open a new trade with you.